hqueen's collection of Far From the Usual stuff.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
I forgot to mention that I had my hair trimmed yesterday, had the dead ends cut off of it, which thankfully was only about an inch and a half. My friend does it for me in her kitchen and charges me 18.00, I pay her 20 just because. She does a very good job of it, and I really appreciate it. She does it all professional like and checks the ends all the way around. However, she also washed my hair before she does it. With shampoo. I love my trim but after my hair dries it is almost impossible to comb through. Its disgusting! I think next time I will find a way to take a quick shower and run to her house with it still wet so I don't have to worry about her needing to wash it with nasty shampoo. :sick A year and a half of not using shampoo really changes your perspective. Life is so much simpler now, just baking soda and apple cider vinegar.

Had a GREAT day today. We went to the closer local bank today to open an account. Now I know why people don't change banks much. Whew, its going to be a pain to have to manage moving all our money over and getting enough money into the new accounts to be able to handle the payments that we have set up to automatically debit out of our accounts. It'll probably be the better part of a month before we get everything taken care of and closed out of the old bank and open with the new. The first reason we decided to switch is that our old bank is no longer convenient. It was before we moved, and after 4 years of having to plan specific trips to the bank to deposit checks it was getting old. This bank is down the street on his way to and from work, and there is also one across the street from my office. Plus several others in other areas we frequent. Beyond that, I was doing a little digging and happened to discover they have a high yield checking account... 2%!! The requirements are few, and that pretty much sold us! Unfortunately they only allow one of these accounts per household, so I think we're going to need to rework some of how we handle our money so that we keep the bulk of our money in that account, and move our money to other secondary accounts to actually use it. The requirements for this account are not that high, and so I am thrilled to have our money making more money.

As a result of this, we're also working on getting a better grip on our money - where it goes, how much we have, and what we are spending it on. I have a feeling this is not going to be a fun thing to know! If anyone has any budget/financial tracking spreadsheets that they use, the information would be welcomed! I have figured out that through an app we should be able to view our spreadsheet on our phones as well as on the computer. Since it won't contain any account data, I am not worried so much about it. Being able to handle it that way will give us the ability to input purchases AS they happen, rather than having to save all receipts and do it later. For us, that could be the difference between success and it not getting done.

We left there and headed up to pick up the first print of 3 that I was having framed, and to make the deposit on the second print. It turned out gorgeous. I almost cried when I saw it. The gentleman that was there did not seem to be as competent with the computer system as the woman that helped me in the first place (the way he referenced her seems she might be a manager or something) and was having difficulties getting the computer to ring up the balance that I owed on it. I told him that I really couldn't do anything with it anyway since I needed the other two in order to hang them, and that they could just keep it and I would call and pay the balance on Monday, and pick it up with the second print. I just freaking can't wait. However, I also now know they are going to be HUGE on the wall. All 3 of them will take up the ENTIRE wall, more than they really should for only having a love seat to hang over. At this point all I can say is OH WELL! As I joke with my other half, I may be easy, but I am NOT cheap! So I paid for the deposit on the second picture and left the first one with them, with only a little twinge of regret. (Really, it would sit in the spare bedroom for another 4 weeks anyway, so it truly doesn't matter)

Left there and mosied our way up to the wintery, with a stop for coffee/hot cider, a stop at the tack consignment shop (picked up a "German Hunting Whip" originally marked 40.00 marked down to 5.00. Its made of a silver capped end with clip, a leather wrapped handle, a gorgeous twisted wood length and a neatly whipped leather end. The end is hardly long enough to even really behave as a "crop" to a horse, so I have no idea what the function is, but it will look cool on the wall!), and then a stop off at the way too over priced gun shop, and then finally to the winery. Met our friends at the winery for a tasting of the wines paired with truffles which was fantastic. Our friends insisted on paying the tasting fee (30.00/couple), and so we bought a box of the truffles for them (hand picked and then packed in a beautiful wooden box! I am more excited about the box than the truffles!), and then, dang them, they paid for the entire case of wine that we split with them! We are case club members, so we got 25% off the case, the entire case was barely $150.00, it was awesome. And I just adore their wines. We won't go back and buy wine again for a long time (save for going to buy a few bottles of the awesome sweet wines during their spring release).

