hqueen's collection of Far From the Usual stuff.


Dessert Dreamer
Nov 20, 2011
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Mojave Desert
I started at the beginning and have only read 10 or so entries. These folks must have had a bit of money... Just digging the well ain't cheap! I will just have to keep reading!

The best texmex I ever ate was in El Paso, TX. El Paso may not have much of anything else, but they've got great food! Sorry if anyone out there is from El Paso, but c'mon you know what I'm talking about! ;)

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Hope hubby is feeling better. And, yeah, I've moved horses plenty of times w/just a lead rope thrown around their neck-or my belt. That's why I wear the belt I do. I know where I used to work she didn't want me to move the horses like that, she wanted me to use a halter, but if she wasn't around...


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
I don't know, Cheerio, I assume they had money prepared. I have reached a point where she did comment that they planned to do this for 2 years before they finally moved, so they had plenty of time to prepare, and it sounds like they were already getting thrifty before they left CO. He is some kind of engineer and runs his own business, and she was working for her parents, and still does some side work now that they've moved. So they are smart cookies, and I think their very creative people as well. Many of the things they have done so far are inexpensive, and they choose to put their money elsewhere in order to make it count. Makes sense to me!!

Well, he didn't sleep well last night, and he's not feeling well this morning. He's drinking tea with lemon (he forgot to take the onionhoney with him this morning :rolleyes:) so hopefully he'll be able to kick this fast. That reminds me that I've got to get that recipe for the fire cider prepared so we'll have that as a resource too.

I studied the Parelli stuff for a while, and while I don't agree with their entire program, they are smart people. Pat always has an extra string in his pocket. You just never know when it will come in handy. I would prefer to use halters... actually, rephrase that, I'd rather train the darn horses to walk into their stalls unassisted, but nobody else is on board with that idea so oh well. I'd say about 95% of the time the horses are good... there is always that 5% when crazy stuff happens. Heck, Storm has gotten loose before, and usually when he does he runs around like an idiot. And facing down a 1895 lb animal running full tilt is NOT fun.


Lovin' The Homestead
Nov 3, 2010
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Mojave Desert
I was focusing on what you said about going to bed at the same time. We do that too.
I was married before, for twenty years. The marriage had it's issues. And I think those issues showed in the fact that we usually didn't head to bed at the same time.
This time around, it is something I cling to. Before, when we both worked, he had to get up earlier than I did. Typically he would stand up, stretch, look at me and ask "mujer, vamos a la cama o vamos a la cama?"(well woman, shall we go to bed or shall we go to bed). At times it irritated me because I wasn't perhaps ready to go to bed. Now that I am the only one working, I say "hombre, vamos a dormir, o vamos a dormir". I think it keeps us close. Makes time for us to chat before sleeping. I don't know if it is what keeps our marriage strong, or if the marriage is strong and therefore it shows in this manner (chicken or the egg), whatever it is, I am planning on continuing it.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Aww, Rathbone, that is cute!!

Since he and I have such different sleeping patterns, we thankfully can go to bed at the same time, and he gets the right amount of sleep because he gets up before me by a couple hours. So it works out well. It used to be that when he got up later in the morning for work I would have to go to bed early, and I was never happy about it. Or he would come to bed early with me, and then end up getting up early anyway and would be a bit irritated by it.

I like rituals like that :) They make me happy!


Dessert Dreamer
Nov 20, 2011
Reaction score
Mojave Desert
hqueen13 said:
I don't know, Cheerio, I assume they had money prepared. I have reached a point where she did comment that they planned to do this for 2 years before they finally moved, so they had plenty of time to prepare, and it sounds like they were already getting thrifty before they left CO. He is some kind of engineer and runs his own business, and she was working for her parents, and still does some side work now that they've moved. So they are smart cookies, and I think their very creative people as well. Many of the things they have done so far are inexpensive, and they choose to put their money elsewhere in order to make it count. Makes sense to me!!
I haven't gotten too far in yet, but they do seem to be very resourceful and I love the way she writes. Very matter of fact. Like when the neighbors dog got killed by the bush hog. No emotion at all, it just happened.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
She is very practical, and a little on the worry wart side, but I like her writing too. I finally made it to February 2011! LOL

Bah, what an irritating past two days. I have just not been in a good mood, feeling irritated and frustrated most of the time. I don't think it is PMS, I think much of the issue is the end of winter irritation. I get really frustrated towards the end of winter, and especially since I grew up 8 hours south and spring is supposed to be almost HERE NOW.

Yesterday I was putting laundry in and somehow got the strap of my favorite tank top caught over the middle piece in the washing machine. When I went to move everything to the dryer I discovered a bunch of heavy pants twisted up in the strap, and the stitches all ripped out of the strap. gratefully it doesn't look like the fabric was damaged, but the stitching is shot. I emailed my mom, and I hope that she'll be able to just replace the straps with something else. I don't even care if they don't completely match.... I just want to be able to wear the top!!

I got some things done this afternoon, but since it was raining I didn't try to cut the board for the shelf today. I'll try it tomorrow when I get home, I just hope I can get it done plus the other stuff that I need to get done tomorrow afternoon. I need to get the house vacuumed, move the taken apart table out of the spare bedroom and into the office for over the weekend, pick up a bit more clutter, and hopefully rip that board and then get the shelf put up.

Keep your fingers crossed I can get it all done...


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Forgot to add the highlight of the last two days - a friend of mine is sending me Tallow and some soap he made! I am sooooo excited! Now I will be able to make Pemmican out of the Nourishing Traditions Cookbook! Hurray for trying new things!!


Lovin' The Homestead
Nov 3, 2010
Reaction score
Mojave Desert
I hope the pemmican calls for only the tallow and not the soap...or is it a cleansing pemmican?

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