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- #4,261
Yard Farmer
You know how sometimes you just know something stupid is going to happen?? Well today was one of those days. The woman who did my x-rays told me the radiologist would have them read before the end of the day so I should expect to hear something from the nurse practioner who ordered them by this morning. I called the doctor's office right after they opened to let them I was expecting results and that the best way to reach me today would be on my cell. The receptionist took the number and that was that. Never heard a thing. Got home and called again. Receptionist said, "Well, she has to read them first." To which I replied "I know, but the hospital said I should hear soon and I'm in pain and I'd like to know what our next step is as soon as I can." She said she'd go check. After about 4 minutes she came back and said that the results were on the nurse practioner's desk and she won't be in until Friday.
Are you kidding me??? I remainded calm and she told me she had put the chart on the doctor's desk to review before Friday. I worked in a family practice office and stuff like this happens, I know that. But still, how much common sense does it take to see x-ray results and not expect a patient to be looking for answers before a freaking week has gone by????????? She did also tell me that they found no fractures or bone abnormalities. I'm pretty sure I've got posterior tibial tendonitis with some plantar fasciitis going on. I just need to know what we do now.
It was an all around stupid day and it's getting stupider by the minute.

It was an all around stupid day and it's getting stupider by the minute.