Crazy Cat Lady
It probably makes me weird or something, but I don't ever want to see a videotape of my labors or births (hence my DH being strictly forbidden to have the videocamera in the room til there was an actual baby to film <g>). I think it would be too difficult for me to watch, or too boring, or too embarrassing, or probably all three at oncemiss_thenorth said:LOL, I wanted SOOO much to see, too, but was too wrapped up in pain and concentration, that I didn't see too much. I wish it would have been videotaped, so at least I could have seen it after the fact.

And truthfully I hadn't the slightest interest in the offer of a mirror to see the baby's head crowning or any of that. How it *felt* was way too preoccupying

If I had more kids I might get over those things and maybe by the fifth or sixth be more like Ho Hum, I Wonder What This Looks Like From A Different Vantage Point... or on the other hand maybe not. I'll never know, I guess!
I do wish there was some way of 'recording' how it feels when the baby is out and in your arms for the first time. Not just memory, I mean, but if it were possible to *be* there again, so to speak. THAT I could relive over and over forever.
The labor, not so much
