I watched the documentary "Fat Head" ....


Enjoys Recycling
Nov 26, 2009
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hikerchick said:
I am just as suspicious of anyone who says all carbs are bad as someone who says all fats are bad. What about moderation, common sense, etc. People are quick to jump on every fad that comes along and tout it as science.
If you take a look at the book I referenced earlier by Mary Enig, Ph.D. (Know Your Fats), you'll see that it's been out for about 10 years (http://www.amazon.com/Know-Your-Fat...=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1261937215&sr=8-1) and is based on years of scientific research, so it's definitely not a fad. And if you take a gander at Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon (http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss?u...&field-keywords=nourishing+traditions&x=0&y=0), it's also been around a long time and it doesn't push zero carbs, but rather, smart carbs, like soaking and sprouting grains and, also eating carbs in moderation. I happen to read some of Sally's posts on the Chapter Leader's list for the WAPF list so I can say that I really do know what she advocates and suggests and she doesn't have an "all or nothing" POV, nor does she hold herself up as a scientific pariah of any sort. Some people do chose to go very low carb or no carb, but that could be because they find that's what they need to optimize their own particular health, not because that's what's advocated for everyone.


Low-Carb Queen - RIP: 1963-2021
Jan 3, 2009
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I can't do MODERATION. My body does not react to sugars like a normal person does. NOBODY in my family does...or did. A quick look through the medical family trees shows disease after disease related to insulin and blood glucose issues.

MODERATION, calorie restriction, whole grains , etc were a DISASTER for me and is for many like me.

It's like telling an alcoholic that they don't have to give up booze, they just have to cut back a little. Sorry. If you have blood sugar/insulin regulation issues, it just isn't going to work and advice like this just makes it that much harder.

As for no carb/low carb/ whatever...no carb is almost impossible even on an all meat diet. Low carb is how people ate for millions of years before grain agriculture. It isn't some weird fad. Cramming your body full of sugars, corn syrups, and engineered/modified grains is something that has been done for a very very very short period of time. Yet somehow THIS is seen as normal. Okkkkaaayyyyyy


Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 1, 2009
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Dover PA
ZohBug said:
hikerchick said:
I am just as suspicious of anyone who says all carbs are bad as someone who says all fats are bad. What about moderation, common sense, etc. People are quick to jump on every fad that comes along and tout it as science.
If you take a look at the book I referenced earlier by Mary Enig, Ph.D. (Know Your Fats), you'll see that it's been out for about 10 years (http://www.amazon.com/Know-Your-Fat...=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1261937215&sr=8-1) and is based on years of scientific research, so it's definitely not a fad. And if you take a gander at Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon (http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss?u...&field-keywords=nourishing+traditions&x=0&y=0), it's also been around a long time and it doesn't push zero carbs, but rather, smart carbs, like soaking and sprouting grains and, also eating carbs in moderation. I happen to read some of Sally's posts on the Chapter Leader's list for the WAPF list so I can say that I really do know what she advocates and suggests and she doesn't have an "all or nothing" POV, nor does she hold herself up as a scientific pariah of any sort. Some people do chose to go very low carb or no carb, but that could be because they find that's what they need to optimize their own particular health, not because that's what's advocated for everyone.
OK that sounds reasonable. I should read the book.


Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 1, 2009
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Dover PA
Wifezilla said:
I can't do MODERATION. My body does not react to sugars like a normal person does. NOBODY in my family does...or did. A quick look through the medical family trees shows disease after disease related to insulin and blood glucose issues.

MODERATION, calorie restriction, whole grains , etc were a DISASTER for me and is for many like me.

It's like telling an alcoholic that they don't have to give up booze, they just have to cut back a little. Sorry. If you have blood sugar/insulin regulation issues, it just isn't going to work and advice like this just makes it that much harder.
I am a diabetic. I have consistently maintained a 5.9 A1c as well as normal lipids, blood pressure, etc. on a balanced diet without medication.

It can work.


Low-Carb Queen - RIP: 1963-2021
Jan 3, 2009
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Tried it. Almost weighed 300 lbs, had high blood pressure, was pre-diabetic and was due for a stroke any minute. I ditched most of the carbs and ditched all my health problems along with a ton of weight. I am NOT going back.

Glad it is working for you, but there are many like me who it wont work for. I did "moderation" for years. Vegetarian too. All it made me was sick and fat.


Revolution in Progress
Aug 3, 2008
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Southern California
Okie...think of it this way, you know how you need to soak bean and pea seeds in order to have a good sprout rate? You are getting rid of a substance that prevents them from sprouting right? That same substance is not good for your body (Free can explain in proper terminology....this is just my lame attempt!)

Hiker, yes absolutely you are correct. Everything in moderation and don't leap onto any barreling bandwagons! However, there is a lot of research and evidence that carbs are not good for us. It is not even the carbs so much as what happens to us when we eat them. Our blood sugar jumps, triggering an insulin release to the lower the amount of sugar in the blood. The sugar is then stored as fat for later use. When our blood sugar is reduced by the insulin it eventually triggers a craving for more sugar because the insulin is non discriminating and removes too much of the sugar from our blood stream....so we crave more. A vicious cycle which wreaks havoc on our body and eventually burns out the pancreas which can no longer produce insulin leaving us diabetic.

Carbs are not all bad, whole grains take longer to convert to sugar in our systems, so create less problems.....but many people have trouble processing any grain at all, like Wifezilla and Freemotion

Lastly, insulin is the only hormone in the body that has the ability to create fat. The only one. So it stands to reason that if it is insulin that creates fat and carbs trigger an insulin response....well cut out the carbs and quit creating fat.


Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 14, 2009
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side note.....

we're making salmon tonight for din-din.

what are some good ways to cook it? we usually bake, but do ya'll have some good toppings?

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