I'm so sorry. That is just so heartbreaking. Losing my girl to a C-section, I know exactly how you feel. I know I did the best I could for my girl and I know you did the best you could for your girl.
Thanks everyone. It's been a rough day that's for sure. And my family is coming over for dinner tonight
As I type this little Carl, Cara's buckling, is sitting on my lap full of his grandmother's milk that I had frozen. We're about to drive an hour away and leave him with a nice family that takes in goats, sheep, horses, etc and bottle feeds kids. They were recommended me by the woman I got my first goats from who is now a great friend of mine. She said she knows he's going to a great place where they will take care of him.
After thinking it over I just cannot bottle feed a kid right now. It's selfish of me to keep Carl because I know I'd be doing it just to hold onto Cara and not because I want him. These people will give him the love and attention he deserves, something I just can't do with my schedule.