Moderator Extraordinaire
Michael Pollan calls the fad following 'nutritionism', and its a huge factor in our dietary decline in this country - unfortunately we are spreading it throughout the world, so once healthy diets are now polluted with our wonderfully 'improved' food, to the point where they're becoming as unhealthy as we as a nation are. The following quotation was posted by me on our Nourishing Traditions thread:
An excerpt from the Introduction, Page 2, Politically Correct Nutrition:
"The new food guidelines rightly stress the importance of fruits and vegetables; for many years, the medical establishment ignored their value. The American Cancer Society even denied the role of fresh vegetables in preventing cancer, in spite of considerable evidence to the contrary. The new guidelines reflect the fact that this evidence can no longer be ignored.
Unfortunately, several dangerous errors are built into the edifice of the USDA Food Pyramid. First, the new guidelines imply that everyone can eat the same foods in the same proportions and be healthy. According to the recommendations, grains should be the basis of our diet; but many people do very poorly on grains. Others have a low tolerance for cdairy products. These intolerances are due to a number of factors, including ethnic background and genetic inheritance. Secondly, the pyramid calls for reduced fats without addressing the dangers of lowfat diets. Finally, the new guidelines perpetuate the myth that fats, carbohydrates and proteins have equal nutritional properties no matter how much or how little they are processed. The experts make no distinction between whole grains and refined, between foods grown organically and those grown with pesticides and commercial fertilizers, between unprocessed dairy products from pasture-fed cows and pasteurized dairy products from confined animals raised on processed feed, between fresh and rancid fats, between traditional fresh fruits and vegetables and those that have been irradiated or genetically altered, between range-fed meats and those from animals raised in crowded pens; between natural and battery-produced eggs; in short, between the traditional foods that nourished our ancestors and newfangled products now dominating the modern marketplace."