Home Birth - Graphic Descriptions.


Crazy Cat Lady
Jul 12, 2008
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Ontario, Canada
miss_thenorth said:
LOL, I wanted SOOO much to see, too, but was too wrapped up in pain and concentration, that I didn't see too much. I wish it would have been videotaped, so at least I could have seen it after the fact.
It probably makes me weird or something, but I don't ever want to see a videotape of my labors or births (hence my DH being strictly forbidden to have the videocamera in the room til there was an actual baby to film <g>). I think it would be too difficult for me to watch, or too boring, or too embarrassing, or probably all three at once :p I'd rather remember what I remember of it, and not-remember the rest <g>

And truthfully I hadn't the slightest interest in the offer of a mirror to see the baby's head crowning or any of that. How it *felt* was way too preoccupying :p I am impressed that my DH did not get freaked out by it though. HE certainly thought he would :) But no, he was great :)

If I had more kids I might get over those things and maybe by the fifth or sixth be more like Ho Hum, I Wonder What This Looks Like From A Different Vantage Point... or on the other hand maybe not. I'll never know, I guess!

I do wish there was some way of 'recording' how it feels when the baby is out and in your arms for the first time. Not just memory, I mean, but if it were possible to *be* there again, so to speak. THAT I could relive over and over forever.

The labor, not so much :p



Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 9, 2009
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They let Greg in for my last C-section and he stood right there by the doctor actually getting in the way a couple of times asking for an anatomy lesson!!!


Frugal Homesteader
Jul 12, 2008
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SW Ontario, CANADA
patandchickens said:
[I do wish there was some way of 'recording' how it feels when the baby is out and in your arms for the first time. Not just memory, I mean, but if it were possible to *be* there again, so to speak. THAT I could relive over and over forever.

That feeling is PRICLESS!


Crazy Cat Lady
Jul 12, 2008
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Ontario, Canada
farmerlor said:
They let Greg in for my last C-section and he stood right there by the doctor actually getting in the way a couple of times asking for an anatomy lesson!!!
I know this is technically a homebirth thread but I just have to say that I admire the HECK out of those who have had to go through a C-section.

Partly in terms of what I've seen friends have to put up with while recuperating, and mostly because I suspect I would *seriously* freak out during the procedure. I am really impressed that it seems like most women manage to keep their composure during the process. It's unfortunate that sometimes a C-section is necessary (but good that it's available when it is!), but seems like quite a 'test of character' and I am impressed when women manage to focus on the good things that come out of it. I have a bad feeling that I would not necessarily do as well if it were me on the table there :p

Hope you don't mind me saying this,



Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
It is weird to have a C-section, Pat. I'm one of those folks that don't react well to anesthesia, so the epidural they gave me wasn't really working at the time of the first incision~ :barnie ...so they had to pump it up. Then they tried again and it still hadn't kicked in...felt like someone burning you with a hot poker across the abdomen when they cut into the skin! :p Finally, they got it right and it went pretty well until they started sewing me up.

The feeling of them tugging the stitches tight got me queasy but they said I couldn't throw up because I had to lie still! I told them "couldn't" didn't figure into the equation...I was going to hurl! :lol: Someone said, "Show her the baby!" They did and the sickness went away instantly...smart nurses on that surgery, I tell you!

I was one of those women that they induced each time....if I had known then what I know now, I would have never let them do that. I would have done a home birthing just like you ladies! Inducing puts one from lying their quietly to immediate hard labor...no build up. I can imagine what the baby goes through with that method! And, of course, one of mine finally went into distress and needed an emergency C-section. What doctors will do to make life easier on themselves! :rolleyes:


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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I had to have a c-section this past July with my last baby. I don't know about other women, but man my abdomen where my incision is still tender! Not all the time, but if someone (um dh) touches the lower part of my abdomen, it is still really sensitive.

Pat, I DID freak out. I was in a full out panic about having a c-section. I had placenta previa, had been on bedrest the last few weeks of my pregnancy, and the last thing I wanted was to be cut on. When they were prepping me for my c-section I grabbed the nurses' arm and I told her, "I want my Dr. to come pray with us." I didn't think I was rude about it, but the nurses told me later that there was a very desperate tone to the way I said it, and I was shaking like a leaf, so they put on my chart "patient requests prayer before c-section."

And let me tell you, I have a wonderful doctor! She didn't bat an eye, but came in with two nurses in two, grabbed my hand, grabbed my husbands hand, a nurse grabbed my other hand, and they formed a circle around us and my Doctor led us in prayer. I felt an immediate peace. Not that I wasn't still scared, but I didn't flip out when I entered the OR.

I told my Dr. don't be surprised if I bawl like a baby during the procedure. She said I wouldn't be the first. Turns out, I was soooo wrapped up in my conversation about boating and bass fishing with my husband and my anesthesiologist (sp?) that my Dr. had started the procedure without my being aware! It wasn't until I heard her say, "I am so glad to hear her carrying on a conversation" that I realized they had started. When they were pushing and pulling to get him out, the pressure on my chest was awful! I thought for sure I would suffocate before they were done.

The hardest part was I didn't really get to see my baby when they had him out. Split second above the curtain, and they whisked him away. I laid in recovery for two full hours before I got to lay eyes on my son for the first time. Longest two hours of my life! I was so freaked about not seeing him, that I made my husband leave the OR with the baby, even though they were still working on me. I told him, "Don't let him out of your sight!! And take pictures!!"

Once I was sent home, I remember wondering if I would ever be able to get up and move without pain again. It really only took a couple weeks, but oh my...So, I told DH no way would I ever do that again, and since my Dr. doesn't allow VBACS, there are no more babies in our future!


Power Conserver
Feb 9, 2009
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I have to say that the first few times that I watched it I was very critical of my body and a little embarrassed. After a while I got over it and now I'm very proud of myself when I see what my body went through and what I'm capable of. I'm very happy that I have that moment on video because in the throes of transition and right after the baby is born I usually don't remember what happened. I know that when I sent the link to my mom she said she couldn't watch it because it was too much to watch her baby go through that. She's supposed to be helping out at my next birth so I really hope she can hang. LOL. Although her role will be more to watch the other kids than to actually help me but still.


Enjoys Recycling
Sep 15, 2008
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middle tenn
Probably being the Elder member of this discussion (72) Our first was born at home she is now 54 shortly to be 55, and at that time it was a normal thing for home births, glad to see it is coming back in fashion. DH was right there in the room all the time so he knew what was going on when the others was born in the hospital, and they wouldn't let him in the delivery room at that time. The birth of a healthy baby is a life changing experience.enjoy him while he is little, they do grow up to be teenagers, :thumbsup marrie


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
Oh! Enjoy him while he's a teenager too! I am! :love I laughed so hard with my teens today that I wet myself....and then we laughed about that!!! :gig