Hen23's Journal~Goodbye

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Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
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SE Indiana
Wow, very impressive news on your son! Sounds like he is getting it..and you should be proud. I know you are!!!
As far as "We'll get there. Just not fast enough for me" I know the feeling. With all the rain, I have YET to get my garden in. Im getting VERY impatient!! So are my 2 ft tall tomato plants. :/
Today I went out and worked in the rain...makeing the yard area bigger for the cornishX. I just HAD to get outside! Now, the sun has set, and I am paying for it. Achey and sinus yuk. Im going to go get a hot shower..and make me some tea.


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
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Eastern CT
I know I'm not the only impatient one. It just seems that there are so many things I'm waiting for right now! Baby goats, a milk goat, the fence to keep them safe, the end of the school year for DS, my summer break, getting the garden fenced and planted, and so many summer projects lined up it isn't even funny!
Thanks for the boost. I needed it!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
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SE Indiana
This time of year its very easy to get overwhelmed. We have all been sitting inside all winter, thinking of projects we want to get done this summer...and the first melt...we try to rush in and get it all done. I have a LONG list of things I want done this year...but, like last year..im sure lots wont get crossed off...
Gates on the 8 chicken yards - not likely to get done
Summer kitchen- MIGHT get done
paint the barn-not likely to get done
paint windowsills and trim on house-NEEDS to get done
new roof on the BIG coop-NEEDS to get done
sideing on the 2 coops-not likely to get done
build a new hog pen-WILL get done
put in 2 more pastures for rotational grazeing-HOPE to get done
2 gardens-WILL get done(eventually)
*sigh* Its ok.....at least I have HIGH HOPES! LOL
Like my mom used to say.... " Dont sweat the petty stuff, and dont pet the sweaty stuff" :lol:


Revolution in Progress
Aug 3, 2008
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Southern California
Ah, it is nice to hear that your son is getting his head around this food stuff and is reading labels!

I sent an email out to DD's class asking them to please let me know when anyone brings in a treat for any reason so that I can make something comparable, I am already stressed about it...thank goodness the school year is almost over. But then come cheer and the snacks and treats that go along with game days...everyone rotates taking turns. I don't know quite how to handle it yet. We are having a parent meeting in June. I am not sure if I should put together a list of safe snacks or just bring somethign for just her or collect money and do all the treat shopping??? :barnie

Back to you...:gig Things will be smooth sailing once school gets out! I love your countdown :)


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern CT
Dace said:
Ah, it is nice to hear that your son is getting his head around this food stuff and is reading labels!

I sent an email out to DD's class asking them to please let me know when anyone brings in a treat for any reason so that I can make something comparable, I am already stressed about it...thank goodness the school year is almost over. But then come cheer and the snacks and treats that go along with game days...everyone rotates taking turns. I don't know quite how to handle it yet. We are having a parent meeting in June. I am not sure if I should put together a list of safe snacks or just bring somethign for just her or collect money and do all the treat shopping??? :barnie

Back to you...:gig Things will be smooth sailing once school gets out! I love your countdown :)
We are able to keep a box of muffins or cupcakes in the school nurse's freezer. Teacher still managed to mess up a couple of times early on. The kid is human. She was wrong to expect him to make the right choice. I am concerned about church camp but I will contact them soon to find out how I go about providing his food for him. We never dealt with this when we did rotating snack moms in preschool but we were given a list of allergies for the whole class and were asked not to bring things that someone couldn't eat. For me the best to deal with it has been to make a big deal about it, rat on the teacher when she messed up, etc. Didn't make me very popular with some, but the ones who understand backed me up.
Teacher is out yet again, supposedly has a nasty "bug". Glad she's not spreading to my kid!
19 days after today-total! That includes the last day which is a half day, Field Day and a field trip. So really only 16 typical school days. The crunch is on paperwork-wise for me, but it helps me focus and get it done.


