- Thread starter
- #151
Lovin' The Homestead
Counting my blessings- so I don't kill anyone or maim any unsuspecting passerbys. 
Our income tax check arrived.
Spent it on dental bills, chiropractor bills and some more fencing.
Things to fix other things. dentist to fix teeth, chiro to fix back and fence to fix the nosey old bat who wants to yell at my kids in my yard. Seriously, I can yell at my kids, I have the stretch marks that give me the right, but this canker sore is just using my kids to get her stress relief.
I got an excellent eval at work. Yet, I am losing my job.
Thanks Rick Perry. You freaking narcisstic blindly rich arse hat.
He turned down federal money for texas if he had to earmark it for education. He wanted it to go to his corperate buddies. again 
but I just got a D/B/A filed and I am going into business for myself. Window cleaning anyone?
Also house cleaning till I get an established clientelle. 
The sweet dog is chewing everything in the yard. Built a pen for him with a run only to have him dig out. But my son adores his butt. So what do you do. Just treat him like the irritating neighbor's kid and tolerate him so your kid has a play mate.
The baby chicks are all feathered out and huge. I have two exchequer hens, a deleware, RIR, BO, millie fleur, porcelien D'uccle, my sweet baby a barred rock, a black star, black cochin, partridge cochin and an EE who is tiny so Im thinking a banty, but wasnt sure they make them in banty size.
My one adult hen Ruby, who's also an EE has gone broody in the treehouse, my son is non to happy. not to mention the babies will fall out if they hatch there. But hey, broody hen is good. Roo is bored not having anything to do though. I mean that literally, he's a bona fide slut. :bun
So there are my blessings, oh, my family of course, all good and healthy. Couldnt ask for better and expect it.
Hope yall are well.

Our income tax check arrived.

Spent it on dental bills, chiropractor bills and some more fencing.
Things to fix other things. dentist to fix teeth, chiro to fix back and fence to fix the nosey old bat who wants to yell at my kids in my yard. Seriously, I can yell at my kids, I have the stretch marks that give me the right, but this canker sore is just using my kids to get her stress relief.

I got an excellent eval at work. Yet, I am losing my job.

but I just got a D/B/A filed and I am going into business for myself. Window cleaning anyone?

The sweet dog is chewing everything in the yard. Built a pen for him with a run only to have him dig out. But my son adores his butt. So what do you do. Just treat him like the irritating neighbor's kid and tolerate him so your kid has a play mate.
The baby chicks are all feathered out and huge. I have two exchequer hens, a deleware, RIR, BO, millie fleur, porcelien D'uccle, my sweet baby a barred rock, a black star, black cochin, partridge cochin and an EE who is tiny so Im thinking a banty, but wasnt sure they make them in banty size.
My one adult hen Ruby, who's also an EE has gone broody in the treehouse, my son is non to happy. not to mention the babies will fall out if they hatch there. But hey, broody hen is good. Roo is bored not having anything to do though. I mean that literally, he's a bona fide slut. :bun
So there are my blessings, oh, my family of course, all good and healthy. Couldnt ask for better and expect it.
Hope yall are well.