Good Article on Vaccinations


Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 7, 2008
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Blackbird said:
Mackay, I was wondering if you could help me, do you know where one might find out where to get the statements to sign to exempt someone from a vaccine? I'm due for the Meningitis shot eventually, law for MN says a statement must be signed.
I would call your Public Health Department. If your state has an exemption they should have the forms.

This is a very informative site and the woman who is responsible for it has worked tirelessly for many years to win rights in Texas.

Never believe what the school says. They always lie. You have to know your rights in your state.

When my son signed up for the State University they started demanding updated vaccine papers. We had signed exemptions for junior and highschool and my son told them. They got insistent. Finally I told my son to tell them that vaccines are not required by all other state funded public schools and it they don't get off his back they will be looking at a law suit. We never heard from them again.

The fact is is that the bozo's that try to enforce the vaccination rules don't know the rules. They are lied to also and are just not informed.


Power Conserver
Mar 21, 2009
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we use preservative free vaccines for all children now in our practice and mostly for adults ..currently I do have any vaccines with preservatives in them as it has pretty much been phased out

I agree with spacing vaccines out in kids if you can..but please be aware not everyone has the luxury of doing that and just getting in to get kids cared for ..well for some people that is a luxury when you can not afford the next meal vaccines are not something they can take time to do and space out ..

again we vaccinate to protect the "whole" and the reason people do not see diseases does not mean they are not out there looming ...

I think it is wrong to blame the "medical community" we are pretty much consumer driven now!!! LOL funny but true ..we do not make choices for you you demand them of us!

the shingles vaccine for instance...It was advertised and then there was a shortage because one of the components was diverted to the MMR to protect kids ...logical but money driven for sure as the company prosumed they would make more money on the MMR than they would on the shingles vaccine.. ..we tried to convince folks "it is something that can wait" well people in the US can not seem to wait and when something is out there they want it ..shingles is a miserable illness and people suffer greatly from it can cause blindness and even death when your friend gets an immunization ....why not you???? I had a lot of angry patients lined up demanding something I did not have ..

now it is swine flu and folks are yelling at me about getting it and it is only in the study phase

so please do not say the medical community is responsible for this actuality the CDC governs our advise about immunizations and we do immunize based on this ..we do not force anyone to get their kids immunized we make reccomondations based on the fact that if you do immunize your kids for these diseases you are not only protecting your child but you are also taking responsibility for protection the community at large

and the entire autism thing ..well you know what a pediatric RN for 15 years I can honestly say as diagnosis evolved we discovered more autism was there before we just are always learning and seeing ...and the diagnostic criteria for Autism has changed so much just in the years I have been a nurse that the fact we can see it in kids sooner is not because of the immunizations it is because we have evolved in our knowledge!

it is like saying you get the flu from the flu shot crap you get the flu from people with flu! you get sick during the flu shot season with most likely a cold or something else because you go to a clinic to get the flu shot and people there are sick and you catch it!

I am a complete advocate in wholistic medicine ..combining diet exercise all kinds of "alternative and traditional" therapies to get the best effect for an entire person

consumers drive us... you guys are my bread and butter and whatpeople want and when they want badly enough we have to give do not blame us for pushing product the truth is you come to us :) and we are happy to serve

I would not give anyone anything I would not give me or mine or that I did not research and study fully before providing

and I give a lot of immunizations and am very happy to provide something to prevent you from being sick

I would much rather give your kids an MMR (or other vaccine) than treat your kids for the disease .. if you say "no" to immunizing your children, I am not going to argue! ...just make sure you know you are putting not only your child at risk but other children and immune compromised adults as well ..if you believe it is a conspiracy then think of me I am the least likely person to put up with a conspiracy!!! LOL I am a total rebel in life and only do what I am convinced is right not what people tell me is right ..I read I study and I do ..but I am about the community's wellness ...the world and where it is going is important to me and I like living here in a state of wellness with out the fear of diseases that killed and maimed a generation before me!

so choose your poison but do not trust the internet for your advice ..use a research library if you really want the answers there are good ones at universities and community colleges...all you have to do is wander in and you can get studies on anything you want to know about ..the internet is full of fear mongering and crap

ok done now :) thanks for the space to discuss this

I really want to stress however I do not come to you come to me for these injections and if you do I will only provide what I feel is safe and benefits you, your family and our community ..not what benefits drug companies..that is why I work for a non profit COOP :)


Low-Carb Queen - RIP: 1963-2021
Jan 3, 2009
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the entire autism thing ..well you know what a pediatric RN for 15 years I can honestly say as diagnosis evolved we discovered more autism was there before we just are always learning and seeing ...and the diagnostic criteria for Autism has changed so much just in the years I have been a nurse that the fact we can see it in kids sooner is not because of the immunizations it is because we have evolved in our knowledge!
Totally agree.

I know parents are hurting when they find out their child will need lifetime care. I also know how nice it would be to have some deep pockets help me take care of my son. Too bad the pharm companies are not to blame for this.

It is actually the federal government's fault for putting out recommendations that we all stay out of the sun.


Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 7, 2008
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Wifezilla said:
It is actually the federal government's fault for putting out recommendations that we all stay out of the sun.
and it is the federal governments falt also for:

the food pyramid that has been destroying all of our health with bread being the foundation of it all!
the legalization of vioxx and deaths of those who took it.
the paralysis of many people who took the flu vaccine in 1976, including my mother.
the use of bovine hormones in milk
the use of deadly pesticides and herbicides
the deaths of children who took the RSV vaccinaiton
the legalization of aspertame in food products.

If you want to trust these idiots, these FDA jackels who all work for pharmaceutical companies, who have heavily invested interests, who have worked to discredit natural organic foods, who support monsanto, well just be my guest
and you can experiment with vaccinations on your kids and those stupid enough to go to medical doctors and ask for them

your kids, not mine.

