I have a pair of snowshoes. Hubby thought I was nuts when I asked for them for Christmas one year. But, if the snow is about 8" or more, I can't walk w/out them. I fall.
Thanks guys it was a lucky catch with the cell phone camera. He started by rolling so I got my phone out and then he started frolicking. Crazy boy! At least he's polite enough with me.
We left way too late from the other farm, it was raining and sleeting on the way home really bad. The roads were terrible. We got home safe though. I had another phone call from an Ohio number and I finally answered it when we were in route home. I was really annoyed to find it was a bill collector calling on an account that is not part sure. I'm PISSED about it, and checked my account when I got home and can't understand how I have paid the bill between the 13th and 21st of every month for the past year and now they are saying I'm past due.
Dealing with that was the straw that broke the camera back and I fell apart. The bf picked up the pieces and we got into a nice hot shower which helped a bit. Now I'm a little hungry considering we only really ate 2 meals today. I don't know if I'll eat anything or not. I'm pretty tired too. I love the snow like this, probably because I can count on one hand the number of times I've ever seen this much snow in my life, but it is tiring.
Hey i just realized...do they not have the same censors on this new software? It let you say PISSED It used to change it to ticked. Just sayin...I know, very interesting, right? I LOVE YOU SISTER AND I HOPE YOU HAD A FANTABULOUS DAY! That better?
Apparently not WBF!! leave it to me to test it out
The brisket turned out really nice though we didn't end up eating until 8:30 because it took much longer than the 40 minutes per pound. The broccoli was done and the potatoes were done and so we waited in the meat.
The other semi fail was that I didn't have any almond flour to do the desert with. I had some slivered almonds that I could have ground up but the little latch broke off the food processor lid so it wasn't working. I loaned my amazing incredible super duper blender to my ex for his liquid diet so I couldn't use it to make flour out of the almonds. But the butterscotch was good but we were both so tired that we just decided to go to bed. It was a nice night even if it didn't go as planned. So today we'll pick up the almond flour so we can do the desert properly. I think I'm going to take the leftover brisket and turn it into beef vegetable soup.
It's snowing again. It seems to be above freezing so it isn't sticking as well as it could but I have a feeling it will stick anyway.we'lle to see what happens, I think they were calling for you to 4" or so.
The bf needs a hair cut, so we'll go to the grocery store at the same time and setting by the drug store along the way.
Other than that I have no idea what we'll get done this weekend.
S texted me this morning and asked if I want to go to a poultry show in a few weeks. That sounds like fun.