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern CT
19 days. Today was an early release day. My mom had to bring him home because I have prfoessional development meetings on these days. Anyway, they ran into the substitute who started to give DS a hard time for not being where she thought he was supposed to be until Mom explained that she was his grandmother, etc. She asked Mrs. Sub how his day was and she said he'd had an awesome week. Apparently even with packets of worksheets to do he's able to do just fine when someone takes the time to redirect his focus once in a while. I don't think the teacher bothers anymore until he gets a little disruptive. :rolleyes:
Still waiting to hear on goats. I'm headed to the vet's office for the puppy's heartworm test. Maybe I'll get to peek over the fence at my babies! :love


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern CT
Well, I got to see them through the wooden fence, but couldn't get a really good look. They have definitely grown! I was a little miffed that there was still a poster advertizing them in the waiting room. The receptionist brought up the subject by saying she's make sure she kept my message on the top of the vet's pile for when he got back from his vacation. So I asked about the poster and she got up and took it down.I thought maybe he didn't think I was serious, but he's known me long enough to know this isn't a whim. So I'm a little more encouraged there. Still no word from the other guy. I'm going to call this afternoon. If I have to leave another message I'll wait for him to call back but then I really think I need to move on. :(
I'll look for a doe in milk this summer when I'm home all day and can get used to a new routine, etc.
Tonight is the first Third Thursday Street Fest of the year, our first with food restrictions. Bleh. Good thing we see lots of people we know and the music is great! It will be fun to see how many of the high school students ignore me when they pass. :rolleyes:
18 days, 2 regular Thursdays and 1 exam day. Sad news, the kid that I made that great connection with and was actually working with me to get his English credit has been suspended out of school for 10 days, meaning he will miss the rest of our sessions. We're scrambling trying to find a way to get him to still be able to do the work. He doesn't have anyone at home who can help him. My supervisor tried calling to arrange after school tutoring but both #s for his father are out of service. Sigh.


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern CT
DS's teacher is out for the 4th day in a row. There is a stomach bug going around. I do not have time for it. It had better just steer clear of me!!

18 days.


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern CT
Henrietta23 said:
Had a neat experience today. I saw one of my Thursday kids in the hall. This kid is quite troubled, skips classes a lot. I was having a really hard time getting him to come to speech therapy sessions. Then one day I got him up to the room and somehow caught a little spark of interest in a picture of Native Americans from a century ago. I can't even remember how it happened exactly. Anyway, my superivisor and I, along with his English teacher, have come up with a project for him to do some reading and vocabulary work around an article about a famous Native American for English credit he needs to finally move on to 10th grade. (He's in 9th for the second year now). The cool thing that happened was that I saw him in the hallway with his troublemaker friends and he smiled and waved at me. :th That simply does not EVER happen! If nothing else positive comes out of this year I had that moment!
Pulled up my own quotation because I had the sad experience of opening the morning email with the list of Inschool and out of school suspended students. This student has been suspended out of school for 10 days. That means he will miss all three of our last sessions together and will not get credit for last semester in English. Up to today he was passing everything, and attending all academic classes. Aaaaaaaaarrrrrrrgh! We're trying to figure out if there's a way that we can meet him at the library and work there to keep him up to date and finish this project. Soooooo frustrating. We do not know why he was suspended yet. Probably fighting as in the past. :rant


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern CT
Had fun at the monthly street fest. Took a ton of pictures of someone else's kid climbing the rock wall :rolleyes:
DS didn't want to do it but a schoolmate did so I took some pictures for his dad who didn't have a camera with him.
Ran into lots of coworkers, a few students, baseball teammates, DH's fellow musicians etc. Had a fun chat with the mayor. How many elected officials have life size fiberglass buffaloes in their yards? He's a character! Seems someone went "cow tipping" in his yard and tipped over the buffalo. He wasn't able to get back upright so a good samaritan or two did it for him while he was at work.
DS ate at home. I had a Puerto Rican grilled chicken skewer minus the sauce. Nice and tender. Mmmm. Had some veggies when I got home to fill the gaps.
It was a beautiful night.
I did spend a fair amount of time searching the crowd for my suspended student. Not that he would have been one to acknowledge me but you never know.
Heard from Mom that DS's teacher has already left plans for tomorrow. Wow. 5 days in a row. I think you need a doctor's note at that point!
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