This site will tell you your state regs on vaccination and exemptions.

I do think that if 1 in 100 boys had autism in the 1070's we would have noticed , as they are now seeing in New Jersey. (actually one in 75 is the current count) Autism is not a mild disorder that can be overlooked.

I challenge you to look into sm40 virus in polio vaccines.


Power Conserver
Mar 21, 2009
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after reading all of this I have to say one thing our government is our government and I love living in this country and am so happy to be part of a system while very flawed one I can run for office in ..I can work for laws to be changed and I can be part of with out fear of retribution

I suggest that anyone who is "upset" with government policey get off your butts and go work for change

It is not easy but it is doable and while you may not always get what YOU want you can affect change in this country and not worry about what will happen to you!

so please before you blame the government for whatever you do not like ..go do something ..people vote people in and people make laws and change them

so just work on the things you do not like ..including mandatory immunizations ..

although in my opinion immunizing is good if you do not want your child mandated to have immunizations then figure it out

if you do not like the food pyramid consider at the time it was put forth that was what people thought was healthy and remember knowledge evolves and while things do change it can take time

at least here in this great country (and yes i love this country and think how our government works is amazing ..and no I do not agree with everything or find many things to my liking AT ALL!

I work on legislation ...write to the leaders and express my opinions ..fight for bills to be passed...go to political conferences ...and find wasy to make change from the bottom up and have joyfully actually seen things get better just from being an active participant in this country's functioning ...I have also been grossly disapointed as well when more people wanted what I didnt!

you have a say in this country if you do not like things as they are then work for change!

I know in my state if you do not want to immunize your child there is a line on the bottom of the immunization page that says "I choose to not immunize due to religious or personal reasons" Just sign there!

if you do not have that in your state ..stop blaming the government go find out how you can have that changed and start working on it!

take care :) and good luck this has been an interesting discussion thanks to the OP for starting it


Moderator Extraordinaire
Jul 12, 2008
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Hanson, MA Zone 6a
Please, it is so simplistic to say if you don't like the government change it. We are seeing how wrapped up in business our government is now - it's no longer Of the People, By the People and For the People, it's Of the Corporation, By the Corporation and For the Corporation. It's going to take a huge revolt (we may be seeing the beginning of it now, over the Obamacare that's being rammed through without anyone actually reading and understanding it) before any one person is every going to be able to make a difference the way it used to be. Until we have legislatures who actually understand they work for us, we as people are screwed about making any changes in government.

If I thought for one minute the discussion over vaccinations wasn't completely corrupted by pharmaceutical profit interests and potential legal responsibilities I'd be more willing to believe the vaccines were totally benign.


Almost Self-Reliant
Oct 7, 2008
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HiDelight said:
I suggest that anyone who is "upset" with government policey get off your butts and go work for change
And who are you to say that I don't work for change?
I work for change every day of my life.
Pretty arrogant.

Working to change the government is only one part of working for change. And I have worked diligently for change in vaccination policy,
both in teaching and with my wallet.

No change happens unless people are informed.


Low-Carb Queen - RIP: 1963-2021
Jan 3, 2009
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I have been battling to get the truth out for the past 2 years about vitamin d, the crappy food pyramid, the evils of soy, corn, wheat and the farm subsidies that fund us poisoning ourselves. The assumption that we are all sitting around whining is pretty obnoxious.


Power Conserver
Mar 21, 2009
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sorry if I sounded arrogant that was not my intent my intent was to say I do feel part of the process and I wish more people with such good ideas would join it as well

I will say no more and hope that you do not feel badly towards me as that was never my intent!

I was trying to participate hopefully inspire ....but actually I am a bit arrogant about my politics it is my religion instead of church I am very political and feel very much a part of our system ...I feel potent in making changes because of the organizations I belong to have made changes in directions that things I did not like were going ..we have also had failures but it was because it was not the popular opinion not because of a cooperation mandating

I respectfully disagree with your voice Reinbeau on this one ..yes money and power speak but people speak too and the "little guy" still does have a loud voice if he/she is pushy enough ..(hense what you may call my arrogance I am very pushy when it comes to what I believe in!) ...and from my own experiance ... we are still a government of the people by the people and for the people ..I

again I apologize for anything that may have offended! sometimes writing heartfelt words.. come out differently in writing ... and I must remember not everyone can read my mind or actually get my intent :) my intent was to inspire not offend ..I will back off now and concede to your opinion of my arrogance..but rest assured I am very much in love with this country our history and while I do not agree with a lot of what is going on it makes me feel so much better to know I can make a difference and when I try I feel good about myself...I will continue my own work and hope that people who do feel this strongly get out there and work hard as well to maintain our say in this country's governing

I know better than to debate things like this on a board and will try hard to stay out of these type of conversations in the future as your response was exactly what I did not want to happen ..someone's feelings are always affected in things like this ...things that come out when they are strong and heartfelt and do not match ther other persons opinion can cause dispute instead of debate

...and we do not have the advantage of eye contact a smile or handshake ..even quick corrections!

take care and have a great day ..


Power Conserver
Mar 21, 2009
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Wifezilla said:
I have been battling to get the truth out for the past 2 years about vitamin d, the crappy food pyramid, the evils of soy, corn, wheat and the farm subsidies that fund us poisoning ourselves. The assumption that we are all sitting around whining is pretty obnoxious.
ps our doctors are all on the Vit D train now please know that we are testing just about everyone in our clinic and yes your voice is heard! and we are ordering supplementation and doing studies with in our practice ..this is a fact thoughout our whole large coop we have worked on this for the past two years actually! Vit D is NOT being ignored here where I work!

take care :)

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