Mountain Sage
Hey, Debbie!
How's things? We are supposed to get ice here also but I don't think we are supposed to get it as bad as you all. Stay warm! 

Beekissed said:Hey, Debbie!How's things? We are supposed to get ice here also but I don't think we are supposed to get it as bad as you all. Stay warm!
FarmerDenise said:Jeez, here you guys are preparing for an ice storm and I spent the day in a t-shirt, weeding and digging up worms for the chickens
Hope it was just rain and that you all are well.
Same deal going on around here. I was out of Ziplock bags and so went to the wholesale club the other night. They were almost completely out of milk!! Makes you realize a bit what would happen if it was a real emergency.justusnak said:So...the ice storm has everyone around here FREAKING OUT!!You would think it was the second coming or something.
Shelves are empty...gas stations had long lines...I mean...REALLY!???
I like the breed, and the size. I just love those black wooly faces...and they butcher out a perfect size for the 2 of us.. Altho...almost any miniature breed would work...I guess. LOLFarmfresh said:Same deal going on around here. I was out of Ziplock bags and so went to the wholesale club the other night. They were almost completely out of milk!! Makes you realize a bit what would happen if it was a real emergency.justusnak said:So...the ice storm has everyone around here FREAKING OUT!!You would think it was the second coming or something.
Shelves are empty...gas stations had long lines...I mean...REALLY!???
I see you are interested in Dexters. Is that because of size or the breed in particular? Scottish Highland Cattle are very similar in size and around here I see them advertised for $400 or $500 each all of the time.