Home Birth - Graphic Descriptions.


Crazy Cat Lady
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
It says "graphic descriptions". (well, now it does anyhow)

We've had descriptions of internal parasites being expelled into the toilet, and all sorts of things like that. Maybe this grosses you out more; it grosses *me* out a whole lot LESS :p

I fail to see how arrangements for births SELF SUFFICIENTLY outside of hospitals is somehow more off-topic than, say, constant ranting and raving about how much people do not like President Obama, or over and over again about various peoples' personal nutrition hobbyhorses.

Ya don't wanna read about it, don't read about it.




Power Conserver
Feb 9, 2009
Reaction score
I fail to see how this topic is any less SS than the thread on reusable feminine products (http://www.sufficientself.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=605). Having a baby at home is significantly more resourceful than giving birth in a hospital - especially this day in age when the vast majority of babies in the US are born in the hospital. I don't believe there was any mention of competition among those who choose to birth at home versus those who choose to birth in a hospital. I simply invited others to share their home birth stories. Also, it says in the title, "Graphic Descriptions" which, given the nature of the thread (Home Birth), would indicate the probability that there might be graphic descriptions about home birth. I realize this is a relatively small forum but there are plenty of other topics of interest IMO in which to participate rather than read something you know is going to rub you the wrong way and then blame the posters for offending you. The thread is not flaming people who choose not to give birth at home so why should those of us who do choose this option be crucified? I wonder, if there were a thread which gave detailed instruction on how to butcher a chicken or how to assist a cow giving birth, would it be met with the same up-turned nose and disgust? It's just another facet, another take, another way some of us are expressing our inner sufficient self.

the simple life

Yard Farmer
Jul 12, 2008
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S.Weymouth, Massachusetts
First of all, this thread did not have the title of graphic description until the moderator put it there and I had already ready it, much like watching a car accident.
Secondly I do not think that any of these threads mentioned belong here on an ss forum, obama, personal problems, feminine products or any of the rest.I actually agree with the disdain for all those militant nutrition threads that can arise out of a simple comment regarding say, I don't know any type of food, turns a couple of members into a rant.
I fail to see how any of these pet projects pertains to or helps the rest of the members move forward their goals to self sufficiency.
Its just a chance for people to get on their soap box about something they feel they know more about than anyone else.
Information regarding butchering an animal may actually be of use to some people and would belong here and has been on here, I don't see how detailed information surrounding a birth is helpful to anybody.
To discuss home births is one thing to go into explicit detail is alot more information that really does not pertain to any matter of self sufficiency.
Lastly, I think it is insensitive to rave about giving birth when there was a heartbreaking thread not that long ago about some members here who could not get pregnant or miscarried multiple times.
You can do things in a much more appropriate manner.
I am bewildered why anyone would think that anyone else would want to hear such personal stuff, there has already been far too much personal stuff here already but this really takes the cake.
You are right though posting about having your leg up on your husband's shoulder, the cause of the lip or rim of your cervix or having sex to get your labor going is very helpful to the rest of us who are trying to plan for rough times ahead and here I thought I would just double the size of my garden this year. :rolleyes:


Crazy Cat Lady
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
I have gone back and edited out a parenthetical comment from my post that might gross people out; other than that, there is NOTHING explicit in my post. As for greenrootsmama's, it's certainly phrased the way you'd typically post on a pregnancy forum rather than some other sorts of forums, but please don't confuse the issue of a few specifics with whether the whole TOPIC merits discussion here.

the simple life said:
I fail to see how any of these pet projects pertains to or helps the rest of the members move forward their goals to self sufficiency.
I tell you what, there is NO chance I would have ever considered a homebirth had I not had the good fortune to encounter a few people who'd actually done it and could give a realistic account of what it was like.

The posts are not aimed just at you, specifically, you know (for *any* value of 'you').

Information regarding butchering an animal may actually be of use to some people and would belong here and has been on here, I don't see how detailed information surrounding a birth is helpful to anybody.
<boggle> "Information surrounding a birth" is invaluable to anybody who is ever going to give birth in the future. This includes a very large proportion of 50% or so of the population.

The more you know about how labor can proceed, and know of SELF SUFFICIENT (emphasizing this b/c you have said you don't see it) methods that can help things go well (like for instance, laboring while standing up), the more likely a person is to have a good birth experience... whether in hospital, at home, along the side of the road, wherever.