We left there and headed through the countryside, and I just have to say I can't WAIT to call some place like this home. It won't be MD, and that is ok, I just can't wait until rolling hills and fields of crops and animals are the majority of what I see. Stopped at the BBQ supply store to pick up wood chips (starting with Applewood! Did you know you can get wine barrel chips to smoke with! OMG! So Exciting!) and several other supplies we'll need to start smoking in the new smoker. Then we headed down through more countryside and made a couple stops at some antique stores (nothing worth writing about, sadly! one store had some scythes on the wall, which were cool, but the store was creapy, so I didn't bother to inquire any further...) and then to our Alexander Technique lesson.

We both really enjoyed our lesson, and I feel like I am finally beginning to loosen some of my tension patterns now that we are back in practice again. I am so glad to be back working on my body again to get rid of some of these horrible tension patterns that make me work harder than I need to and endure more pain than I should. Silly brain can't get out of our own way, and makes all kinds of trouble!

Tomorrow we had planned a few things, but many of those things seem to be dissolving now, which is just fine by me. It is supposed to be WINDY and COLD tomorrow, neither of which make me happy, so I might just stay in the house and clean and work on our taxes and try to put together a budget spreadsheet for us to keep track of our money. Sounds like a grand plan to me!


Jun 27, 2011
Reaction score
I am excited for you to get your prints!!!!! I hope they all turn out as perfect as the first one!

I always 'shampoo" my hair before I have it cut. I just ask them to spray with water to wet it.

Glad you are having a great weekend! Hope you get plenty of relaxing in tomorrow!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Thanks, snapshot! I know they will, the waiting is killing me!! LOL

Sunday was laid back. We got the desk cleaned up and I filed 6 month of back filing, and then drug out the bins and moved the last 2 years of files into the storage bins instead of sitting in the drawer. I think we should do filing more often than every 6 months.... :barnie

That took me the better part of the day, and after that I wasn't interested in doing much. I read several of the blogs I follow for most of the rest of the afternoon.

The other half worked on the ribs and the smoker. It was COLD and WINDY on Sunday, and so it took a lot of effort to get the smoker up to temperature. He did learn several things: 1 - the thermometer on the door of the smoker doesn't work. 2 - opening the door and sticking the meat thermometer inside is effective; however, it is much more effective to stick the thermometer in through the vent in the side of the smoker and actually gets a more accurate reading. 4 - the smoker was hotter than we thought it was!

The ribs turned out good, though I am not a huge rib fan, so I only ate a couple. I can't wait to do roasts and things like that. There are beef ribs that I like to have, but pork ribs just aren't my favorite.

Otherwise, Sunday was fairly uneventful. The end of the weekend came around all too quickly.

Today (Tuesday) is dragging along, and riddled with issues. I don't know whose been messing with the universal energy, but today things are just off. I'm grumpy about it, which is normal, and I am trying not to feed into it. Really, I would rather just be left alone right now. I guess I am in some sort of hibernation mode, but the world won't let me do that, and that does not make me a happy me! So it goes I guess.


Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 23, 2009
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Sorry today has started out grumpy, hope you find some cheer today :hugs


Lovin' The Homestead
Nov 3, 2010
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Mojave Desert
The ribs sound amazing.
As far as grumpy mode, I hope you get a few minutes to yourself to get centered and maybe your world will balance once again. :love meanwhile, I'm sending some love.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I'm not grumpy, just tired. I'm not even making a fire tonight. I'll be going to bed early tonight.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Thanks Deb and Rathbone! :hugs

Deb, you're not the only one. The other half is almost in bed now. He is feeling a bit feverish, so I told him to let his body fight it off, gave him some onionhoney and he took a hot shower and is on the way to the bed, probably with the heated mattress pad turned up fairly warm. Cook 'em out, whatever evil germies they are!

Whew. I have to reorder some homeopathics for myself and my dog, and gah, he's getting a crazy diet right now. I just went through quite a bit of muscle testing to check and see what he needs. He is getting a CRAZY diet right now! I just hope it makes him better. I think we have it nailed down, but its taking him a LONG time to bounce back, and so I am still worried. (Long story short, we had fleas towards the end of summer, took us FOREVER to figure out what they were and get rid of them, then he ended up with a topical yeast infection and lost a lot of weight, and the latest is that I think he's allergic to the chicken we'd been feeding him since before we got the fleas! Poor guy!!)
So after muscle testing he is now getting:
1/4 cup of Preference dehydrated dog food and 1/4 cup of raw offal/beef mix (11:1 ratio of organ meat, its super healthy for him!) as the base twice a day. On top of that he is getting 2 spoons of bacon grease 2 x day, a splash of bragg's apple cider vinegar 2x, 1/2 a scoop of Dynamite Showdown 1x, 14 drops of Dynapro probiotic 1x, 1/2 tsp of Whacter's Professional Formula C 1x (for the next 2 weeks only), 1/2 tsp of Dynamite SOD 1x, 1 fish oil pill 1x (eats it right up), 14 Sulfur homeopathic pills (gotta order those, that is what I am out of) 1x, and an egg once a week. WHEW! I'm breaking a lot of those supplements up into am or pm so that it isn't everything at once... I finally had to write it down after I went through and muscle tested for a number of things tonight trying to sort it all out. I hope he starts gaining weight soon (with 2 spoons of bacon grease twice a day and one fish oil pill he ought to!!), he seems to be less itchy and he's had just about everything in that list off and on over the past couple weeks, so I am hoping the combination will really get him back together quick. And now I am sure yall think I'm totally off my rocker, LOL...

