It's a ? and a girl! Big kids! Smooth delivery, I was so glad I could see it from that angle too. Did she hold up 2 fingers both times? 2 fingers = girl, 1 finger = boy
Watching that was very helpful since I'm essentially on my own with these goats here. If I'm lucky DH will be home, but I don't have any friends to call. My hay guy said he could come help, but he's a firefighter and on the job alot.
Now I need to have a goat birthing kit that has - among all the other things I have collected - dental floss and a nasal sucker-outer thingie. I think I have one left from when Joy was born. Of course I hope the goats don't need me at all, but I want to be prepared.
My "what have I done, who thought this was a good idea, what am I going to do with a bunch of babies" thoughts have started Somebody might have to smack me
OH for heavens' sake! I just went out to the coop and there's feathers everywhere. Somebody's molting :/ Grrr, I knew those 2 warm days were going to cause problems. And we are supposed to get 'Arctic cold' next week.