Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Super Self-Sufficient
Mar 12, 2017
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Shenandoah Valley, Va
Did you find any fish wanting to become "pasture raised" instead of pond raised???? I can remember as a kid we had a pond that over flowed during some extreme rain and had several in the grass that us kids managed to catch and put back in the pond as it went down....


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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we don't want her falling down the stairs!
If I took a bottle of wine to bed with me - I wouldn't be going down those stairs for at least 12 hours!

Beautiful today, but guess what? Rain back in the forecast for Monday. I should've mowed a few days ago before the rain got us - doubt very much it'll dry up by tomorrow so that I could mow before the next rain. Welcome to the jungle, lol! Maybe 'rain forest' would be more appropriate.

Need to get the rest of the grain unloaded this morning. Got half done yesterday. For the very first time I bought FISH FOOD!!!! Hope it lasts a good long time because that stuff is expensive.... over $30 for a 50lb bag. The fish are supposed to be 'pellet trained' so we'll see if they remember their lessons. I've had them a week and haven't fed them yet. Oops - bad fish owner.

Need to get some breakfast started and get DH outta bed. Trying to get him on a better schedule!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Fairly busy day, but never seem to get everything done. I had to shore up the hoop house that I threw together the other day. We've had some pretty ferocious winds and the lightweight zip ties I used just didn't work out. I have it put together with nylon straps now. It won't come apart, but if it pulls the t-posts out of the ground it'll go sailing away as a whole unit.

Got most of the mowing done. I was surprised that any part of the yard was dry enough. I didn't get near the ditches though because if I got stuck there's no way I could get that monster mower out of the mud by myself. Tractor has a flat and can't air it up because the compressor air hose sprang a leak. Is there anything else that can go wrong?

I disbudded one more baby know...justincase I decide she's a keeper. I really shouldn't do that! Maybe next year somebody should hide my disbudding iron because if they have horns I won't be tempted to keep any of them!

I have thin strips of rib eye marinating and as soon as I can catch my breath here I'll go cook the bulgogi. I need to look for some cauliflower rice. If I don't find any I guess I need to come up with something else for a side. Not feeling very picky tonight so it'll be whatever I find.

Not one, but two doc appts tomorrow. Thankfully they are both in the same office complex. First one at 11:30 and the second one at 1. Sure hope DH can handle all of that. Maybe with his new upright walker he can ambulate in a safer manner. Not looking forward to any of it - but need to get it done.


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Winds have been blowing here too. My cow panel and hoop shelters have gotten a good shaking. On one hoop house I put pallets on the sides, hay twine tied to the T-posts and cow panels. It helped to stabilize it.

The most recent one, I spread the panels out further which made it more shaky, so I drove 2 T-posts in the front and that helped stabilize it.

Hope the doctor visits go well and your DH makes it through the day without being too exhausted.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Ugh - really long day. DH could barely walk through the office halls to get to his doc's office. They offered us a wheelchair and maybe we should have taken it. But he wants to keep trying so I'll keep letting him try. PCP changed up some of his meds. He's getting too much of his blood pressure meds. His BP was 70/55 a couple days ago so we're lowering his dose.

Neurologist had no good news. Neuropathy....all his problems are due to neuropathy they say. It's better than Parkinsons, but there's nothing that can be done to help him. So, disappointing when you're hoping for a magic cure.

Can't remember if I posted about losing a doe the other day. Just went out in the morning and she was taking her last breaths. Prime of life doe - parasite resistant, great mother. She's got 4 week old twins. They're eating grain pretty well so I'm not worrying about trying to get them on a bottle. Tried that in the past and never been successful. Poor darlin's. Maybe I should go ahead and try to sell them to someone who has time to spoil the little darlin's. The buckling needs to be wethered. He's got double teats and a little split in his scrotum. Pet and/or freezer fodder for sure. He's a nice stocky guy and should make some good meals.

Tractor tire is constantly going flat. I have the tractor up on the driveway and I guess I'll try to get it off and into town this week. Can't air it up because the air hose has a leak.

And, to top everything off the 5 year old, 3K$ refrigerator died today. Five years old...WTH? The ice maker only worked for 6 months. It was still under warranty then so we had it fixed. Six months later it died again. Hasn't worked a day since. So now... doesn't do cold. Timing sucks too. I got online and ordered a basic model. Don't want ice/water in the door. Don't want anything fancy. Just want a basic fridge. Will never buy another Samsung appliance. Have had terrible luck with them and won't repeat that mistake again.

Home health nurse, PT and OT all coming tomorrow. Hey ya'll - please excuse the mess - my fridge died. That explains the ice chests sitting in the dining room/kitchen.

I want my life back! Tired of problems...they've gotta stop somewhere right? :hu


Sustainability Master
Oct 24, 2019
Reaction score
mid-Michigan, USoA
That's quite enough for a whole week let alone a day! sorry to hear about the doe and, well, everything else being all-at-once...

and then the thing about an appliance not lasting very long... grr! we had our main sink faucet replaced not too long ago, and it started dripping, so when we had the plumber come and work on the sink in the bathroom i also had him look at the one in the kitchen. he didn't accomplish anything and it should be under warranty but i don't know if i want them to even come back at the price they charged for how little they actually did. plus they've not even called back about the main sink or the basin in the bathroom that needs to be replaced. and do i want to call them for another round of expensive nothing? anyways... yeah. i feel ya there...

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