Jason closes his journal... Thanks!! I love you!!


Our Frustrated Curmudgeon
Jul 25, 2008
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Urban Idaho.
I don't really have much to say except that I think I can understand. I am retired from the Army and have worked with Boy Scouts. I have no use for someone that violates their position of trust or harms children.


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
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NOT Southern, Ca. :)
Thanks be to God your son is unharmed. This man is sick and will receive his due justice. Stay strong. :hugs


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
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SE Indiana
First let me say....Thank you Jesus, your son was not harmed. Then...thanks again, for keeping your head...and talking this out with your wife and child. The anger, and sickness I feel in the pit of my stomach is overwhelming. As I read the story, my hands shook...my tears ran...and my heart broke. This is all too common nowdays. It hurts more than anything, when it is someone you think you can trust with your child. My heart goes out to the many families this monster has destroyed. As hard as it might be to do, I know its is hard for me to type this, and not be able to follow my own advice......Dont give up on humankind. Be thankfull you have an open relationship with your child/children. Just make sure they know, they can always come to you...and let them know, that IF they ever have to tell you something that makes you angry...that you are not angry with them...you are angry with the situation. Your lives are now changed....because of the closeness of this awfull situation. I am so very sorry.


Food Guru
Jan 1, 2009
Reaction score
Southwick, MA
I understand you, loud and clear. I have been hounding a certain pedophile for over 20 years now. I don't want to post any details, but just know that you are not alone, and do resist the urge to "lose your brakes" on a sunny day ;) Remember why it is called the "criminal justice" system. You would go to jail for life, while a rapist gets put on probation and is allowed to live near an elementarty school. Hmmmph. :somad

Stay sane and go dig out some stumps. Works for me, anyways.


Mountain Man
Feb 27, 2009
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In the woods with the critters
Thank you all for your support, I'm so let down by this.

I live my life by standards, to you, from you, unto others.


I hold my standards for myself as much as I do for anyone in my life including employees that work for me. If I tell you I am going to do something, be somewhere, help you, whatever I tell you, you can count on me. If I tell you maybe, expect it to go either way, its a standard of trust.

I don't have to many problems with employees, if I do, I handle them straight forward. I once fired a guy after he worked for me for 3 hours. I gave him a job, I knew where he should be at with the job 3 hours later based upon his resume. He lied to get the job, so I fired him. I checked his pogress on the project 3 hours later and he was only 20 minutes into the job.

It is true, if your going to be a leader, you better be sure to do it. If you fall short of the fact, I question why.

With the church supporting Doc, as well as other community leaders including a police detective. My company was the funding behind getting troop 5 back up and running. Me too, I loved scouts, I still have my tenderfoot rank award patch card. I funded the troop based on my love for scouts, and other community leaders advise on who should run the troop.

I can't run the troop, nor can I be a scoutmaster. If I were a Scout Master, I'd be like a drill sergeant.
Lights out at this time, eat it, its good for you and nothing better than hunting for breakfast in the forrest. So where does it hurt? If you don't keep moving it will hurt a lot more in places you never dreamed of. You didn't hit the target, look its jane fonda go for it. Give me that cell phone. You better catch dinner or your going to go hungry. You lazy good for what? nothing.... Go to your tent and sleep cold, you didn't help gather firewood. Whats a band-aid? Help him climb the rope, well if he can't climb the rope, than you as a team have to pull him up here. LOL... See I would be a good leader or not... LOL..

Personally, I am angry and disappointed. Not for myself but for my son, we love scouting. I know that I am a good dad, and at the end of the day, it will be my leadership my son will respect. But scouting gave us time to respect other leaders while making our own way in life (I have never pressured son in scouting events or trips, allowed him to make his own choices) whatever he decided, I would be there and helped him when he asked for it.

My wife made a comment to me tonight that I want to share. I am a big fellow, sure I am a little chubby ( what? what's little to you isn't to a gaint) LOL... Wife said " If there was ever a time that your size and aggressive attitude scared people away, this was the time it was a good thing". I have been working on my loud voice and size for a few years now. I stand 6'3" and weigh 272 pounds, with huge shoulders and strong as an ox, I have been working on being gentler with normal folks. I am loud, and just have a way about me that doesn't put up with to much bs.

Being a great dad and husband, I have never lifted my hand in anger. I am firm, but sometimes am a push over for the kids. My wife respects me for who/what I am, even though DD and I have been know to do silly dances together during american idol songs, or DS and I do a hip hop dance during so you think you can dance.

What? I am building them up for weed pullers this summer... LOL...


Mountain Man
Feb 27, 2009
Reaction score
In the woods with the critters
But at the same time, I'm grieved. This brings up too many bad memories and emotions for me.
Aly, I know and understand that things like this do happen. There are no words or nothing I can say that can change what you went through. I would like to think that it has made you stronger in many ways now more than ever as a parent yourself.


Late For Supper
Jan 6, 2009
Reaction score
Thank goodness you and your family escaped being abused and you are still a free man. Although we have never had any children(by choice) I can understand your pain and your frustration.
In today's world, I can't say that what happened surprises me one bit. There are some real monsters walking the streets these days, but ths sad fact is, WE helped to create them.......


Mountain Man
Feb 27, 2009
Reaction score
In the woods with the critters
With all the stress last couple days :barnie , took ds to see our family doctor for a look over just in case. He got a clean bill of health. I trust ds, but for my own mind I had him checked.

As I was leaving his school, my cell rang, and our fuzzy butts are waiting for me to pick up... :weee

They are so tiny, I was scared that I might crush them with my big rough hands. I scooped them up, and just held them without feeling them, and placed them in a box to come home.

In the brooder I built for them last month.


I think they have already doubled in size since noon, lol...

One minute their sleeping, next they are wanting to know why are you eating that? That's mine...

At first they all huddled together, and I was worried about the heat. But once they warmed up, they acted like a heard. Some would stand, fall over when they slept, others just laid there pecking at crumbs. Then when one gets all excited, they all do what that one was doing.

They are all comfy, and stop and rest/sleep when they want, where ever they see fit.

All they seem to do is eat, poop, sleep and drink water.

I can't pick her out yet, but there is one bossy one.

This was a great tension ice breaker for my family today. Even though you might not show stress to to your children, I think they can see/feel it.

Chicks are so cute, look I am not getting all soft and stuff, some of them are going to be good eats one day. Well maybe, they might become guard chickens. When their done laying, it's chicken bootcamp. :hide


Food Guru
Jan 1, 2009
Reaction score
Southwick, MA
We call it "chicken therapy" in our house. We were amazed, with that very first batch of chicks, how much time we spent just sitting and staring!

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