Swiss Army Wife
I try to catch the kiddings on MareStare when I can. I watched a couple of Phoenix Risings. I just want to vent a tad. I know they surely know what they're doing, because I'm sure they've done this tons of times. ....but man do they interfere! I'm more of a hands off, let the mom do it kinda assistant. I will only step in if necessary. I don't use those sucker bulbs for the mucous, I use my hands or fingers. I don't clean them off with towels, I let the mom do it! I watched one kidding and the doe didnt' even get a chance to lick the first kid until after the second and third had been born! I guess that's just the way I was not interfere with the mom unless there's actually a problem.
But anyways, that's just my stupid rant for the day. Different strokes for different folks!