Good Article on Vaccinations


Moderator Extraordinaire
Jul 12, 2008
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Hanson, MA Zone 6a
No one is suggesting you shouldn't vaccinate, at least I'm not - I'm just questioning the timing and the age at which we do it. I was vaccinated for polio back in the late 50's/early 60's, when polio was far more prevalent. I was 4 through til I was six - not four months old.


Moderator Extraordinaire
Jul 12, 2008
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Hanson, MA Zone 6a
Wifezilla said:
there is absolutely no scientific proof that autism is linked to vaccine
I agree....and my youngest son is profoundly autistic.

This is the theory that I think holds the most weight....
I disagree - and of course there is no scientific proof that autism is linked to vaccines, because they can't let that happen. Think of the liability of the pharmaceutical industry...sorry to sound like a conspiracy theorist, but I really believe this to be true. Vitamin D? Sounds like a good diversion. Why is the autism rate so much higher here, in the US, than in Great Britain? They have even less sunlight there. But their vaccination schedule is far less aggressive than ours. I believe that is the link.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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By Mayo Clinic staff

Autism has no single, known cause. Given the complexity of the disease, the range of autistic disorders and the fact that no two children with autism are alike, it's probable that there are many causes. These may include:

Genetic errors. Researchers have discovered a number of genes that appear to be involved in autism. Some may make a child more susceptible to the disorder; others affect brain development or the way brain cells communicate. Still others may determine the severity of symptoms. Each genetic error may account for a small number of cases, but taken together, the influence of genes may be substantial. Some genetic errors seem to be inherited, whereas others occur spontaneously.
Environmental factors. Many health problems are due to both genetic and environmental factors, and this is likely the case with autism as well. Researchers are currently exploring whether viral infections and air pollutants, for instance, play a role in triggering autism.
Other causes. Other factors under investigation include problems during labor and delivery and the role of the immune system in autism. Some researchers believe that damage to the amygdala a portion of the brain that serves as a danger detector may play a role in autism.
One of the greatest controversies in autism centers on whether a link exists between autism and certain childhood vaccines, particularly the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine and vaccines with thimerosal, a preservative that contains a small amount of mercury. Though most children's vaccines have been free of thimerosal since 2001, the controversy continues. To date, extensive studies have found no link between autism and vaccines.

There is no hidden secret conspiracy happening. THEY DON'T know yet.

I vaccinate. My choice. Everyone must do what they feel is best. If you don't vaccinate and your child gets X disease....then deal with it then.


Moderator Extraordinaire
Jul 12, 2008
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Hanson, MA Zone 6a
Again, I haven't seen anyone here advocate not vaccinating, and my children were vaccinated. Please don't imply that I have advocated not vaccinating, I certainly have not.


Almost Self-Reliant
May 12, 2009
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North Central Miss'ippy
I did vaccinate. I'm not anti-vaccine. My kindergarden teacher had polio as a child and is almost completely paralyzed from the waist down, thank God for that vaccine!

However, I have to take a similar stance to reinbeau's. We simply don't know what we are doing giving kid's immune systems such a big smack all at once at such a young age. I persuaded my Doc to give my kids the single dose vaccines (YES! They are available, you just have to talk your doc into it or find a doc who will, it might cost a little more, but the price is well worth my peace of mind)

This is a hot button issue, and any time you have people who are pro or opposed, you will find bad blood. However, we all have to admit that there HAVE been and will continue to be, bad side effects for some people. As it is for almost anything we have on this earth, including pollen & tylenol. It comes down to personal choice & informed decisions.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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reinbeau said:
Again, I haven't seen anyone here advocate not vaccinating, and my children were vaccinated. Please don't imply that I have advocated not vaccinating, I certainly have not.
oh no I just threw up info about autism and gave my side on the info.

that wasn't meant as a challenge at all---just my direct view on the things being questioned in the post.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
The fact remains that the rate of autism rose sharply after they increased the required vaccines. That is not merely coincedence. The fact also remains that the preservative used contains mercury, which is a known toxin. Given to infants repeatedly? Common sense tells one that there is a link.

They claim that mercury is no longer used as a preservative but I happen to know that, in some vaccines, it is still being used. The consent forms for having the vaccine contain the question, " Are you allergic to Thimerosol?"

I agree with Ann. There is no need for so many at so young an age. There is also no need to use these types of preservatives.

Vaccines are great for the intended purpose, but to deny that there is a link between these two things?

I'm a nurse, as well, and the other side of the coin is that vaccines are not the evil. The preservatives used in them are. The frequency of the vaccines in small infants is not warranted. I came from the 60s and early 70s era of vaccine schedules and I knew no one who had contracted any of these diseases.

Its all about the money and the pharmaceutical companies and not a bit about communicable diseases anymore. Yes, I think there are parties that consider this to be the priority, but one has to wonder how much it has to do with government contracts with drug companies.


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
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Northern California
I got the polio vaccine when I was 3 years old. I am now 54. I still remember the feverdreams I had after receiving the vaccine. I nearly died. My mother constantly checked me to see if I was still alive. I thought I was dead a lot of the time, and at other times I wished I were dead, I felt so awfull. I was soo scared. Even my mother couldn't make me feel ok or safe. She tells me I had a dangerously high fever for 3-4 days. I have a nice scar on my arm from that vaccine.

I thought a lot about giving my daughter vaccines. I ended up giving them to her. But I think parents are wise to question them and to research them. We have to keep the medical professions on their toes.

I vaccinate my animals for only the minimum needed. And thank goodness my vet is in agreement. They advise against immunizing for things, that a pet is not likely to encounter.


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
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Northern California
Its all about the money and the pharmaceutical companies and not a bit about communicable diseases anymore. Yes, I think there are parties that consider this to be the priority, but one has to wonder how much it has to do with government contracts with drug companies.
That is what I think too, and why I think we need to question the use of vaccines and the efficacy of them as they are given now.


Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 7, 2008
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countrymama said:
I have a family member that is handicapped from polio. I will always vaccinate my children against it.
The polio vaccine has carried the sm40 monkey virus that has caused a significant increase in childhood cancer. Now some people think that this virus have come to be sexually transmitted. You should read this.

The primary cause of polio these days is from the live vaccine... it has been the only cause for quite a while in the USA

If I had it to do all over again I would not have vaccinated my kids. One son paid the price for it even though we waited till he was 5 years old.

Because my kids had never had a shot I stood in line with them to show them that they could do it. I took the MMR just to show the even though I knew I was immune to these diseases. I was crippled before I even got to the parking lot. I had severe joint pain for months from it. I went on to develop RA.,, which thankfully I learned how to cure without drugs.

As a nurse I have cared for a number of children seriously damaged by vaccines. I have seen children die from it in Children's Hospital in Dallas Texas. They never keep records, they never tell the truth.

It is such a serious assault on the immune system and much worse for a baby who has next to no immune system developed.

Claussen labs , an independent research lab tried to stop the vaccination of babies with the hep B vaccine as they had significant evidence that it will contribute to diabetes. They really tried to get the info out. I read it more than 10 years ago. Wish I had a copy cause I can't find it anymore. They have been silenced...and in general this is a research lab that supports vaccination. They wanted doctors to wait till the kids were older for this one....and why not? Babies are not in line to get Hep B. You have to be an IV drug user or get it from blood transfusions.

Its the pharmaceutical companies so dam insistent that not a dime be missed. Nail those kids before they ever get out of the hospital no matter what the cost...and if they get sick. Well just great. they will make more money off that too!