Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Haven't updated in a couple days...mostly cuz there just hasn't been anything exciting going on until yesterday.

We've been in negotiations for a week now for a new truck (actually a pre-owned). Well, they finally saw things my way and I'm the proud new owner of a 2011 GMC truck. I'm still not sure why this has to be such a contentious process... It took a week of my life - it took me walking away from the truck not once - but twice and almost once more after that - until they got the numbers to a place that I was comfortable with. So, all is well except for having a truck note now. I only financed it for three years, but I'll pay it off in half that time so I'm not sweatin' it too much.

A little disappointed though because as we were driving off the lot DH went to plug his phone charger into one of the 3 power outlets and it didn't work.... so he plugs it into a different outlet and it didn't work... Geeze Louise - we own the truck for 5 minutes and now it's got to go back in for repairs. I think it's nothing more than a blown fuse, but if this truck is going to have electrical problems they can - and will - get it back. There is a 5 day 'grace' period where they will take a vehicle back if you aren't 100% satisified. But, what a pain in the arse that would be....

It's supposed to be cold this weekend. I'm not real happy about that, but honestly, it's better than being overwhelmingly hot. Most years by this time we are well into the 90's, so a low in the 40's doesn't sound that horrible. It's my poor garden that I'm sure is totally and completely confused by all the up and down temps! At least the peas are still producing because they're usually burned up by this time of year. I think I could get accustomed to having 4 seasons. We usually get two----hot and not quite as hot, lol.

I have been trying to add to my farming skill set lately. Even though I dreaded the whole process of butchering the pigs, when it actually happened, it wasn't as bad as I'd thought it might be. Sooooo, my next step is to butcher a goat. I've got three little wethers out there who aren't working for a living. I don't mind having one as a heat detector for my girls, but I don't need three. Sooooooooo... if I can't find a way to talk myself out of it - one of them might be on the chopping block Saturday morning. I don't expect a bunch of meat because these are pygmy wethers, but it'll be good practice for the bigger ones that are (hopefully) coming. I've got three Nubian does bred to a pygmy buck. Any extra males they have will be future freezer fodder. (say that real fast three times!) If I get multiple males, I'll probably pick one to keep back as my future Kinder herd sire.

I think I've got two more broody hens. One of them is a faverolle and I think I'll let her hatch out a few fuzzy butts for me.

I had to break out the shock collar for the little Westie murderess the other day. I'm not fond of it, but it's a great way to teach the little killing machine that chickens bite back. She had been doing so well and hadn't killed a chicken in probably a year. But, she and her partner in crime DID kill my goose, so that was the start of her downhill slide back in to the dark world of a killer.

I had a bunch of half-grown chicks in a chicken tractor and I turned them loose to play in the yard last weekend. I was outside the entire time and while I did notice her 'looking' at them I fussed at her and she left them alone. Everything was fine for hours....until I went out to the pasture to feed. That left her basically unattended even though I was only about 10 yards away. DH had walked through the yard to come out and help feed and everything was fine...... About 5 minutes after that I heard DH bellerin' at her and went to find a massacre.

She had killed 7 - yes 7 - half grown chicks in the space of about 3 minutes. OMG.... I caught her with one in her mouth and I am ashamed to say that I smacked her around - severely. I hate to do that, but.... whaddya gonna do? I have to have dogs that can be trusted around the critters so the next day she got the shock treatment.

I put the collar on her Sunday morning and let her wear it for awhile - then I turned the chicks loose again. She was good for a loooong time, but then she 'casually' strolled to where they were.... looked over her shoulder at me to see if I was watching her... I'm pretending not to... then she goes into her 'crouch - I'm about to attack mode'... she took a half-step towards them and I zapped her. I had it turned way down so it wasn't that bad... She didn't even yelp, but she did jump up and pawed at her neck..... I never said a word to her...just acted nonchalant. About 30 minutes later she did it again... walked among them like she was gonna be good...and then went into 'crouch' mode and I zapped her again. That got through to her and for the rest of the day she gave them a wide berth. This weekend I'll turn them loose again and see how she reacts. Other than being a killing machine (which she was bred to be) she's a great dog, and she's the best ratter I've ever owned! If she can control her chicken (and baby goat) aggression she'll be fine. I may have to use it on her again when the does kid - she killed a kid last year and almost bought herself a bullet to the head for that one.

