Jason closes his journal... Thanks!! I love you!!


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
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NOT Southern, Ca. :)
How heart wrenching. I am glad you heard her and acted on it right away. The look in dd eyes says it all. Hugs and prayers your way.



Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
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SE Indiana
Oh jeesh! The poor thing! I hope she is going to be OK. That pic made me bawl like a baby...seeing your kids cuddled up to her.


Mountain Man
Feb 27, 2009
Reaction score
In the woods with the critters
After a few hours rest, Peanut seems to be doing good. The new gun puppy is driving her nuts. I called the vet to get her in today.

Peanut and Sarah. Now peanut isn't very fond right now of the puppy, but she hasn't showed any aggression towards her. The puppy really wants to play and sleep with Peanut, but Peanut doesn't want to play and doesn't want the puppy on her bed. Sarah is being crate trained and is responding well to it so far.


Sarah, my new gun dog/puppy has been adjusting well for such a little puppy. I now think it was unwise for my breeder to let her go at 6 weeks old, there are some social issues that we having to deal with. If I knew and understood what I do now about the developing mind/body of a puppy thats so young, I would have made them keep her for at least 2 more weeks. I am sure because my breeder was moving house (I just found it out when I went to pick Sarah up) that is the reason behind letting her go so young. I have researched this issue myself and understand the debate of 6-8-10 weeks old. I think that 6 weeks old is way to young, but it is what it is now. So we are training and doing social things to teach her.

I am not a professional dog anything, but its my personal opinion that at six weeks old puppies should still be with siblings and mom. Shes here now, so we will use this time to work her into our family structure and help her along.

So her she is, I am wearing my xmas jim/jams :)



Coming to a new home is very stressful for a puppy, apparently the stress turns into sleeping while eating.


On another note, Peanut is very lucky and yet I think a smarter dog today. Its my hope that the fear of the pond will keep her away. When we first moved here, she just jumped in the pond, with such narrow deep sides, she panicked and never ever jumped into the pond again. So I hope that falling through the ice, near death has taught her to stay away.

Another good lesson, thou taught thru this terrible happening, was my children as you saw, have learned why I have banned them from going up to the pond fall thru winter.

I took a moment to pray to God and thanked him for helping me rescue Peanut, she was saved on a borrowed life from our family cat, who loves Peanut like a big sister. Thanks for your well wishes in this troubled time.

Please remember to teach your children about winter time pond/water/ice safety, stay off it, stay away from it. I can't tell you how important it is to be clear. Invite them over to the computer and show them my pcitures, teach them, explain to them what happened at my house. Show them the face of my DD, who at that moment when the pic was taken, was extremely upset. You can see the emotion on her face. DD is great now and has recovered as Peanut has gotten better. DS is also fine, both a little wiser. :)

TTs Chicks

Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
Glad to hear everyone is doing okay. I agree, 6 weeks is to young, but it is what it is and I'm sure she'll do fine. BTW - :love she is adorable!


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
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Eastern CT
She's adorable! I'm glad Peanut is going to be okay. It was a great lesson to teach my son from. We brought our Golden home at 7 weeks plus a few days. Even that seemed a little young. Sounds like you're doing every thing you can to make up for her coming home so young. Enjoy her!


Sipping Bacon Martinis
Aug 18, 2009
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wow! MP i meant to give you my congrats the other day on your quick thinking and action! what a save!

we have a pond too and keep the dogs off it but last winter Ti trotted directly out onto it like it was no big deal! so we keep them close. the scary thing is that The Big Man knows that i wouldnt hesitate to go in after oen of the dogs... i should know better but in the heat of the moment..well... lets just say i really admire your quick thinking. the good news for us is that we learned or pond isnt that deep. but a good reminder nonetheless

and that is such a cute puppy!!!!! yep, 6 weeks is too young and she might need to be near you more than you expected. but Peanut will show her the ropes. the pup might benefit by having you carry her close to you so she can feel your heartbeat. we dont allow the dogs to be up on us generally, but until our dogs were 2yo they would have 'i need my mommy moments' and just need some extra lovin's.


Mountain Man
Feb 27, 2009
Reaction score
In the woods with the critters
Well the vet visit went okay, Peanut has some swollen issues that got better over night, but still very stiff.

He had a look over, hearts okay, lungs okay, brown fat was missing?? What the heck was brown fat?

That is the fat we store for quick use, for heat or energy. The fact Danielle fed her more than 3k calories after wards, in four hours just replaced what was used. Vet said she had been in the pond for more than 10 minutes for those stores to be used up. The bile was stomach acid that came up during her body shut down of organs. If she had been on land, you have about two hours to get the animal help, in the water, she would have drowned. Yup, I knew that by the way she looked at the last moment.

I admit I have never had a puppy, and crate training is going good, but Sarah has minor issues like any puppy would have. Puppy breath my askss, more like skunk farts.... Vet mention breeder law today of 8 weeks... He also said she was to young. But we would have to play mom/siblings for a couple weeks.

Crate training..... Now I say this, she is doing good, even walks in on her own into the crate when we tell her Sarahs home, put her 4 inches from the door. Like all puppys she is teething and like DS, this will take some time to get through. She has had a rough night with teeth tonight, and still moaning to do number 1's outside and 30% of her number 2's outside. We don't punish her for the problems, rather looking to what she is doing? Sniffing or looking for a place.

I find thats hard to tell if their sitting or doing business.

I mention that the cat nor peanut has taken a liking to Sarah at all. Peanut and the cat are in cahoots with each other and even they took time to hang out. So I am okay right now, but if they don't gel, Sarah won't stay. We have years of bonding and hanging out long before sarah and I am okay with it.

It is what it is isn't it?

I snuggled with DW this morning as she had the late shift, fixed some coffee, and went back to snuggle with her while the coffee was brewing. I told her she was right about having another baby... We ain't going there, if you think so, buy a puppy think three times that...


Jul 12, 2008
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Nebraska Sandhills
She is a lovely little pup! I love the pic of her falling asleep in her food!

I use the word "BOX" when I want Ginja (our australian cattle dog) to go into her crate, its a fast easy word that we can say nice and firmly. For the most part the "box" isn't closed on her, only if we leave the house or we get a visitor and she won't leave them alone. But she's a smart cookie and see's us getting dressed to go out and she'll take herself to her box.. :D

We bought two crates, one for upstairs and one down, she sleeps in the one upstairs with the door open, the downstairs one is for when we go out.
(I actually stole the upstairs one the other day to use for chickens)


Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
Nebraska Sandhills
modern_pioneer said:
Well the vet visit went okay, Peanut has some swollen issues that got better over night, but still very stiff.
what a scary thing to happen, I'm so glad she's feeling a little better poor thing :(

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