Hen23's Journal~Goodbye

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Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I look out my window and see goats, chickens, rabbits (both wild and domestic) turkeys, vultures, various hawks, deer, squirrels, and I don't know what all else. Though, I did see a ground hog the other day, and wished I was practiced up w/my bow. I would have gone out and seen if I couldn't have shot the sucker. :rant (Can't use a gun where I live, it's residential, don't need someone reporting me.)


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
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Eastern CT
Aside from my mom coming to the house to check on the dog at lunch time today, we are back to normal. Which is insane. But insane with out desperately ill dogs. We are in crunch time at school. I looked at the calendar today. With Memorial Day and finals week I will only see my Monday High School kids 4 more times after today! But we have 6 thursdays left. Too bad because I hate Thursdays.
I'm running off to Cub Scouts, possibly for nothing since most of them including DS have baseball. I may 2, 1 or none of my guys. whatever. I didn't over plan.


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern CT
Thanks! Me too. I think we are down to 34 days of school. Hard to believe! We got word that we will have the final exam schedule before the week is out. 4 weeks after this one we'll be in finals! Crazy!!
Cub Scouts was weird. I have 5 Bears in my den. DS and another are on the same baseball team so I knew they had a game and wouldn't be at Scouts. Another Bear plays baseball with a different league and I know that they play every Monday and he wouldn't be there. That left 2 boys, both of whom may or may not show up any given night. So I didn't really feel compelled to overplan the meeting. I had some rope, paper, crayons and a book of American folklore stories. Only one of my guys showed up. But another group had their meeting cancelled because their leader got called into to cover for an umpire in another game. But 2 of his boys didn't get the message and showed up. So I invited them to join me rather than going home and they did. We had fun trying some different knots. 2 of them did quite well but one of the other boys, who happens to be a student I work with at the elementary school, was lost. He is going through an ADHD med change that is amazing to watch. Working with him last week was like trying to get a hummingbird to sit still and write a novel. Oy! Poor kiddo!But he warmed my heart because through it all he is kinder and more compassionate than any kid I've worked with in a long time. Before he started trying any of his knots he made sure everyone had what they needed. He could teach a lot of kids around here many things, including my own!
Indy continues to do well. He has a small scab on his incision that we'll watch. No drainage or swelling. He's wearing his cone so he's not able to lick it at all. His appetite is fantastic, which it isn't always on a good day. His eyes are bright and he's happy. We go back Friday to have his staples taken out. I'm bringing the vet every fresh duck egg I have to say thanks. He doesn't have goats milk right now since he's got new kids to feed, but he will often trade me milk for eggs when he does.
Three of my nine raised beds are built. We still need to get the fencing up before I can plant in them. Hoping hoping hoping for nice weather this weekend. It's not an overbooked weekend for a change and I don't think we even have a baseball game so we could potentially get a lot done. My seedlings are getting bigger by the hour. I have54 tomatoes!!! I will be sharing lots of extras. The cabbage seedlings didn't do well and I have only a few. I will try more once I move some things outside. I started cukes, 4 types this past weekend while fretting about the dog. I will have a garden if it kills me! I have everything covered with a frame of wire screen to keep any mice that wander in out. I had that happen a few years ago. I had seedlings a few weeks old and a mouse ate them all! even hot peppers. I hope it had indegestion.


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern CT
Further happy news is that I tried an almond flour sandwich bread recipe from an almond flour cookbook borrowed from a friend and DS likes it!! I hadn't found a GF/everyother allergen free bread that he would eat happily. yay!!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Abi, I could soooo do something w/that statement, but it's too early, so I'll be good!

Hen, glad he found something he can eat that he likes! And, I'm glad Indy is doing better.


Abinormal Butterfly
Oct 21, 2009
Reaction score
LOL Deb! I said nut. :gig

Time to head to work :(

At least I got to read the OFG thread before I had to go in :D It's my FRIDAY!!! :weee
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