Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Oh gee whiz! I am one of those people who does NOT get sick.... Can't say that anymore.... I have an abscessed molar... and just as a bonus - some peridontal disease to go along with it. The pain meds make me sick :sick the antibiotics make me sick :sick Ever had anybody poking around in your mouth when all you wanna do is puke? I've missed 3.5 days of work this week....and I hate to miss work! ARGH! But as a side BONUS - when you're nauseous and your mouth hurts - you don't eat! I'm down 4 lbs in 4 days! Every cloud has a silver lining, right???

Enough of that - I will not whine about this anymore...

Not much has been done around here all week. Just basic feeding and milking. I am going to do something outside today. I don't know what yet - but I will accomplish something.

Day 12 of no grocery shopping. I wanted to cave last night and let DH get me some strawberries when he went to pick up my meds. A strawberry smoothie sounded sooooo goood, but I did not give in! I'm quite proud of myself for that. Little victories, huh?

I'm going outside - I need a healthy dose of sunshine!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Thanks, Dawn!

I actually feel pretty good right now. It's the meds that make me feel like ca-ca. I can't stop taking the antibiotics, but I'm not taking any more of those pain pills....they make me feel toooo weird, lol. Don't like it - nope!

So, in my quest to get back to normal, I mowed the yard and got some goats moved around. I need to turn two young does out with the herd, so I brought them and the herd into a neutral pen so they can get re-acquainted. Have the LGD in with them too, so she can remember them also.

I'm determined to make a decent meal for DH tonight. He's been so good to me these last few days. Since we're working out of the freezer and the pantry I'm thinking some boneless pork medallions that I bought on sale a while back that are waiting patiently in the freezer. And maybe I'll use the last of the frozen squash in a casserole. I've got some 'all natural' bacon in the fridge that I can fry up in little bits and saute some onions, garlic and collards in the fat. That doesn't sound too bad. I know he'll enjoy it. I haven't cooked a real meal in a more than a week now!

I talked with my neighbor a few minutes ago. He's a big outdoorsman and hunter and he's offered to help us when we deicide to butcher a goat. As soon as it cools off - if it EVER cools off we're gonna take the plunge. We're back up to the 90's again today.... sheesh I know I'll complain about the cold if it ever gets here but I'd like to stop complaining about the heat, lol.

We're going to try out a new "town square market" in a little town about 20 miles north of us tomorrow morning. I've been wanting to check it out for awhile now, but things kept getting in the way. Tomorrow I WILL go! I'm not quite sure what to expect. Their vendors list looks pretty interesting so I've got high hopes. One way or the other - it will be an adventure.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Marianne, I may have to do that. I do ok if I have a little food in my stomach, but they are supposed to be taken on an empty stomach - and that's what gets me... So, I either keep taking them with a litte food and risk them not being as effective - or I need to change.

DH and I had the most wonderful 'date' day! We checked out a 'town-square market' that I'd been wanting to go to for awhile. It was great! There were probably less than 20 vendors, but there was music and puppies and old folks dancing on the sidewalk. (not saying who the old folks were, lol!)

We bought some organic teas, jalapeno grapeseed oil, some organically raised lamb, raw local honey, and some goat milk soap. I know I'm not supposed to be grocery shopping this month - so we won't eat any of it until next month. But, I will do anything to support local farmers and I felt like I did my part today. We spent a lot of money, but nothing there was really overpriced. The biggest expense was a piece of art that DH had to have. He's a UT alumni and he's into everything "Longhorn" soooo there was a local artisan who had made a big ol' longhorn head out of wood that is covered with old license plates that DH just couldn't leave laying on the table. It was $40 dollars, but he loves it and he wants to hang it out on the back porch over the hot tub, lol. He's such a dork!

