hqueen's collection of Far From the Usual stuff.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Ugh - not trying to rub anything in here - but I'm so glad we don't have your kind of weather!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
FEM, I'm working on it! Wish I could now but it will have to wait a few years. But I think the longer we are her the more I might be able to convince the bf to move! We're headed down to Asheville later this spring, I'm going to get him hooked!
I had some time today and needed to get the chicken carcass boiled so I could pick the meat off and make soup out of the leftover dumplings but I realized the dumplings were in the soup pot and I had no where else to put them! Argh! I really don't have all day to deal with it So I just sshoved all of it into the freezer in bags and I'll deal with it some other time!
The trials of having a limited number of pots!
Last edited:


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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I hate when ya don't have the right stuff in the kitchen!!! I invested in cast iron and some good stainless steel years ago thankfully. I still don;t have quite "enough" for my ideal kitchen, but it is currently close enough to sufficient to get the job done. Wish I could help ya!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Aww, WBF it would be fun to have help! I enjoy cooking with people, just not alone all that much. Ahh, well. The kitchen is really too small to have the ideal amount of things in the kitchen...

Life has been interesting. My Ex had stomach ulcer surgery yesterday. Yesterday we had ice. He had to be AT the hospital at 5:30, so the bf and I stayed down here, and its a good thing we did. There was a layer of ice on everything when we left. I think it got worse by mid-morning. When we drove home last night late, looking at all the limbs down on our road, even little ones, I have a feeling we NEVER would have made it off the street in the morning. Its 20 minutes closer for the BF to get to work from here, so it was a helped to be down here anyway.
I was going to go into work yesterday instead of today so that I could be available to pick the Ex up from the hospital. It ended up that the barn here needed help, so I stayed down here and worked for 6 hours in the barn. Everything that could take longer did, and the rain took forever to stop on top of that, so the horses didn't go out until 11. We threw hay out before we turned them out (so much easier that way) and ended up having some problems getting the round bale out to the Geldings field. When we got it out there we discovered that there was about a foot of hay left in the net in the bale ring. We had to figure out how to get that out of there so we could get the ring over the new bale, and bring the other net back up. After much squishing around in the icy mud (I should have taken a picture of it because it looked so strange!) we managed to get the net open and hooked on the bucket of the tractor. She lifted it up, and I tried to dump the hay out of the net. It wasn't working. We got the bucket up almost five feet, and I began shoving the hay from underneath the bucket, and BH got off the tractor (after putting the brake on, and turning it off!) and helped me, and we managed to get all the wet icy muddy hay out of the net. After we got that done, one of us guarded the gate while the other moved horses, since it was icy enough that managing a horse (let alone one antsy to get back outside) and the gate at the same time would have been really difficult. Then we started working on the stalls, and most of the stalls just had to be stripped. In a way its almost easier than sifting but by the same token its a lot of work hauling all the heavy wet sawdust poop out. I was pooped myself after we got finished! By the afternoon the sun came out, which is thankful because it dried a lot of the roads, so they were clear this morning.
We stayed at our house since the Ex was in the hospital overnight, and when we got home, I was really glad that we had stayed down here, our road had lots of little branches and ice that had fallen on it, so I know it would have been really really bad at that hour of the morning.
Got to work fine today, and they all remembered my birthday which was sweet. They got little mini brownie bites, which were pretty yummy (though not as good as something homemade! ;)) The Ex called about 1 to say he was discharged, so I wrapped up my things and headed out about 1:30. I'll have 3 hours to make up tomorrow, but it shouldn't be too bad. I'll leave the Ex and then come back and check on him before I head home to make sure he's dealing with the drugs and pain ok. He's doing very well, and walked out of the hospital himself, so that is a good thing. I'm glad he's not feeling too bad. He did have to take meds a bit ago, but all in all he's doing really well. Apparently this surgery isn't a terrible one, so that is a good thing.
I've had fun playing on the internet and catching up on things. I'm actually typing this from a real keyboard which is awesome! Its very nice!!
The BF is on the way here, and then we're going to his parent's house for my birthday dinner. It was sweet of her to have me over. Its nice to be accepted by his family, and to have a family again. I'm still getting to know them, but its nice to feel welcomed.
I suppose I should find my shoes and get ready to go...


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Oh my goodness - Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday! I was gonna do a better job of remembering since you're just a week after me.... but I still forgot...:barnie

I hope you have a wonderful dinner and congrats on good warm family feelings!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Happy birthday!

Do you have a lot of people in that area w/out power? I know on the radio today they were talking about all the people w/out power in PA that won't have it until the end of the weekend. I'm so glad we dodged the bullet on this one.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Thanks yall!
Deb, there was quite a bit of power out, thankfully not us. There has been a lot of damage to trees and things, so it was expected I guess.
It's snowing again now... oh boy...

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