For cryin' out loud, this is one of the most normal and basic lifetime activities a person (well, a female person) ever engages in. And it does make QUITE a lot of difference how it is approached and what a person does or don't know about it in advance.

Lastly, I think it is insensitive to rave about giving birth when there was a heartbreaking thread not that long ago about some members here who could not get pregnant or miscarried multiple times.
I'm really sorry to whomever(s) that was; I might not have chimed in on this thread if I'd known that (I've had multiple miscarriages myself and can only imagine how much worse that would be to *not* have had a child yet out of it). Unfortunately, you have to realize that I, like probably most people, do not read all threads, far from it. So it is not reasonable to expect people to know everything else going on.



Power Conserver
Feb 9, 2009
Reaction score
I really didn't bring this up to start a debate so I'm not going to continue the argument. Rather, if anyone has any questions about home birth or might be considering it in their future, please feel free to PM me. There are some really great books and websites that provide some great insight and invaluable education on the topic. Home birth is self sufficient because a woman does not rely on anything but her own body to bring her baby into the world.

Reusable feminine hygeine products have a place in this thread too because women need them leading up to pregnancy and then following birth. There are several patterns on how to make your own that are pretty simple and easy to follow. This is self sufficient because you don't have to rely on your supermarket to furnish them monthly and because they are a much healthier choice when compared to their supermarket counterparts.


Power Conserver
Feb 8, 2009
Reaction score
Prescott, AZ
Thank you for posting this I always wondered what actually would happen with a home birth since so many people seem to freak out about the thought. Bringing a child into the world is always a beautiful thing regardless of where it happens. Should we decide to have children I think I will look more into this option if possible.

I fail to see why we shouldn't speak of pregnancy or birth because of others misfortunes ... as well as how it does not pertain to self sufficiency. If you don't like it PM the person who posted it instead of being bitter sounding. Just my opinion of course. I will not say any more on the subject, unfortunately things on here seem to heat up and get nasty pretty fast which is why i'm still debating whether or not to continue on this site.


Moderator Extraordinaire
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
Hanson, MA Zone 6a
People, if you don't want to read the thread, then don't. We discuss many things here, I do think home birth is pertinent to living self-sufficiently, perhaps the descriptions were too graphic, but it's a natural process, much like cold sores, menstruation, all the other subjects that have come up here. Let's treat each other with respect.


Frugal Homesteader
Sep 11, 2008
Reaction score
When I became PG with #2 I was interested in homebirth, but no midwifes here to do the job. So to the hospital I went, but I also knew the majority of all the OB nurses from working at the hospital & the Docs too. Great experience even though he came at 12:57am after 8 hrs of labor(first was 16 hrs). Then after 3 miscarriages(4 babies total), came #3, because of my history & my age(40) homebirth was out of the question even though we now have midwifes here. So back to the hospital we went, contractions hit at 11pm & she was born at 3:15am, 4 hrs later. My only complaint was the nurse kept telling me to push after my contractions would stop, I finally yelled at her I needed to breath too!! Then she left me alone to do my thing. I later apologized to the Doc & he said no problem he didn't even notice I was yelling at her!! :gig Then he said she can get a little over zealous sometimes & he has talked to her before about it. So all 3 of my children were born in the same hospital here & no complaints about the care I got either time. All my miscarriages were handled there too. Birth & death are 2 constants in this life that we really can not control as much as we like to think we can & do. Is it hard to lose a baby? You bet it is & it takes awhile to get over it(actually you never do). Let's say takes a while to move on with your life & out look on life. I know that I have 4 babies waiting for me in heaven & I will eventually get to hold them & what a blessing that will be. But life must go on here on earth for now. As hard as it was to lose 4 babies in a row what a extreme joy it was to get my little girl. We are done having babies, but it is a joy to be able to see life continuing with others having babies. And i really feel that is someone is having a hard time understanding that then they need some help to get over their grief. It is not fair of those who cannot have babies to restrict those who can from rejoicing in it. Yes it hurts that you can't have one, but there is a reason for it & some day you will find out. A lady in our homeschool group tried for many yrs to get PG & couldn't then after they gave up they were given custody of a family of 5 children(same mom, different fathers) & adopted them all( last yr a 6th was added by the birth mom). She said now she knows why she could not have any of her own as these children needed her & dh to be their parents. Okay off my soap box now.

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