I would love to buy your pretty little goat if only we were closer.
I don't think those look at all like black australorps, Java. I have a facebook friend who raises them and they have a different shape, more like an orpington.
If they are black sex links aren't those supposed to be good layers though? They should call them by the correct name though.
I am irritated that all my EEs, every single one, was sold to me as an "Americana". I have eight total from two different sources and not one is a real Americana. I was really hoping at least the cockerel would be one, but he has the oddest (and ugliest) markings of all, such an ugly roo. I was quite disapointed. Aren't roosters supposed to be beautiful? I was more upset about that than my Americanas being easter eggers, I knew that when I bought them.
My very first 12 chickens were supposed to be RIR and 1/2 were Russian Orloffs because they mixed up the chicks, that is why I originally posted my first post on BYC and became a member over there (and then here). So really good things happened to me because I got the wrong chickens, it eventually led to me finding all of YOU.....
SD, I'm glad you found BYC too!
Ya know, the more I've investigated these chickens, the more I believe they are truly mutts. They don't really match anything that is on that hatchery's website. They sort of look like black stars/sex-links, but not exactly. They are kind of ugly, and I'm hoping that it's just an awkward stage.
Maybe it will be easier to tell when they are grown.
I have some RIR/BO crosses and when they were young, they looked like Buff Orpingtons, but when fully grown, they look just like light colored rhode island reds. If you had asked me what they were when they were teenagers, I was still thinking at that point that they were roos because they were so dark and prettier than the purebred ones as well as bigger.
I will say my "mutt" chicken is my best layer at the moment, too. SHE certainly does not feel inferior to the rest, who are all supposedly either purebreds or easter eggers, she thinks she is the top hen. But she has an odd colored egg and I see one from her every single day. The rest of them were eaten by that dang stray dog unfortunately.
Is your weather finally better?
I'm finally getting some growth in my garden. I even have one zucchini growing so I'll actually be able to harvest something soon, I have had such a slow start and none of my lettuce came up at all. Too much rain washed it all away. I'm trying to think of a better way next year, I have to just be ready for the deluge I guess.
I have to say, mutts as well. Oh Java, I want your Lamancha!! She is beautiful!!! Where exactly are you, and what do you want for her?? Lamanchas are my FAVORITES! How old is she? I know, I am getting an ALpine, but, she will need a friend...right? LOL Private me your price and location, please!
Unfortunately, it's a no-can-do for a match between Justus and the goat. There's too much travel distance between us. ! Little Rachel will have to keep looking for a new home. I can't believe it's been so hard to find homes for these goats. But at least I have plenty of hay and will soon have a much bigger pasture area, so it's all good for now.