Java. the end.


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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lorihadams said:
WOWZA!!! I planted a whole pack of sunflowers and only one came up....looks like I need some of yours!
Same here, except I had ZERO make it to flower-hood. We didn't have much sun and "sunflowers" need them I guess. This is my second year in a row total failure to get sunflowers to grow here. I don't get it because at our last house I could grow a forest.....your mini-sunflower forest looks awesome!


Almost Self-Reliant
May 28, 2009
Reaction score
That sunflower grew a bit more and has just started to bloom. I love it because it's the kind that has multiple flower heads. I'll have to get another photo.

I have not felt very chatty lately, but I do have a couple small updates. Sometimes I just check out of the whole SS thing and go back to the 'other' side because I'm too tired to care. But country livin' always calls me back.

-we finally sold our last doeling, the unihorn :D Get this - she was bought for a little boy who wanted a unicorn for his birthday - he's from one of our 4-H club families and when his mother heard me mention my little unihorn goat, she knew it was meant to be. So little unihorn now has an awesome family (5 kids!) and a small herd of alpacas and other assorted animals to live with. I love it when things work out that way.

-we have been paring down the chicken flock. Have culled all but a few of the old chickens, and they will go soon. Goal is to keep a max of 10 hens through winter. We had over 20 last year and it was too many for the small area and the amount of snow we had. I really like the little flock I have now.

-I mentioned it somewhere, but my favorite duck Fran was killed by a wild animal. It was my fault for leaving them out at night and it broke my heart. I love the ducks, but I really like Fran. She was sassy. I don't think I'll add to the ducks unless we move and that's not ever likely to happen.

The garden flat out stunk this year. The few tomatoes we've had are awful - bland and mushy from too much rain. The peppers never peppered. My onions got lost in the crabgrass that took over when I was not feeling well and it was too hot for me to go out and take care of it. The cukes finally gave in to beetles.
The beans just this week finally came on. Don't know what took them so long :idunno

I got a microscope and supplies to start doing fecals on the goats. And a blood draw kit to test them for disease. I'm sure they are clean, but I want to practice.

The weather is finally beautiful, but the ragweed is having a great year so I am a sneezing, itchy eyed mess. I hope for an early frost. (sorry Ohio gardeners)

Decided to wait until spring to raise more meat chickens. We have to get another freezer and rearrange some things in the house first.


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
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NOT Southern, Ca. :)
:hugs sorry to hear about Fran. I stopped naming my poultry years ago. It's such a heart break if something happens.

Don't worry about this season. Heck life is full of seasons. I am sure your next one will be better.

Your unihorn goat sounds like she found a great home. That littel boy iis gonna luv her forever.

Thanks for checking in.



Almost Self-Reliant
May 28, 2009
Reaction score
Thanks Gina - go figure Fran was the only duck I had named. The only chicken that has earned a name is Squatty - for the obvious reason :gig

And for this morning's second update: the goats were absolutely bonkers this morning. Nobody could remember the routine. Dinah - the doeling I kept, tried to get out every time the gate was opened and that is not like her at all. She's having a major growth spurt and wanted to go eat fallen leaves in the yard. Pringles for goats :p And she might be in heat because she's just nuts right now.

The milk has slowed way down and I may just quit soon. The milk hasn't been great since we got the last load of hay. There was not enough alfalfa in it and alfalfa pellets are not helping. Live and learn. My first year of goats scores a solid B+ for me.

And the cats are failing in their duties and may be relocated if they don't get on board. They let a chipmunk just run all over the porch the other day. Just SAT and WATCHED it. :th The dog finally caught it, but my dog has no kill instinct - she'd rather mother anything she catches :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:. (seeriously, she has taken baby rabbits away from the cats and protected them) I was seeing red. Seriously, cats? Now I know they love small rabbits and birds and squirrels. So what gives?

I made the best bread yesterday and there is nothing better than sitting in the cool air with a cup of coffee and fresh bread for breakfast. Yum.


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
Reaction score
Well it sounds like you are chugging along. Your dog sounds sweet.

So sorry about your duck, don't blame yourself like that, things happen.

I plan to breed Molly now. My goats are acting bonkers because they are in heat. I think they believe they are lesbians as well. Or maybe they are bi- ....:hu Tain't pretty to watch though. :sick I need to get Molly and Ginger a real buck or have them come "out", one or the other.

Ya need a new cat? I got an extra here.......

My garden is really doing poorly this year too. I will have pumpkins, potatoes and a few tomatoes and squash. The rest got eaten by the slugs. I think I need to house my chickens in that pen for awhile and get all the vegetation down, there were too many places for slugs to hide. I have to chalk this one up to a learning experience year. This was the THIRD time I tried planting sunflower seeds here at this property with ZERO to show for my troubles. I really don't get it.

Your fresh bread sounds yummy.....


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
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Klamath County, OR
Now I, on the other hand, have volunteer sunflower all over the d*** place. I think the birds are dropping them from the bird feeder. I'm letting most of them grow, unless they get in the way of other plants I want.


Almost Self-Reliant
May 28, 2009
Reaction score
So it would seem I had a moment of insanity when I saw this little guy on Craigslist :D He was listed for a long time, the price kept dropping and I just couldn't stop myself. But I am so happy we went and got him. Not only is he adorable and sweet -now I don't have to worry about driving my girls an hour away the moment I think they are in heat. That was stressing me out.
The people who sold him were awesome! They had the cutest little farm ever and their animals get the best of care.
He's a 7 month old Nigerian Dwarf. Not yet registered because the transfer paperwork never arrived for his mother. She said if she ever gets them, then she will go ahead and register him. It not a big deal at all to me, but it would be nice I suppose. He isn't stinky yet but he sure does know what he is supposed to do - one of the girls is in heat but we are going to keep them separate for this cycle.
Perdy and Rory are falling all over themselves flirting with him and fighting each other. It's hilarious to watch. :lol: He's mine, no he's mine

I'm calling him Little Dude. He may not stay here long, but we'll see ;)





Sipping Bacon Martinis
Aug 18, 2009
Reaction score
* OFG standing in her kitchen.... hears someone calling her... turns her head to the sound far far away.... grabs keys and peels out of the drive in the big truck, hangs head out window to follow the sound of someone calling her...... *

Java: Duuuuuuuuuuuude!
OFG, running into Java's yard: what?
Java: what?
OFG: you're calling me. and whats that terrible smell?
Java, pointing at new buck: Dude!
Java, pointing at new buck again: Dude!
OFG: for heavens sakes.. WHAT?
Java: no the buck... he's Dude.
OFG: you "dude-d" him? i thought you only called me that!
Java: he's the new Dude

OFG and Java watch as Dude hurriedly builds a make shift ladder and climbs over fence and in with flirty goats.

both: YIKES!

OFG: um... so now that you're done with him... can i have him?

hee hee hee hee

great work baby!

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