Frugal Homesteader
what she said. I made my own tallow from mysheep, and it was solid, but soft. spreadable, but not liquid.
Not the leaf lard.ORChick said:BubB, is this a typo? I render my own lard (leaf lard, but from the butcher), and it always is solid, though soft. I've never heard of animal fats being liquid at room temperature.Real lard and even beef tallow, will be liquid at room tempature
Late to the party, but I'd like to add, Tom.
None of us have any problems with a vegetarian diet, as long as it has plenty of good dairy and eggs in it for the fat soluble vitamins.i_am2bz said:I'm late to the party too, & normally stay out of most food discussions, being a vegetarian......but wanted to say welcome aboard!
Leaf lard does not have the same makeup nor the same tissue holding together that muscle fat has.ORChick said:Well, that is interesting. Never heard that before. Now I don't know what to think, as I am sure you have had this experience, as you say so, but I also trust my butcher, and my experience, and so know that what I have is leaf lard, and know that it is not liquid at room temperature. Soft, yes, it has to be 'fridge cold to make good pastry, but not liquid.