Food Guru
If she needs a massage therapist, I can drive out there next Tuesday. I do charge more for distances....less if you have three goats/horses at the same farm.

OMG, my mouth was hanging open for a few seconds!! I hit the 'new posts' and came to this post. I didn't have a clue what you were talking about but it sounded pretty severe for a 2 yr. old kid...!!!!glenolam said:Day 3 -
What an improvement! I confiscated her cell....I didn't want anyone to really hear about what was going on because - as we all know - when it's one person against another with no third party there a judge can't really charge you. I mean, I'm sure they'd take my word over a 2 yr olds...
I hid carrots in the grain bucket so she'd have to fish around. She appreciated the gesture but reminded me that, even though she was willing to somewhat cooperate, she still had the Dept of Labor on speed dial.
She woofed down her meal and I was about half way done. She started the hopping....yes - still trying manual strangulation, so hobble went on. For the life of me I was going to get her as milked out as my hands could possibly make it. And....for the third day in a row, she pulled those hocks up and so I again just sat behind her and squirt squirt squirted that milk out. She sat there nice and quietly while I got quite a bit more. And when I thought I was done, I kept saying "10 more squeezes"....."10 more on the other side....." "Oh crap...hand freeze...."