Then we went to Bed,Bath and Beyond to look for a new pillow for me. I have TMJ dysfunction and I have to prop my head at an odd angle to sleep so that there's no pressure on my TM joint. When we went to Louisiana a few weeks ago the hotel had the most incredible memory foam pillows. I slept better in that hotel bed than I ever do at home, so I had to have one! Normally wouldn't spend that much on a pillow, but if it is as good as the one in the hotel, it'll be worth every dime. Of course, we had to have some gadgets while we were there. When I saw the total of how much we'd spent I asked the cashier if they had any coupons and he told us that if we had 'smart' phones we could go online and get coupons - so he walked us both through the steps and we ended up getting 20% off of TWO of our higest priced items. That saved us about $30! Whoo hoo for modern technology!

After that we had to get DH a new pair of walking shoes...he's lost about 25 lbs and his feet got smaller. Another 'had to' purchase. Are you seeing a trend here... it was a great 'date' day, but geeze it wasn't cheap!

Then out to lunch. THEN - drum roll please - on to my favorite nursery and we bought two peach trees, a meyer lemon, and a clementine tangerine tree! Now that I have a new septic system I can plant trees over the old inactive lines. I was never able to plant trees there before, so now I'm making up for lost time.

Last stop WallyWorld for some motor oil and walking through the garden dept I found some kale plants so I picked those up too.... Finally, a couple lottery tickets and home. Whew - no wonder I'm tired!


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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there not even remotly dexter...i dotn even think they are part dexter...

they are zebu...
not bad priced though...but definatly not dexter lol

this is a dexter

and this is a zebu


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Thanks Pink!

I thought at best a dexter/zebu cross. I think you're right though - they look more zebu to me too. But, like you said - a pretty good price. Maybe the cow with the bull calf - especially if she's tame. I know where I can get a good Dexter bull that I could cross on her and still might come out with a pretty good milk cow out of the cross and/or steers for the freezer. I'm not really set up for cattle right now - but at that price.... I dunno. Might have to think on it awhile.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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My niece is UT crazy - her room is an orange and white nightmare :lol: The art piece sounds really cool - can you post a picture?

I am 'officially' banned from even going in to look around at BB&B :p

Wish we had some kind of market like the one you went to here - sounds like you picked up some great stuff!

The cows sure are cute, but I gotta have polled- I've had WAY too many close calls in the past to feel comfortable with anything with horns ;)


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Hey SS - I'm with you on not loving cattle with horns....even little bovines can hit you pretty darn hard. And BB&B - OMG - I only go about once a year cuz I get in BIG trouble - but DH is almost s bad as I am! I did point out a few Christmas gift ideas to him! How about a lighted, magnifying make up mirror - then maybe I can see (and pluck!) them pesky little eyebrows that are taking over my face, lol!!!

When hubster gets the wall plaque mounted I'll see if I can figure out how to post a pic.... Why can't we just copy and paste pics? Or can we? I think I tried that once and it didn't work....

We've gotten a lot done far. Still have some trees to plant. We cleaned some debris out of the pig pen that they had rooted up - my goodness they are better than any tiller I've ever seen.

We had been saving some old windows that I had planned on making a cold frame out of, but they got broken, so we had to clean those up as well.

The little foundered horse was doing great so I turned her back out in the pasture... why did I do that? She's did well for a couple days, but yesterday I noticed that she's walking a little stiff - not really limping, but she needs to come off the grass. Sooooo, we put together a new pen for her that will keep her totally off grass for now. I'll probably have to keep her up until we have a good freeze that will slow down the grass. She has a 10 x 10 stall and a 30 x 10 run that comes off of it. There's very little grass in it right now so I think it'll be a good place for her. She's not gonna like me very much on just a hay diet - and darned little of that. She's so fat that her rolls have rolls....gaaaahhh!

Oh, and we wethered 3 little bucklings and moved them into a recovery pen. After that, they will be turned out to pasture and be OFF the grain bill! And after that.... their final destination will be the freezer.

I needa go dig a hole before it starts raining!

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