The day was good it just drug on and was mildly irritating now and then. My other half did send me a beautiful bunch of pink and yellow roses, they're the kind that are sort of yellow peachy colored with pink tips on them and they are gorgeous. It was a delight to receive them.

Dropped two checks into the new bank account tonight. I will be SO glad when the bank cards and checks arrive in the mail. This in between time is a pain in the butt! I was pleased to think that in one month we'll earn 14.00 just off of the money that is sitting in the account now. We're only going to add to it of course! Came home and followed up on a few phone calls and then headed out to help train the new barn part time help how to feed in the horses dinner. Storm decided to be all showoff when I walked out there. I had gone down to the barn to do a few things before the guy got there, and discovered it was raining. I didn't want to get my head wet so I came back up to the house to grab my hat, and as I walked by the pasture I whistled for them to help get them to come up for dinner. He looked up at me, but didn't seem to move. As I was coming back out with a hat, the new guy arrived, and I came around the corner to find Storm about half way up the hill, looking off across the arena. I whistled again, and he looked up at me and then proceeded to half trot half canter the rest of the way up the hill. That is the MOST rewarding feeling in the world! Of course I know its cause he is too lazy to walk up and would rather use his momentum to get the rest of the way up the hill, but still, it feels good.

The new guy has a LOT of experience on the track, and handled all the horses really well. I think he's going to end up with a loose horse eventually when one slips their nose under the loop of rope around their neck (super secure way to move horses, :rolleyes: but it is the quickest, throw the rope around their neck and go), but I am sure he'll deal with it just fine. We've ALL been there before, and done just about everything you can think of to make mistakes at one time or another. He was moving so quickly that I felt like I was half running to keep up with him. I suspect he'll work out just fine, though, and I am glad. We need some good part time help around here.

We went to Qdoba to get our buy one entree get one free when you share a kiss. Heh, fun marketing thing, huh? We took it home cause the place was FULL of college kids and really loud, and that is when he decided he wasn't feeling good so he ate dinner and headed to bed. So it goes I guess. I just don't like it when he goes to bed ahead of me, I dunno, I'm strange like that. Its our habit to get ready for bed together, and I like that time, and it messes up my routine when he goes to bed first! :p

Still reading the blog of the folks that moved to Virginia. I've gotten through their first complete year on the farm, now I only have about a year and a half to go to catch up to present, LOL. I can't believe I'm reading the whole thing, but I have to say it is FASCINATING. I am glad to have such a first hand recounting of what someone else had done and lived through. It gives me hope for when we get there.
For anyone interested, here is the link: http://virginiaisforlykoshes.blogspot.com/

Gonna get sucked into reading for a while before I head to bed.


Dessert Dreamer
Nov 20, 2011
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Mojave Desert
HQ! I just read a few of the entries in the Lykosh blog! Fascinating! I won't be needing a new book for a while! Thanks for the link!

BTW, what the heck is Qdoba?


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
OMG, Cheerio, I am SO sucked into their blog! I read it daily now. I've made it to October of 2010... WHEW. The amount that these folks have accomplished in just ONE year is ASTOUNDING. I just can't believe it. I cant' wait to see what they do with the second year. Its worse than a novel, I tell you!

Qdoba is a texmex semi-fast food restaurant. They claim to serve everything fresh, and their food is better than most. We eat it once in a while as a treat, mostly when they send us happy coupons :) And buy one get one free for a kiss was a pretty decent deal. I had a black bean and cheese quesadilla with queso and nachos on the side, and he had a queso burrito with grilled chicken. Better than McDonald's for sure, but probably not much better, LOL

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