Is drinking water bad for you?


Our Frustrated Curmudgeon
Jul 25, 2008
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Urban Idaho.
freemotion said:
If you happen to see her again, let her know right away that if you cut an apple in half, the exposed half will oxidize from the air. So air causes oxidation, a type of "rust." So she'd better stop breathing right away.

That's what I was going to say. Don't breathe because of oxygen.

Shiloh Acres

Lovin' The Homestead
Jun 29, 2010
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LOL funny ,,, and interesting.

I found at the last place I lived (in the mountains with supposedly very GOOD water -- usually) that I HAD to boil the water in order not to get a sick stomach from drinking it. I never figured out why.

But I do better where I live now by boiling my water too.

I used to buy filtered water and store it in glass containers, and that worked well for me.

Prior to that, I did learn a no-no about water. We had a machine that produced distilled water at work, and I could get it whenever I wanted. So I would fill my containers and that's what I drank. For MANY months. When my boss found out she was horrified, and told me that because the water is distilled, it lacks minerals and can actually have a leaching effect on the body. I WAS having issues with mineral deficiencies. I swithched to purified water and upped mineral supplements for a while and all became well.

So ... For whatever that's worth.

I have NEVER paid the ridiculous prices for tiny bottle after bottle of water though, nor had to deal with disposal. I keep my own gallon or two-gallon containers. Preferably glass but not always.

I do think it's ridiculous to consider limiting water itself with the idea that it is dangerous. It CAN carry lots of bad stuff into the body though.

And I'm with y'all. I can't afford to overstress about stuff. I just eat the freshest, cleanest, real food I can as much as I can and don't worry too much otherwise. It's all I can do right now. :)