While some folks may think the shock collar is severe - I disagree. Mine has settings that range from 1 to 10. I've actually shocked myself with it, (set on 5) to see how bad it is and it's milder than a zap from the electric fence. She has received 2 shocks from it in her lifetime and those two shocks may actually save her life - cuz if she can't be trained out of this I would probably have to put her down. I don't believe in passing on a problem dog to someone else. The other option would be to make her a pampered little house dog - which I wouldn't mind doing except that she's the "seeing eye dog" for my older blind male and he HATES to be in the house.



Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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Congrats on the truck! :woot

Sorry to hear about the chicken massacre. I worry about that here too - our GS is usually well behaved and very protective of our chickens, but DH has warned that he'll be taking a dirt nap if he attacks any of our food suppliers!

Good luck with the goat. I have not worked up the courage to slaughter yet. I've begged DH to start thinning the chicken flock, but he keeps finding excuses why we can't just yet! :p

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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If it makes you feel any better, when I get a dog, I'll probably do the same if she shows any interest in going after the other animals.

And, you did just make me think of this commercial. :lol:


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Oh wait---- it gets worse. I came home from work today and found that she'd dug under the tractor and killed the rest of them.... she's prolly living on borrowed time right now....

I love the little critter, but I can't tolerate this behavior. It's almost like she decided to take revenge on them....

decisions, decisions

deep sigh....


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Dam, dam, dam, dam, dam dog. She's had her last chance. I don't know what happened to turn this sweet little Westie into a bonafide evil murderess. I made excuse after excuse for her, but I can't make any more excuses. She's got the blood lust... she's a killing machine... she's a predator on a rampage... I dunno... but today was bad.

I had already planned to butcher a goat today. I caught the little feller and put him into a small 4 x 4 pen to await his fate. It had a top on it, it was built out of hog panels and he was safe and secure until I got outside with a gun, right? I put him in the pen, came inside to have one more cup of coffee and gather my tools while he was relaxing.

When DH went outside the crazy little (b)witch was in the pen with the goat - mutilating and mauling him. I could NOT believe it. She had to crawl up the hog panel and squeeze herself through an opening in the panel to get in there.... geeze! This is about a 12 lb dog going up against a 40 lb goat. I don't get it.... :( She came so close to getting a bullet in her head today that it's not even funny.

So, we did butcher the goat. There was no choice after she got through with him. It was more of a mercy killing at that point. She nearly took his ears off, he was bleeding from the nose and just generally beat up. And keep in mind that this all happened in less than 15 minutes.

It was my first attempt at goat butchering. We got through that ok - except that I'm a bad skinner... Practice makes perfect, right?

Anyway, I couldn't even use his front legs at all. It was interesting to see how bruising in action works. They had several punctures that were visible from the outside - but OMG - once I got the skin off I could see the damage that she had done.... I was just sick inside.

She now lives in a brand new dog run. The run has an 8 x 8 storage building in the middle of it that is now the new dog house. Fencing comes off both sides of the front of house. They can go in the house, under the house and all around the house - so they have shade all day. I swear if she gets out of this pen she is history.

That was my day..... I need some wine and some time in the hot tub.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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That sucks :/ I'd have shot her on the spot. Good grief! Sorry you had to endure that. Slaughter day is bad enough without all the added stress :hugs


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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I shoulda... I just don't have the cajones for pet shooting. :hit

If it was somebody elses dog attacking my critters - I'd shoot 'em in a heartbeat.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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I know sis... it just sucks don't it :( Wish it hadn't even happened.