How do you try eliminate stress from your life?

enjoy the ride

Sufficient Life
Jul 12, 2008
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Really Northern California
Sylvie and Me&thegals- I ssooooo agree. In fact I had to take a vacation from this site because it was depressing me badly.
I can take a little gloom and doom and I certain want to hear from those who are having a personal problem so I can try to help but for about a week there was nothing- nothing- on here except people posting about some opinion from someone about how bad it is and it's going to get worse. Endless reiterations of almost gleeful negativity. Shudder- I couldn't take it.
Right now there seems to be an upswing in helpful thoughts and ideas so I'm trying again.
But it is not a matter of being sticking my head in the ground, I know what's going on, I've been through some bad times in my life, I worry too. But obcessing OUTLOUD constantly just spreads the depression and is not the least helpful.


Food Guru
Jan 1, 2009
Reaction score
Southwick, MA
I just don't read those threads. And if I need some ss stuff, I come up with a new thread. I love it when a new person gets some stuff going, even if it is stuff that has been discussed, the very act of discussing it again brings up new ideas.

Some people get comfort from discussing their fears, so let 'em.

So thanks, Tallman, if you are reading this thread! for stimulating some new discussions.


A Major Squash & Pumpkin Lover
Jul 11, 2008
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central WI
sylvie said:
me&thegals said:
How about never, EVER opening a SS thread on politics? :D
oops, and then I go and post one (on the economic recovery package)! But, I just thought it might be kind of positive to see where some of the $ is going and help relieve the sense of anxiety and helplessness.

I agree with both of you. The more I gloom and doom, the more stressed, anxious and unable to really live I get. I like to be aware and somewhat prepared, but I really would rather think about planning the garden right now than some more 'hard-core' planning. This is in no way criticizing others who do want the other stuff. Everybody has to find their own way to live.

Glad you're back, ETR. I always enjoy your contributions!


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
I call those kinds of threads and those fearful, nervous type people stress-bleeders. When they are in your office, they literally bleed stress out all over their co-workers until everyone is kind of on edge just from being in the tension field.

Its the same on forums. Its one thing to be informed and exchange info about economics. Quite another to mention how it all scares you and how afraid you are, etc. I heard a news commentary today, while on my work route, that mentioned how detrimental Obama's speeches are to the economy and to how the rest of the world perceives us. He mentioned that when people are scared they won't spend money on homes and cars, manufacturers won't build companies in America , foreign interests will not invest in businesses because of this state of fear and unrest about the economy. Its almost contagious!

I'm wondering how anyone could live in a constant state of worry and fear and want to continue doing it. When I fear something, I face it. If it cannot be changed, then I adapt. Its a valuable tool for survival to adapt to the changing environment. The animals that do no flee or fight and are too fearful to make a move are the ones who are eaten.

This is why I started a thread about stress and its role in SS. Its one thing to de-stress with physical activity or engaging in a hobby or something fun. Its quite another to actively plan to avoid, eliminate or manage the things that stress you in this life. I really work at finding ways to avoid stressors now.

I moved clear across the state to avoid my family and their issues, to find schools where my children didn't get bullied, and to find country that still hadn't been invaded with urban sprawl, drugs and violence. It worked!

Now I work hard to keep negative world influence out of my home and away from my family. I treat my home like a haven. If the kids want to listen to rap music at school or in their car...they can have at it! Not in my house. If they want to rent bloody, slasher-type movies I don't let them...I won't willingly pipe mayhem into my home. I'm on the do not call list. I don't answer the phone or the door unless I'm feeling like company or like talking. I chose a job where I can work alone quite a bit, as office politics make me weary.

To promote calm, I paint my home with calming colors, decorate in a simple, uncluttered manner, create places for contemplation and reflection, grow beautiful gardens and animals. I keep my outside environment uncluttered as well, to create a calming, pastoral view. I want to drive up past my house and smile at the restful sight of happy animals wondering over the green grass and lounging in the shade. All wood piles or salvaged, scrap lumber is tucked neatly behind the sheds, as out of the view as possible.

All these things are important to me and cause me to feel content and calm. Its sort of like manipulating your environment until it creates a calming feeling.

Someone mentioned that life is boring without stress of some kind. Apparently this person hasn't lived a very stressful life for as long as I have. Stress is not entertainment for me, nor is it exciting. Its disruptive and annoying. As a nurse, I can handle stress with the best of them. Do I like it? Nope. I cannot eliminate all stress. Noone can. But I don't embrace it and invite it into my life, either! :p


Food Guru
Jan 1, 2009
Reaction score
Southwick, MA
When the economy goes downhill, we can talk about it and wring our hands, or.....

We can plant more gardens, can and freeze and dehydrate, get animals that provide us with necessities or niceties, practice barter, learn to mend and repair things, get creative in our thinking, and be green.....aka frugal!


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern CT
freemotion said:
When the economy goes downhill, we can talk about it and wring our hands, or.....

We can plant more gardens, can and freeze and dehydrate, get animals that provide us with necessities or niceties, practice barter, learn to mend and repair things, get creative in our thinking, and be green.....aka frugal!
Love it!!


Frugal Homesteader
Sep 11, 2008
Reaction score
freemotion said:
When the economy goes downhill, we can talk about it and wring our hands, or.....

We can plant more gardens, can and freeze and dehydrate, get animals that provide us with necessities or niceties, practice barter, learn to mend and repair things, get creative in our thinking, and be green.....aka frugal!
In otherwords keep living my life like I have been for over 10 yrs.