glenolam's madness - April passed away


Swiss Army Wife
Jun 4, 2010
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Good luck with Opi!!!

That fight sounds familiar. :D Sometimes my hubby just doesn't understand why I want to do some things my way, especially when it comes to the animals.


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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I'm so glad that those pictures I posted of O disbudding my kids was helpful to you! She did not seem to have much trouble holding them stlll but I think she said she had 12 years experience? There were three or four people there and she did not WANT anyone else helping to hold the kid still. Maybe that style lends itself more to several quick burns too. I'll have to tell her about those photos we took being helpful!

That sounds exactly how my hubby and I talk a lot of the time. I'm always the one keeping track of when things need to be done and prompting him about deadlines, etc. I'll spend literally HOURS researching things and then he argues with my findings. :smack Because he doesn't want to do things when I think he should.


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 19, 2011
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Canterbury, CT
savingdogs said:
Because he doesn't want to do things when I think he should.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Something about that statement just made my day.

katie - I watched your video the other day and it sounded like you all got along just fine (or maybe it was that way because you were being taped?).

;) :p


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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Well as a for-instance, we got dairy goats a year and a half ago and I kept mentioning I needed a practice stanchion. Hubby says yea, yea, yea.......promptly forgets about it each reminder. I finally rigged a fake kind of thing without a head trapping device for "practice."
I remind him again when the goats are going to deliver in a month. Yea, yea, yea, he knows, no problem, he will whip that thing together no problem.
Ginger kids EARLY. I cross my arms and I'm tapping my foot now at Hubby, who is still saying yea, yea, yea, I'll get my stanchion. I tell him I need to milk her within the FIRST bleepity bleep 24 hours "yea! yea! yea!".....
And I had my stanchion completed exactly 23 hours after we believe Ginger must have given birth. yea yea yea
He works best with a deadline.


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
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Eastern CT
glenolam said:
SD - the sales tax is only $0.24 per bar (6%), so it's not much of a discount. The last few fairs I went to a lot of people only wanted to buy a bar or two; that, of course, was near the holidays and I think people were picking up stocking stuffers and the like. I didn't make the people who bought soap from me over the holidays pay the sales tax either - they sorta bought on the spur of the moment so I just rounded the amounts to avoid dealing with change. Credit cards and checks are easy - it's the cash part that's a pain IMO.

Hen - it's Sat March 19th from 9am - 3pm at the Canterbury Elementary School. Stop by and say hello!!
Will do!


Swiss Army Wife
Jun 4, 2010
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glenolam said:
katie - I watched your video the other day and it sounded like you all got along just fine (or maybe it was that way because you were being taped?).

;) :p
Well, it was on film AND we had company! Hehe. Hubby was the one taping and a former coworker/father of the girl who owned those kids was holding the kids. :)

We get along fabulously 95% of the time. It's the other 5% that gets "interesting" when we have projects to do or something like that. :lol:


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 19, 2011
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Canterbury, CT
Katie....Purl and Opi are having a contest I just know it.

She's still hanging in there, but no discharge. I've let her out of the kidding area each day and last night kept the entire barn open so she could sleep with everyone else and after inspecting her this morning I left her out with everyone for the day.

Since it's wicked cold outside, I left her out and it's snowing I figured she'll go today while I'm at work. She's been nibbling her right side all weekend - it was really amazing Friday night watching her. I sat with her for a while and watched the kid(s) moving around so I put my hand on her side and it was as if they were having a kicking contest against my hand! At least I know she's pregnant!

I made three batches of soap (well, one big one that I divided in two and one smaller one) to get ready for the craft show. I made my basic recipe and split it into two. One was scented mulberry which I poured into a mold with a bunch of flower shapes and had to use some other random molds (stars, strawberries, and hearts) since the flower molds weren't big enough to hold the entire batch. The other half I scented with cucumber melon and split into thirds. I poured one third into the bottom of a loaf mold, then colored one third green and the other third orange. I poured the orange on top of the uncolored batch, dragged a tooth pick type thing through it to create some type of swirls and then globbed the green on top of that. I'm not sure how it's going to look cut bit it looks pretty neat sitting in the mold! Then I did an oatmeal milk and honey log mold since I only have about 5 bars left. I'm wicked low on milk but I'd like to make one smaller batch of flowers again since there's only about 8 flowers total. Since it's a spring craft show I think the more flowers I have the better. Now I want to go to Ocean State Job Lot and get some type of display shelves, a table cloth and other odds and ends. I'm so excited!

But OMG. You will never, ever believe what happened last night. We had my mother, grandmother and uncle over for dinner. The goat baby monitor was out near the dining room table (you have no idea how much grief I was given for that by my uncle!) and we heard the chickens get all fussy about 7:15 pm (even though the monitor is inside the goat barn it still picks up the chicken noises inside the hen house right next door). Big G went to the window and looked out - nothing was looking suspicious outside the hen house so we shrugged it off.

I go outside around 8 pm to check on everyone and go inside the hen house to get their water bucket. As I bent down to grab the bucket I see it (**I'm getting the shivers as I think about it again**) A BIG OLD RAT LOOKING TAIL.

Except this wasn't a rat. Too big.

I don't see a head, I just see a big old rat-ish tail, some body curled on its back and these ugly feet sticking up in the air. I think IT'S dead, but then I notice the stomach moving up and down.

Any guesses?

I screamed as I saw it breathing and realized I was staring at an OPOSSUM! In the nesting box! All cuddled up asleep!

I made Big G come outside to deal with it - I can handle most stuff but this just gave me the heeby jeebies. He 'disposed' of it in our own way and I had to pick it up by its tail and carry it outside. All was fine again until it started moving its legs! I screamed for dear life and threw it down, yelled at him for not disposing of it properly and made him finish the deed.

:sick I feel sick all over just thinking about that thing in my nesting box. I threw out all the hay and half eaten eggs. Ugh.


Swiss Army Wife
Jun 4, 2010
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Come on Opi! Stop driving your momma crazy!!

Oh man...a 'possum in the nest box?!! :ep I would have flipped out! Those suckers are ugly.


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
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Eastern CT
Oh ick! They are nasty things. Our dogs cornered one in the driveway once. It was hissing and spitting. ickickick!! Never had one get in the coop though. Blech. Glad you disposed of it and didn't send it my way!
At least this snow isn't amounting to much. I was hoping it would keep me from my dentist appointment but I think I'm gonna have to go.
C'mon Opi!!! I need baby pics!!


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 19, 2011
Reaction score
Canterbury, CT
Just thinking about that thing....holding it upside down by its tail and watching those stubby feet moving in circles.... *shudder*

Beedy eyes..... Ugh. I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.

If the breeding between Opi and Jack that I sorta saw back on 9/25 took place her 150th day is tomorrow. I have no history on her as far as if she goes early/late or when she really develops an udder, so I'm just guessing and going by my maternal instincts. HA!

Each time she pees I inspect her cha cha for signs of goo coming out afterwards. Now THAT's a site.

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