Jason closes his journal... Thanks!! I love you!!


Mountain Man
Feb 27, 2009
Reaction score
In the woods with the critters
Thanks Jessica, Nikki & Gina :D

My guess is that having one basket is the same as one hilled row 15 feet long. Harvesting them this way is a lot of fun for the whole family to. Once I dry them, I place them in a wooden box that has holes to allow fresh air to move about.

Due to my own foolishness last year, first year for my woodstove, I am sure I lost between 150-200 pounds. Hence the main reason I built my cold storage room. My dad said " so what you lost $70 worth of potatoes " my response to him was " it wasn't you that put in all the time and effort to raise a good crop " I know I am preaching to the choir here, but what if I was living in the early 1800's? That amount of waste could have made a difference between life and death back in those days. But, in todays world, I paid 3 times for the same amount of potatoes.

I want to talk about being a man of my word. This is a moral that my Mom and Dad both drove home to me as a kid. So if I tell you I am going to do something, it will be done in a timely manner.

My barter deal with Albert changed at the last minute. He decided to not lend me the SO BADLY needed hole auger to hook-up to my pto on my tractor. Not only did he go back on his word ( I would have never thought he would have been shifty ) but now I ordered another 20 trees. Man.... was I P/O'd when he went back on his word. Because that was part of the deal, I have done my side of the deal to the highest quality of standards, like always. I now feel a little ripped off. But in the big picture what can I do? Use what he did in our future dealings, which there won't be. :cool:

Now the tiller is wonderful, top of the line no doubt. Its a monster, but we both knew this when entering into the agreement. He was the one barting with me to begin with.

I still have a lot of soil prep to get done before planting, the weather isn't in my favor just yet. I always till some of my friends gardens for them. Paul Sr. is 72 years old, and plants a garden every year. I always go till his garden for him, the man knows his way around a tractor, he always helps me when I need it. I drove over to his place yesterday with the big 48 inch box tiller and started tilling his garden. I hit a steel cable that is 1/4 inch thick, it was under the dried vegetation. So it wound up tight in my box tiller before I knew it was even there. Carl and I tried to get that thing out, so I will have to use a torch and cut it out.. Bummer....


Almost Self-Reliant
Mar 3, 2009
Reaction score
Spotsylvania, Virginia
Had a neighbor of mine do something similiar a couple of years ago. I haven't had any dealings with them since.

I don't want any part of them.


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
NOT Southern, Ca. :)
Sorry to hear about that cable in your tiller. I hope you can fix it. The auger situation is a rough one. Did he have a reason for changing his mind? Just one more reason not to use other peoples tools. I have a hard time relying on others the let down gets old sometimes.

Good news, I build my potato basket yesterday, in addition to the weed fabric I put some chicken wire under the circle. Darn gophers around here hate me. I did use a welded wire with some big holes so I may need to ring the outside with the weed fabric. Maybe I will just use straw around the inside perimeter, kind of a basket in a basket.

How are the chicks doing??? I hope well. gina


Mountain Man
Feb 27, 2009
Reaction score
In the woods with the critters
Because it was part of the barter, giving a man at his word, we agreed to the terms. I told Albert how badly I needed to use the auger, he said he had gotten a deposit to sell it. Our contract had been in place prior to any deposit, I had already delivered my goods.

Next day when I went down to question when I would get my tiller, he was using the auger to dig the holes to put in the sign I made him. I even helped him put in his sign. Because I was looking forward to using the auger, I mentioned how it made quick work of digging the holes for his sign.

In the big picture of my needs, I am not worried about getting the holes dug. My biggest problem with the deal was him going back on his word. I dealt with this agreement as I would any other, I honored my side.

My point is, if you give your word to do something, your word is only as good as you make it. That is why I am upset.

In the big picture, I will rent a bobcat with a auger that will cost me $350+ and I will get the job done. The bigger lesson to me is never to trust albert or his son rick again.


The chicks are so cute, not to mention I have a runt.

They play follow the leader, they run and play, eat, poop, drink... and sleep... Did I mention they run, play, eat, poop and sleep?

I do have a runt, not because the others are picking on her, she seems to be laid back. I handle all the chicks a couple times everyday to make them more social. I put my hand down and she is the first to hop on it.

The other chicks also look out of the brooder now, and seem to know there is a bigger world out there.


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
Reaction score
I'm sorry to hear about the auger situation. We had a friend with a tractor that was supposed to bring it over here and let us use it for all the mulch we had to move. It would have made life so much easier, but when he didn't show up when he agreed to then we just had to do it the old fashioned way. It's disappointing when people don't follow through. Chad is having problems with his business partners too. One of them owes him the money from the last hunt that they did and instead of bringing it to him he had the audacity to lie and tell him that his appendix had ruptured yesterday but he was at his parent's house (supposedly 8 hours after he had surgery) and couldn't get him the money. Why can't people just be honest?


