the simple life
Yard Farmer
When you add bars you can add them to different areas depending on what you want to accomplish.
For a new hive after they have built out the combs you have given them you can give them the same amount so if they have 10 bars give them 10 more.
After they fill that next group give them all the rest at once.
If you have all your bars in the hive just move the follower board back.
If the feeder is in the way then you won't be able to put all the bars in at once but when you do need to and if they still need to be fed then you can use the baggie method.
When you add bars you can put them behind the existing combs or if they seem congested because you waited too long to add combs then feed them directly into the brood nest to break it up and prevent them from swarming.
If they don't have comb to constantly build the workers will have nothing to do and the queen will not have anywhere to lay and thats when they get ready to swarm.
This is especially true in a topbar hive due to less area.
You can also feed a comb into the brood nest to get straight comb if thats where it is.
If you ever get a really crazy comb get rid of it or they will copy it.
Once they build a comb they will copy the one directly next to it and it causes a domino effect which can be either good or bad depending on the comb.
For a new hive after they have built out the combs you have given them you can give them the same amount so if they have 10 bars give them 10 more.
After they fill that next group give them all the rest at once.
If you have all your bars in the hive just move the follower board back.
If the feeder is in the way then you won't be able to put all the bars in at once but when you do need to and if they still need to be fed then you can use the baggie method.
When you add bars you can put them behind the existing combs or if they seem congested because you waited too long to add combs then feed them directly into the brood nest to break it up and prevent them from swarming.
If they don't have comb to constantly build the workers will have nothing to do and the queen will not have anywhere to lay and thats when they get ready to swarm.
This is especially true in a topbar hive due to less area.
You can also feed a comb into the brood nest to get straight comb if thats where it is.
If you ever get a really crazy comb get rid of it or they will copy it.
Once they build a comb they will copy the one directly next to it and it causes a domino effect which can be either good or bad depending on the comb.