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- #121
<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Haha, Rathbone, just the tallow! No soap included
The soap is just an extra bonus!
The end of the evening finished a bit disappointing. Funny story, though. The barn manager had a chicken here today (we don't have them at all) and I came out to talk to her and found it sitting in a cat carrier. Apparently its been eating eggs, so her brother had to get rid of it, so she was taking it to someone that has a petting zoo. They put it in a stall this morning to let it out of the carrier, and one of the horses came in for breakfast and had a meltdown in the stall next door to the chicken. So fast forward to the evening, and I am dumping feed and notice a pretty little egg in the corner of the sawdust pile! We were so delighted! We moved it, and I set it on the lid of a bucket that we had to take back up to the house with us. But cleaning up, I moved the bucket into the barn aisle so we wouldn't forget it, and in sweeping my other half bumped the bucket, not even seeing the egg on top, and it fell and broke. We were both so bummed!
BUT the GOOD news of the day is way more fun, so I'm going to try to forget about the egg.
This afternoon I came home and brought the mail in, and found several delightful things. A check from Ebates after our spending spree over Christmas. A check from his insurance for some reason so he was getting money back. And a check from my sister for my belated birthday present. AND a check for the kitchen table that we are selling from someone that will pick it up next weekend when they move. I bought a new table and chair set from a coworker that is moving for $50.00. We just sold our table for $75! WAHOO! All of that coupled with the money from a gun that he just sold will go into the new bank account we will open tomorrow at a better bank than our old one. I am SO pleased. I had two checks to put into our new account at the bank last week, and I put Abundance Essential Oil blend on my hands and then held the checks and said a bit of an affirmation/prayer, and it seems that it is working! It is amazing what happens when things are aligned!
I got lots done this afternoon, it just didn't quite happen the way I expected.
First rule learned. If I ask the other half to measure something, go back and measure it again to make sure that he was thorough enough to get the right measurements. I had a board that I thought I needed to rip 1" off of lengthwise because I thought that the cabinets that it was going on top of were 11" deep, or so he said. I got all sorts of tips from Joel and several others on here, and was all prepared, and went out to find my supplies to make a guide so I could cut easily, and lo and behold it is a good thing I checked first cause the cabinets were 12" deep, and it turns out the board was only 11" wide anyway! Crazy!! I tried to put it up there, but then discovered that the board was a wee bit long. So I got the saw out (again, cause I already put it away because I was so excited that I didn't have to rip 1" off of a 5 foot board...), and ripped about 1/4" off of the end, and then managed to get it situated. I had to flip it over to the side I didn't want showing, but it fit. I was thrilled to be able to put everything up on the shelf.
Once I got that project done, I managed to clean up the kitchen to make it presentable, unloaded the dishwasher, reloaded it, washed the dirty dishes, folded the last load of clothes, picked up more clutter, moved the taken apart table outside to get it out of the way, put away a few things in the spare bedroom so that our riding instructor has a place to sleep tonight, and then managed to vacuum everything except our bedroom (it always suffers). Then I had to move the table into the office over the weekend and then it was time to feed the horses.
As I was out on the deck organizing the table parts, I heard a strange squealing trilling sound. I listened, and though I saw something outside the yard, but it was hard to tell in the faded light out that far, and I could see car lights heading up from the hollow, and I couldn't tell if I was seeing something, or the car lights. The sound continued in short bursts, and then it stopped. I listened and watched and finally was sure I saw something. I kept watching and slowly a shadow started moving up to the corner of the fence and then skirted along the edge of the fence. I finally decided it was a fox. Whatever it was after I assume got away because it didn't appear to be carrying something, and as it passed a tree, it turned back for a moment to go sniff a fence post, and then continued on his way. I love the foxes, they hold a special meaning for me and it was special to see one going about his business. I don't think he (or she) was aware that I was really watching, though it is likely he knew and just didn't bother. I have decided that they are not shy as their reputations indicate, but they simply choose to be seen or not. If they don't wish to be seen, then they simply won't.
Feeding the horses was mostly uneventful, with the exception of the horse that had a bad experience with the chicken. The barn manager told me she had put the chicken in a stall earlier in the day, and the horse that came in for breakfast had a MELTDOWN about the horse eating chicken. I'm SO glad I knew that it happened because I was bringing him in tonight and he had another meltdown. The further down the barn aisle we got, the more he snorted, making the rattling noise in his nose. He spooked at the cat on the floor by the blanket and got more and more worried as we got closer to his stall. I opened the door, not completely realizing what was happening when I let him step forward into his stall, and let go of the rope around his neck. He got about 3/4 the way in his stall and then balked, and completely back right out, and spun away from me so I wasn't able grab him again and headed back down the barn aisle. By this time I realized what was going on and started laughing. The other half was behind me with another horse, who, gratefully, just stood there watching with a "Dude, what is WRONG with you" look on his face. Since the horse was pinned between me and the other half with the other horse, he turned back towards me, and I was able to get him again with the rope and then gently lead him back to his stall, and this time all the way IN it. He was still freaking out, so I didn't let go, and turned him around, and made sure he was standing ok before I let go (I wanted to be sure he wasn't going to bolt and mow me over!), and then quickly stepped back and out the door. He was antsy in his stall all evening, the silly guy!
We came in the house and I took a quick hot shower and then have been sitting on my butt exhausted every since. The riding instructor is here now, and I think we'll be headed to bed VERY soon. Lessons this weekend... tomorrow's weather - sunny and 53. Sunday.... high of 35, snow and rain. Guess which day my lesson is on????
