Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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DH has GOT to install the new weather station that Santa Claus brought him so I can know how much rain we get. I know, I know - I coulda just got a rain gauge - but we neeeeeed to know what the humidity level is, the wind speed, the temp, future trends and rain fall amounts. Maybe this weekend...

I spent a large majority of the day trying to tame my personal little jungle. Some years back I had wonderful varieties of blackberries that were absolutely delish - large and juicy and fantabulous in every way. However, I think the excess rain got 'em because they just faded away a couple years ago. But - just so I didn't feel totally berry-less I had tons of what I guess was rootstock, sprout up and give it their best shot at taking over my entire world....or at least a corner of the backyard. I didn't want to take action until this time of year because even though they were my arch nemesis - they were growing delicious little berries that I totally took advantage of. Goats kinda like the fact that I'm giving my best shot at eradicating them. They think berry leaves are crack, lol. They've been getting their fix for a few days now. They see me coming with the cart full of sticky leaves and they practically knock me over trying to get 'em. I really don't understand the addiction...but... what the heck - I'm not a goat.

Lucy is still pregnant...


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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And...Lucy is still pregnant! Udder is getting bigger daily (and makes me remember how good a milker she is) but it's those dang ligs that are being persistently annoying... If she wants me to be on hand she needs to get busy and do this thing before I have to go back to work. Not really worried about Lucy - it's little PIA that I really feel the need to be with when it's her time. She's itty bitty and will be a FF...:fl

Managed to copper bolus a handful of goats. I was limited by the amount of copper I had so it's time to order more. I got the two goats that used to be pretty moon-spotted, and are now faded out blonde, goats taken care of first. Then the Kinder buck cuz he is a pain to catch - but will knock me over to get to copper filled pumpkin, lol. He really NEVER gets preventative care of any kind because I can't catch him, but he likes his copper enough to push the other goats out of the way to lick it out of a spoon! Did 7 altogether today.

Came back inside to...uhhhh… "spirit" action. Activity has always been increased around the holidays. Not sure why but it's predictable as clockwork. Couple days before Christmas two plastic glasses jumped out of a cabinet... thank goodness they were plastic. Last night the tv channel changed while DH and I were sitting here watching it. And of all things it changed to an infomercial about the Total Gym - I told Dh I had been thinking about one and VOILA tv changed right to it. SMH.... A little bit ago I 'bout jumped outta my skin because I heard something hit the floor in the kitchen. Walked in there to find a wooden spoon in the middle of the floor. I've been cleaning out the fridge this morning and had a big pot of rice, veggies and leftover meat scraps cooked up on the stove. When it cools it'll go to the critters. The spoon had been resting inside of the pot because I'd just stirred the stuff to help it cool off. This is a really deep pot...but the spoon still ended up in the middle of the kitchen floor - probably 3 feet from the stove. AND the topper happened just a few minutes ago. My computer screen greyed that might happen occasionally but it hasn't happened even once since I got my new laptop about a year ago. At that point I just yelled out "that's too much - you can mess with the TV, you can mess with the kitchen, but you can't mess with my computer!" It's working perfectly again now.

Call me crazy if ya want to, but it's something that we've lived with for 30+ years in this house. It never seems 'evil' but it sure can be annoying!

NH Homesteader

Sustainability Master
Sep 6, 2016
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You're not crazy! how old is your house ? I love having a brand new house, lol. I don't do spirits!

Thanks for the reminder, I need to bolus Patty.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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The house was built in '84 - same year my daughter was born. 'We bought it in '87. It was practically brand new when we moved in. The folks who built it got a divorce before it was totally finished and the wife lived in the garage apartment for about 6 months and then moved to Alaska.

You're welcome for the reminder!


Rest in Peace 1980-2020
Aug 17, 2013
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Wow, that's interesting, but I'm sure annoying for you! I was thinking about ghosts this evening, watching a programme on TV about it. I haven't experienced anything odd lately, but DS complained about noises and things in his bedroom :\

Oh, I don't know if I updated you guys on the ghost on the corner in the village that poked me on the shoulder that day. I asked a wonderful old man that lives here and is a human encyclopaedia on Irish history. I can listen to him all day! He said that corner saw a lot of history and some of it pretty bad, and that I should feel "honoured" that the whatever-it-was tried to make contact with me o_O

NH Homesteader

Sustainability Master
Sep 6, 2016
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Interesting . I would have guessed it was an old house with that much going on. Wonder where it came from. Nah, don't want to know lol!

Honored I'll pass on that honor any day! Lol!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Well, the folks that built this house had a death during that time period. We've always "blamed" it on the woman that passed.... But, I was told that you can bring "spirits" in with objects. When we bought the house I HAD to have some bedroom furniture that I fell in love with at an estate sale. The headboard is huge, two pieces with stained glass inserts and is extremely heavy. There's the bottom pedestal and the bookcase type headboard sits on the pedestal. It's got two enclosed cabinets on each end that have lights in them that shine through the glass and a bookcase open area in between. At that time first dH and I had a waterbed. Somehow - and we've never figured out how - the top part of that headboard fell off the pedestal and landed on him. Had it not been for the waterbed it would have seriously injured him. (he sank down into the water mattress) That seemed to be the start of things and it was the only thing that could be interpreted as an aggressive act. A lot of the activity is electrically related and years ago heaters would come on by themselves, tv's have always changed channels by themselves, and volume would go up and down randomly. My daughter used to ask me why I sat in her room at night...I didn't! Two people who have stayed here for varying amounts of time have indicated that they saw/felt a woman's presence. I never have... Daily we hear the house "settling" - but somehow it sounds exactly like someone walking upstairs in our room, and we ONLY hear it in our bedroom. Of course under these circumstances you start "looking" for things..and maybe the noises upstairs are a part of that.

I just know that too many strange things have happened in this house to be totally circumstantial. I even went so far as to contact a "ghost hunting" group at one time. They were extremely interested and wanted to do an overnight visit - but I backed out. Maybe I don't really want to know, lol.
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