Hen23's Journal~Goodbye

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Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern CT
Farmfresh said:
Let's see you have gobs of fresh milk and strawberries ... Sounds like homemade Ice Cream time!!!!

BTW I also highly recommend Wood Chuck cider (also GF) for those hair raising/goat raising days.
Mmmm, I 'll keep my eyes open!
We've been doing errands all day and I didn't get the jam made yet again. I've got a meeting at 6. :tongue so it won't happen tonight either. I did get my order from Breads from Anna so I will have to throw in a loaf for DS. I also got pie crust mix this time.
I did manage to clean out the goat side of the barn. Nosey creatures wouldn't leave me alone while I did it!!
Brought my parents a quart of milk at church. Tried to be sneaky about it but someone saw me and asked if I had extra. I said no, I was just thanking my dad for going with me to get Donki. One goat is enough to provide milk just for the family. blah blah blah. And sure enough this one woman says, it must be nice to have free milk!! I laughed and said, well let's see, $$ for grain, $ for hay, $$$ for goats. Labor to keep them happy and healthy.... she got the point and laughed back. :rolleyes:
Another person just looked at me and said WHY? To each his own.
2.5 days! :woot And I won't really be seeing students, just cleaning up and finishing up paperwork. I will see the student who had been suspended if he shows up, although that seems to be a lost cause. He's so far behind that no matter how much work he gets down in the speech room he won't pass his classes or have enough credits to move up a grade. :/ The coup was getting him to see that we care about him and were willing to go above and beyond to help him get it done if he made the committment.


Food Guru
Jan 1, 2009
Reaction score
Southwick, MA
Glad someone got it! To those who ask why.....most will never get it. Too bad for them! No one really gets the joy of being owned by goats until they are owned by goats.....


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern CT
Oooooooof! Goats like raisins. I mean really like raisins! The little ones did not want to get locked up tonight. They wanted to P L A Y!
So I followed their former owner's advice to entice them in with some raisins. It worked. It also caused Donki to jump on me for the first time! Wooof! No injuries to either of us. I'd have to say the girl has never had a raisin before and she's hooked! It's the only thing she's eaten from my hand as friendly as she is.
My sheep owning friend had me come over after church to pick up some of her spare veggie plants. We got to talking summer projects and she shared with me her book, Swe What Skirts. Fun stuff! I've been hunting on line for reproduction vintage fabrics. I really need to go to bed!


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern CT
Might be wise! I was caught completely off guard. She's never done that before. The little ones jump up if they know I've got apple chunks for them. I try to discourage it. It's cute now but they're already getting bigger.
2.5 days, did I say that already??? My last Monday for the year. Students are all in finals so it is much quieter than usual. I'm finishing up progress notes (really, I AM!) and cleaning. Remember that picture of the office I posted. Not like I can do much with my supervisor's mess. :rolleyes:


Almost Self-Reliant
May 12, 2009
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North Central Miss'ippy
So, raisins are your goats' crack. I'm rather scared of offering raisins, seeing how I am mobbed when I go out with their grain.

I wouldn't worry about the office too much, the disaster area you showed... I doubt anyone would notice anything had been done, even if you did manage to clean up. Wowza!

Yay summer! That's great that you will be available for your student, even if he doesn't make it. He will remember that for years to come.


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern CT
Student blew us off this morning. He's just so far behind at this point I almost don't blame him. We'll hopefully get off to a good start next fall. We have a fairly good rapport to build from.
I got so totally frustrated with the mess this morning because I needed certain data that I had gathered while working with students the last few weeks, in order to enter progress notes into the computer system. Supervisor had pulled some of the data sheets from the kids' files and put them in either baseline folders for next year or post test folders for this year. Some of the data covered both. But she had multiple folders, buried here and there and I had to dig and search in at least three different piles, all of them threatening to avalanche. Then I still couldn't find data for two students. Sup. was at a meeting out of town so I couldn't contact her. She had sent certain data sheets to one of the secretaries to update something in the system so that explains why I couldn't find it. Good thing she treated me to lunch!
I was hoping to be at the elementary school like I usually am on Tuesday and Wednesday but she wants us to finish packing up there then spend the rest of our time at the HS. :rant :tongue Rats.
I had fun watching the kids jump around in the pen. They love it when DS goes in with them. They play follow the leader. He got a little too sure of himself and lost his footing on a rock. From my point of view it looked like he did a face plant into a tree stump. He caught himself and barely scratched a knee but it scared 10 years off my life. So no more jumping on rocks unless you've got "4 wheel drive." I watched daisy slide off the seesaw and land on her side. Freaked us all out for a second or two. She got up and kept on running. Thomas' limp is gone. I was kind of wishing he'd break off that other horn bud but no luck. I think it's going to have to be trimmed. :ep
Donki seems to actually have worn her own hooves down some now that she walks around on the rocks with the kids.
We're supposed to go on a Cub Scout overnight camp-out in two weeks. I need to get a milker trained so I don't have to drive half an hour home that Saturday night to milk her. We leave the next morning so I will just head home after we pack up and milk. I can now do it with no help from DH! As long as I give Donki enough in her dish so that she doesn't finish eating before I finish milking!


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern CT
Rant of the day:
Student in DS's class had a birthday today. Mom sent in popsicles as a treat. Teacher said to DS, "I'll let you decide if you can have on or not." DS said, "I guess it's okay once in a while." SO SHE LET HIM EAT IT. I can't type what I really want to say. I vented that to my mom earlier but I'm still mad. What do I have to do to convince this woman that you don't give an 8 yo kid a choice when his mother has specifically said
So I am composing a reminder note saying that if something comes up and the class is having treats, he either gets one of his muffins from the nurse's freezer or I get a call and an ingredient list read to me.
Two more days is about two days too many.

big brown horse

Hoof In Mouth
Apr 23, 2009
Reaction score
Puget Sound, WA
How frustrating!! Where was the teacher???

I had children in my class with food allergies and even some that came from vegetarian families. I was always very careful and I made sure all of my other parents were aware too. In 15 years of teaching little ones, I never made a mistake. (I never had to use an eppi pen either, thank goodness!)

Most of the time the other parents tried very hard to stick to the rules.

(Refined sugar ANYTHING was never allowed into my classroom. Fresh fruit was the only "sweet" allowed. If a parent forgot the rule, all the treats got sent right back home unopened at the end of the day.)


Food Guru
Jan 1, 2009
Reaction score
Southwick, MA
Here is my letter to her, cc to the principal and the superintendant:

Dear Ms Idiot:

I have asked you several times not to give any food to my severely allergic son, blank-blank, that I have not prepared for him myself. There are several common ingredients that could make him seriously ill or even CAUSE HIS DEATH, as has already been made clear to you and to the principal. Again you risked my son's life for your own convenience. How dare you disregard the welfare of any child in your care.

I want to make it very clear to you that should this happen again, I will be pressing charges against you for child endangerment. Should my son become ill or worse at your hands, I assure you that I will do everything in my power to have you prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Meanwhile, I will be requesting in writing that you be dismissed from your position in this school district.

VERY Sincerely,

Your Worst Nightmare.

I would send this via registered mail and send copies to everyone up the line from this ridiculous idiot. Hmmm....maybe the State's Attorney should get a copy. That always gets attention. Ask me how I know. :D
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