(eehh ghads, I write a lot, don't I!)

The end of the evening finished a bit disappointing. Funny story, though. The barn manager had a chicken here today (we don't have them at all) and I came out to talk to her and found it sitting in a cat carrier. Apparently its been eating eggs, so her brother had to get rid of it, so she was taking it to someone that has a petting zoo. They put it in a stall this morning to let it out of the carrier, and one of the horses came in for breakfast and had a meltdown in the stall next door to the chicken. So fast forward to the evening, and I am dumping feed and notice a pretty little egg in the corner of the sawdust pile! We were so delighted! We moved it, and I set it on the lid of a bucket that we had to take back up to the house with us. But cleaning up, I moved the bucket into the barn aisle so we wouldn't forget it, and in sweeping my other half bumped the bucket, not even seeing the egg on top, and it fell and broke. We were both so bummed!
BUT the GOOD news of the day is way more fun, so I'm going to try to forget about the egg.
This afternoon I came home and brought the mail in, and found several delightful things. A check from Ebates after our spending spree over Christmas. A check from his insurance for some reason so he was getting money back. And a check from my sister for my belated birthday present. AND a check for the kitchen table that we are selling from someone that will pick it up next weekend when they move. I bought a new table and chair set from a coworker that is moving for $50.00. We just sold our table for $75! WAHOO! All of that coupled with the money from a gun that he just sold will go into the new bank account we will open tomorrow at a better bank than our old one. I am SO pleased. I had two checks to put into our new account at the bank last week, and I put Abundance Essential Oil blend on my hands and then held the checks and said a bit of an affirmation/prayer, and it seems that it is working! It is amazing what happens when things are aligned!
I got lots done this afternoon, it just didn't quite happen the way I expected.
First rule learned. If I ask the other half to measure something, go back and measure it again to make sure that he was thorough enough to get the right measurements. I had a board that I thought I needed to rip 1" off of lengthwise because I thought that the cabinets that it was going on top of were 11" deep, or so he said. I got all sorts of tips from Joel and several others on here, and was all prepared, and went out to find my supplies to make a guide so I could cut easily, and lo and behold it is a good thing I checked first cause the cabinets were 12" deep, and it turns out the board was only 11" wide anyway! Crazy!! I tried to put it up there, but then discovered that the board was a wee bit long. So I got the saw out (again, cause I already put it away because I was so excited that I didn't have to rip 1" off of a 5 foot board...), and ripped about 1/4" off of the end, and then managed to get it situated. I had to flip it over to the side I didn't want showing, but it fit. I was thrilled to be able to put everything up on the shelf.
Once I got that project done, I managed to clean up the kitchen to make it presentable, unloaded the dishwasher, reloaded it, washed the dirty dishes, folded the last load of clothes, picked up more clutter, moved the taken apart table outside to get it out of the way, put away a few things in the spare bedroom so that our riding instructor has a place to sleep tonight, and then managed to vacuum everything except our bedroom (it always suffers). Then I had to move the table into the office over the weekend and then it was time to feed the horses.
As I was out on the deck organizing the table parts, I heard a strange squealing trilling sound. I listened, and though I saw something outside the yard, but it was hard to tell in the faded light out that far, and I could see car lights heading up from the hollow, and I couldn't tell if I was seeing something, or the car lights. The sound continued in short bursts, and then it stopped. I listened and watched and finally was sure I saw something. I kept watching and slowly a shadow started moving up to the corner of the fence and then skirted along the edge of the fence. I finally decided it was a fox. Whatever it was after I assume got away because it didn't appear to be carrying something, and as it passed a tree, it turned back for a moment to go sniff a fence post, and then continued on his way. I love the foxes, they hold a special meaning for me and it was special to see one going about his business. I don't think he (or she) was aware that I was really watching, though it is likely he knew and just didn't bother. I have decided that they are not shy as their reputations indicate, but they simply choose to be seen or not. If they don't wish to be seen, then they simply won't.
Feeding the horses was mostly uneventful, with the exception of the horse that had a bad experience with the chicken. The barn manager told me she had put the chicken in a stall earlier in the day, and the horse that came in for breakfast had a MELTDOWN about the horse eating chicken. I'm SO glad I knew that it happened because I was bringing him in tonight and he had another meltdown. The further down the barn aisle we got, the more he snorted, making the rattling noise in his nose. He spooked at the cat on the floor by the blanket and got more and more worried as we got closer to his stall. I opened the door, not completely realizing what was happening when I let him step forward into his stall, and let go of the rope around his neck. He got about 3/4 the way in his stall and then balked, and completely back right out, and spun away from me so I wasn't able grab him again and headed back down the barn aisle. By this time I realized what was going on and started laughing. The other half was behind me with another horse, who, gratefully, just stood there watching with a "Dude, what is WRONG with you" look on his face. Since the horse was pinned between me and the other half with the other horse, he turned back towards me, and I was able to get him again with the rope and then gently lead him back to his stall, and this time all the way IN it. He was still freaking out, so I didn't let go, and turned him around, and made sure he was standing ok before I let go (I wanted to be sure he wasn't going to bolt and mow me over!), and then quickly stepped back and out the door. He was antsy in his stall all evening, the silly guy!
We came in the house and I took a quick hot shower and then have been sitting on my butt exhausted every since. The riding instructor is here now, and I think we'll be headed to bed VERY soon. Lessons this weekend... tomorrow's weather - sunny and 53. Sunday.... high of 35, snow and rain. Guess which day my lesson is on????
(eehh ghads, I write a lot, don't I!)