The tiny one is a fighter! They are cautiously optimistic. I don't think I can post the link to photos here since it's another forum, but if you go to the MareStare message boards and find the post in the alerts and updates thread you can see them. They are the most gorgeous little creatures I have seen! I'm such a nerd. I don't even know these people and I'm stalking their goats. Um, I'll just call it research for when kidding day comes to my goat barn.
Gosh, one kid each will be plenty for me! I sure hope we don't get four. I can't imagine my does are large enough. Java, yours looked much larger in the picture.
Perdy dropped a few weeks ago. Poor thing is going to be dragging on the ground by the end. Rory is still high and tight, but she's been sitting up like dog. She looks huge when she does that. And she's still pissy!
I have to take some new reference photos of them today. The 40 day countdown has begun!
Edit to add photos - they have long bodies, so their hugeness isn't coming across in photos :/
'Sits Like a Dog' AKA Rory
I'm having trouble uploading the rest right now...keeps giving me an error message.
Rory absolutely will not allow me to look at or take a photo of her from behind She likes to have her head scratched, but only from across the top of the fence. I am not allowed to touch her once I go inside the fence. She's crazy.