JUSTUSNAK...Summer coming to an end!?


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
If I can get some cattle pannels..and T posts...I might just go get the jenny..and the one eyed pony. Of course...I would have to slide them by Hubby...who would have a FIT! :lol:
So, we had a few storms...well...not really storms, but rain..I decided I would not let Pebbles out today, just in case.
Well...when I went to check on her this afternoon...STILL NO BABIES!!! :rant
Oh, and I noticed something today. I had to put my Ram in with the goats....to keep them from summer breeding. Since I put my ram in there....BamBam does not pee on his face anymore. Im not complaining....trust me! Now I can pet him, and scratch his cute wittle face without pulling back a hand that I would rather cut off than ever use again! LOL He is such a "changed little man" Would this be because of the Ram? Or just because I have Pebbles seperated now from him?


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
26 April 10

Well, I can say...im just about fed up with all this rain! :tongue
Oh, I know..." poor mans fertilizer" ... :old BUT There is nothing in the big garden to fertilize yet! So...STOP with all the rain! :rant
There...I feel better. :p
You know the game with the little groundhog...popping out of a hole, and you have to bop it with a "hammer" only for it to hide, and come up another hole?? Well, thats how I felt yesterday. I bought 26 "frankenchickens" ( cornish cross) They have a pen...with grass...and a hugh crate for shelter. Well...its been cool in the evenings still, so I close them in the crate at night. Well, yesterday....it was raining...and I looked out and those crazy little birds were out there bopping around in the rain! JEESH! I made a small little "covered porch" type thing for them, so they can sit outside and get some fresh air, when it rains..but they were IN THE RAIN! Get on the boots and my hoodie..and head out to put them in the crate. Filled the feeder...cleaned and filled the waterer...got those in the crate...now the chickens. MOST of them ran right in....I say most...like..MAYBE 15 or so. I get my "chicken stick" and start pokeing thier fatness to get them in the crate. I REALLY dont want to have to pick up those squishy, warm, stinky bodies. :sick Thats why I poke them with a stick! so, I got all but maybe 5 of them in....turned around to get the last few, and 4 or 5 more come out...Ohhhh no...back in there...poke poke...peep peep!! Oh, I know the ones inside are sitting in the back of the crate....pulling straws to see who pops out when my back is turned....the others laughing at me. I get the stragglers rounded up...between the stick, and a piece of plywood....herding them towards the door....I went to bend down to "encourage" them to go in, and WHAM!!! I just about knocked myself out on the stupid little "covered porch" :rant I screamed a few "profanities" which scared the chickens..and about 10 of them came running out!! UGH! Now, its raining pretty good...peeps are flapping around thier yard, peeping...running and hopping....playing " lets see if the old lady will pick us up" So I get my plywood...and herd them again...to the crate...FINALLY getting them all inside. Whew! Get thier door closed....a cinderblock in front of the door...and stand up to survey thier yard....when I see it. :th One fat little squishy peep...just standing there....looking at me. Oh, I could hear it laughing at me. So I stomped over there....picked it up, :sick, kicked the cinderblock away, and popped it in the door. Holding the door with my foot, I looked around the yard. All clear. Finally got them all in. Now I am soaked, and I smell like those frankenchickens. Someone PLEASE tell me WHY I got these chickens??? Oh, I know in a few more weeks...I will be drooling as I can them..but wow. Im not feeling the love right now.
The little Lambs are growing like weeds. I will be putting the little ram up for sale in a few more weeks. He sure is a looker! Anyone looking for a Shetland ram lamb?? He is going to have the most beautifull wool. :love I would like to sell him....but if I cant...in the freezer he will go. :/ I think. LOL
Khaki Kambel duck eggs in the bator, on week one. Looking good so far.:fl Looks like 9 of the 14 are developeing. I have turkey eggs in the other bator..and will be starting up the big bator next week...and will be throing in all the chicken eggs I can get over a weeks time. Should be 6 or 7 dozen. Babies will be everywhere.!! Now I need to get that hog pen going...so I can get my piggies soon! ;)

TTs Chicks

Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 12, 2008
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I hear ya on the frankenchickens - they are really gross, but they sure do taste good :D I processed 6 of ours Saturday and have 16 more to get done this weekend.
Wow babies everywhere - I have 12 guinea eggs and 12 chicken eggs in my bator - I'm not brave enough yet to have more than 1 going at a time. I have one rabbit that I believe is bred.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
Ya know....I used to think..." how could I ever have more than a few babies at a time.?" Then, I got to thinking about it....why NOT? I mean...I can easily put the chickens and turkeys together in one coop....this would make it alot easier to let prospective buyers see them all together. I have one coop that will be empty soon...well, as soon as I can find a home for a Wellsummer Roo.....that coop is about 8 x 10....has electric if I need to put in a heat lamp...and there is a fenced in yard. I can easily have 50 or more peeps in there at a time. As they grow, I can sell, or relocate to other coops to freshen MY stock. ;)
As for the duck babies....well...I still have 3 weeks to figure that one out! LOL I know for sure, they WILL be outside...somewhere. :sick

TTs Chicks

Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
I just need to get my barn built - plans for brooder in it :D and create some more coops/runs . . . gotcha ;)


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
You know....here lately, I have to say, I have been pretty lucky about those " misshaps" Guess it was just a winter thing. :rolleyes: Now that summer is on the horizon...it starts. :lol:
Another day of rain today....not looking forward to it at all. We REALLY need some sunshine!