10 hatched so far so that means 9 hatched while I was at work. 1 has zipped and is starting to break free and another 3 have pipped.....I'm so excited!
katie - I have no clue what the count is right now. I kept all 12 of your eggs in the bator so I'll just see if any of the leftover eggs have your mark and go from there!
So cool! This looks so much like the incubator I got. But there is some tubing there I don't have, maybe that is the fan? Do you have the fan but not the auto turner? Mine has seperate parts where you buy those three pieces seperately.
Congrats on the great hatch! Now you can count your chickens.
Uh Oh!!!!! someone left eh toilet seat up!!!!!
I'm getting impatient for my eggs to hatch. tomorrow!!!!!! got the brooder set up, got my bag of chik starter, bleaching the waterer, and tomorrow is show time!!!!!!
MTN - that's a warning to the chicks....behave or its the toilet!
I have a little giant incubator from TSC. No fan, no turner. Just a plain ol incubator. Those tubes you see is the heater.
So - one just hatched...an Easter Egger and it looks as though the "umbilical" stuff is still attached to its bottom. And to make matters worse, it's CHEAPING UP A STORM. So much I had to leave the room because the high pitch was hurting my ears.
Anyone know if I should let it be or try to pull it off? I was just going to wait a little bit until the chick was more dry and then see about intervening.
Two more chicks are in the "I'm about to push out" stage and a few more have pips