Food Guru
Ah, the wrenching of the heart begins, and so soon! When Ginger was a baby, she was completely three-legged lame one morning, and this same morning a friend stopped in before chores and she and I found lame Ginger together. I was almost in tears. Without even touching Ginger, I'd decided it was broken. Silly me. My friend talked me out of the rafters by pointing out that Ginger was touching the foot down a little, so wait a few hours and watch her before calling the vet.
Sure enough, by noon I could no longer tell which foot it was.
Hopefully, Thomas will be the same.
If not, do a close and careful inspection for cuts and anything stuck in the foot, including between the claws. Gently palpate the entire leg and shoulder. He is probably going to be just fine, though. Probably slipped, or got bonked, or caught his foot somewhere then got it out before you saw it.

Sure enough, by noon I could no longer tell which foot it was.
If not, do a close and careful inspection for cuts and anything stuck in the foot, including between the claws. Gently palpate the entire leg and shoulder. He is probably going to be just fine, though. Probably slipped, or got bonked, or caught his foot somewhere then got it out before you saw it.