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
There is nothing more dissapointing, than when someone goes belly up on a deal. Im sorry you had to deal with that. Now, about the auger. We went last week to a rental place, and rented a tow behind auger for our fence posts. We picked it up on Saturday afternoon, and had to have it back by Monday. We did have to push and pull it from post to post, but, was able to get 27 post holes done in about 2 hours. The cost.. $67.00 I think its the BEST $67.00 we EVER spent! We would STILL be digging, of we had to do them all by hand, as we set them 2 1/2 feet deep. Hope you can find one to rent a little cheaper.


Mountain Man
Feb 27, 2009
Reaction score
In the woods with the critters
Today has been a good day, the sun shined most of the day, but it was chilly. The snow melted off, and the ground is filled with water.

I was to have an inspection in my shop today, but they were delayed and now it will be on the 23rd this month. Safety is very important to me, as my employees are great people that have families. Having a good place to work is half the battle, safety is the other part, which includes, equipment and other employees.

Not so long ago, one of my employees came to me about a problem they were having with my lead man. Knowing my lead man did attack people from time to time, he never was to the point of being out of control or nasty. But one day, I guess he thought he was the rooster that ruled the coop, and he went to far. Not only did he cross some lines, he also created a unsafe work enviroment for other employees. I sent him down the road.


I mail ordered a lot of bushes and trees this year. Why? Because its my 4th year into my 5 year plan. Oh, I never told you about my 5 year plan did I?

DW and I decided to build our property over time to be more SS, now this was long before I met you wonderful folks here. DW isn't one to cook/can/hunt food, however she is a big help to me when I am putting goods up as well as working in the garden, which she enjoys.

SO I came up with a plan, that with time we would be able to use our land to benefit ourselves.

Year one- I took the time to learn what needed fixed up on the house, I took the time to get to know my land and how to use each part the best way I could. I also took the time to meet folks and build friendships. Build a bridge. Put in a drain at the top end of property to keep my driveway from being washed away, drinking water in the house. Also do everything on my " honey-do-list"

Year two- I started my new garden by making good soil, I also found edible wild plants on my property to harvest, remodled the main bath, built the kids their beds, start planting the flower beds, and balance out the fish in the pond, plant berry bushes, rebuild the front stairway to the house and clean up brush, and bring the shop up to date. Also do everything on my " honey-do-list"

Year three- Plant a garden, build raised beds in some locations, start a new company (unplanned), pile field stone to use for flower/herb gardens, rid of some pesky critters, clear the woods of fallen trees and move more brush, cut down leaning trees and dieing trees, help the apple trees to produce, and grow a beautiful wildflower field, install a woodstove to lower heating cost. Also do everything on my " honey-do-list"

Year four- (this year) plant more berry bushes, grow a postage stamp orchard, plant white birch/nut trees as well as more hardwood trees, plant trees to create wind blocks and for more privacy, plant a good garden for a great harvest, give deer food suppliments, build a coop and raise chickens for eggs, raise ginnys to eat ticks, add more insulation in the attic, replace all the windows in the house, build a cold storage, seal the basement, make some copper chimney pots, rid the hillside to the pond of weeds and plant pretty weeds (wildflowers), grape trellis and plant grapes, plant some currents around the pond, and clean and seal side deck. Also do everything on my " honey-do-list"

Year five- replace roof, add solar power, add daylights from the roof to the living space, dig and create a creek from pond run-off, inspect and sure up the side deck, maintain the garden, berry bushes and fruit/nut trees, landscape around the property and give it more features, make a walking path through the woods around the backside of the pond, rebuild the bridge from steel the same design as a old RR bridge, clean the leech field, take sometime to enjoy all my hard work. Also do everything on my " honey-do-list"

Hey Aunt Nikki, :frow

You can always live vicarisously through me because you can't have chickens right now??? :weee :love :clap :fl :hugs

Also I only have three nams picked out, wanna name one? :pop

You think I can teach one to type/post? :th :lol:


Almost Self-Reliant
Mar 3, 2009
Reaction score
Spotsylvania, Virginia

For shame! You would torture me? Give me my bread recipes back!!! LOL. I would love to name a goat! Do I get a picture with a letter a couple times a year? LOL.

I've been going back and forth on the goat idea. I think I'm gonna shelve the idea for now and start with chickens and see what happens.

If I can't raise chickens, I have no business with goats.

I have been reading up on all sorts of fruit and nut bearing bushes and trees for about a year or so now and I know I want a pecan tree at least. I know where to get black walnuts to plant, but can't decide if I want to use that much land for just one tree that will kill everything around it for some nuts that not that many people want or wood that will mature in my grandchildrens time. Eh, I'll think about it some more.

What cha' gettin'?


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
NOT Southern, Ca. :)
That is some plan you have there. How has it gone so far? I think it would have taken me a couple years just to "plan" the plan. My honey do list is never complete. I kinda have a mental list but my dh insist I put it in writing.

I would love to add a few of those sono-tube sky lights to my house. In a few closets at least. I did have a bid last year on adding solar to my home. I figured if the payment for the financed system was equal to or a bit less than my montly bill it would be justifiable. The problem is I don't have a high enough bill. I was using a lot less than a normal person with a house my size. Even with the 30% federal rebate it was still a higher monthly payment than my monthly elec bill. If that makes any sense. :idunno

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