I couldn't do it to our mean rooster Oliver. I cried when we dropped him off at the house where he had a lay over before moving to a nearby farm. I am a BIG wuss!
Did you hold your gun sideways for the "killshot" and I know how you like Snoop Dogg, so did you go all ghetto rap on him?
The soaps you make look awesome, how much milk do you use for a "batch"? Man, there are soooo many more question I could ask, I guess I'm gonna have to reseach this more!!! We've got 6 people in our house, and believe you me, Momma does a LOT of laundry, can you use this soap as laundry soap?
How long till you get your barn/shed from CL?
Happy Monday ( I still think that sounds like an oxy-moron :/ )
OMG PCC - I was so thinking that in my head as I slowly approached the little punk.
Imagine me, walking with a slight limp to the right....head tilted, hat on backwards. Jean overalls only clipped on my left shoulder so the right side hangs down.
Gat in my right hand, lazer on.
As I walk up the punk looks at me and says "Whatchu lookin' at FOO"
I take my left thumb and flick my nose.
Whatchu mean what I'm lookin' at. Whatchu lookin' at
I slowly raise my right hand, holding the pistol sideways
Regulators plays in my mind and I say out loud
Sixteen in the clip and one in the hole
Glenolam's bout to make a body turn cold
Now he's floppin and a yellin
It's a tad bit late
The Bodyguard and G had to regulate
Yes it is easier to dispatch a mean animal. Helped me get over my "too cute to kill" thing with the ducks though. I felt very Hannibal Lectur...only eating the rude and all.