JUSTUSNAK...Summer coming to an end!?


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
Oh yes, I get to keep the milk. :D Its my "pay" for watching her. I think 4 or 5 days.
So...today was hot..and I mean....Hot enough to make the devil sigh, and matches cry. Whew!!!!
I headed out fairly early, to get the 3 water troughs scrubbed down and filled. At least I was able to cool down in the hose while I did that chore. :p Ran the hose in the 2 pig pens, and made good sized wallers for them. They were very happy!! I think I even saw the little girl smile! :lol: She was sure wagging that little tail after rolling around in there, and grunting to me through the fence. Yup, I made them pigs happy. :gig
I had to go sit on the porch for a while, and rehydrate. So I sat with my grandson, and we talked about what had to be done next. He looked at me and said.... " gamma, thats too much work, its hot, we should go inside." LOL We came inside for a bit, and I started dinner for hubby's lunch. Steaks, twice baked potatoes, Brussels sprouts. yummm! After it cooled, I got him packed up and ready to go. By this time, grandson was ready for a nap... lucky kid! After he went down, I went back outside and headed to the ducks. I have 2 pens of ducks...one gets to free range, they are the 3 Khaki Kambells, 4 Indian runners, a little black something or other, and my big white goose. They have a small pool by the house that is in the shade most of the day, and were all over there just snoozing in the shade....but panting hard! So, I got the hose, and watered their grassy area to cool it down some. They were happy, and started playing in the pool. Then I headed to the other duck pen. I have 4 black ducks, ( for the freezer) and a big white Peking, who has a nasty attitude, and if he doesn't calm down, he will also go in the freezer. I emptied their pool and filled it, and was able to get a shade cloth over it. Hopefully this will keep the water from turning green in 2 days. Then I went to the other duck pen, and cleaned out their 2 pools...and covered them as well. By this time I was drenched, and not from the hose, so I decided to wrap up the 200 ft of hose, and call it a day. Came inside, washed up a bit, and fell asleep! That was a great hour of sleep! Nice and cool....ahhhhhh. Got up, made supper for the rest of us, and went out to water the 2 gardens. Whew, sweating again! I swear, I HAVE to be losing SOME weight! LOL Now, all the hoses are put away, animals are watered and tucked in for the night...I have had my shower...and can relax.
Tomorrow I have the DR app, to get the rod out. :hide I know it will hurt....twisting and pulling on that rod...but, after it is all over....IF I don't end up in jail for decking my DR, It will be great! LOL Matching shoes again!!!:weee and, I will FINALLY be able to sleep in the bed with hubby. For the last 8 weeks or so, I have slept on the sofa, because I had the fear of him kicking my foot. I tried to sleep in there one night, and every time he rolled over, I panicked. I didn't get more than 2 hrs sleep that night.
So, hopefully by tomorrow, I will be up and running, even if it IS at a snails pace...I have a barn to clean, 10 poultry houses to clean, clean the pigeons cage and get them set outside....and finish planting the garden. This is the ONLY weekend we wont have company this month.
The 14th and 15th my niece and her hubby is coming up from KY to spend a few days. I haven't seen her since 92' Almost 20 years!! Jeesh!
Then the following weekend, we are having a Memorial for my son. The 18th is the one year anniversary of his death.... :hit. We have a HUGH cookout planned, family from both sides, then a bonfire later. David ( my late son) LOVED bonfires! It will be a very emotional day for all of us.
The 24th of June, my dear friend is coming in from WV. with her daughter and mom.Her moms B Day is the 25th, so I wan tto plan a little something for her as well. I can't wait to see them, its been a few years, TOO LONG!!! They will be here till the 26th. On the 25th, my sons GF will be coming in from OKC, bringing a friend with her to help drive, and my 3 grandsons, whom I haven't seen since the funeral. I am so glad their mom is letting them come. David used to try to bring them once a summer....just to visit "grandma's farm" Hopefully my little sister will be able to deliver the tractor by then, so I can take the boys on a hay ride, and have a sleep out by the campfire. Oh, and I will be getting the Doe, on the 27th! LOL I do believe everyone will be gone, by the 28th. So, I called my sister, she has a little camper at Brookville Lake here in Indiana. She spends every weekend there in the summer. I invited myself, and hubby to her place for the 4th of July. I just want to get away for ONE day. She was excited that we are coming...we always try to go, but something always comes up, and we don't make it. This time....WE WILL!!!! I don't care if I have to PAY someone to animal sit...we are going. ( I hope) LOL
OK, coffee time, and some TV time, then off to bed. Oh, and a piece of cake....yummmmm.


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
Reaction score
Oh boy, another goat convert!

Just remember to bump or massage her udder once you think you've gotten all you can out of her and then milk her again and you can usually get even more milk.

I am trying to find someone to goat sit for me in August so we can go to a shrimp festival at the beach with MIL. Gonna be interesting that's for sure. :p

So whatcha gonna do with all that milk???


Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 23, 2009
Reaction score
Congrats on the "free" milk while you have her, big giant :hugs as you remember your son, and keep us posted about your foot--I bet it's going to be so nice to wear shoes again!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
Thanks for that tip Lori. I am pretty sure, well, sorta sure...ok, I HOPE it goes well.

Oh, and guess what?? I am as of RIGHT NOW, wearing a MATCHING pair of shoes!!!!!:weee Maybe I need a title...... Farmer with TWO shoes. :lol:
So, I get to the Dr office....check in, and as I am sitting there waiting, and waiting, I almost wanted to just leave. I KNEW this was going to hurt. My DR doesn't believe in pain meds. UGH! So as I am waiting I asked the little pregnant nurse tech, " So, just how bad is this going to hurt, when he pulls this rod out"? I actually saw her wince!! NOT a good sign. Then she said..." well, most people say it didn't hurt as bad as they thought it would" OK, TOO LATE, you had me and the wince. She ushers me back, and I sit there waiting again. Finally the DR comes in....and said, you ready to lose that? I was like...what?? The toe?? He said, no, that pin. Yeah, you call it a "pin" I call it a ROD! So he tells me, let me go get the "tools" I need. He comes back with a pair of needle nose pliers. me...blink,blink. He really meant "Tools" !! So, he grabs my foot, grabs the rod with the pliers, and starts twisting, and tugging. I immediately broke out in a full body sweat, and thought I was going to pass out. He pulled for a few minutes....could not get it out!! I had to make him stop for a few seconds, to give me some relief. He backs up, and says.....I think I need different tools. I welcomed the wait. He comes back in with a pair of vice grips. :th He said....that little booger is really in there hu? me again....blink,blink. Um, yeah, you should know, YOU put it there! So he tightens the vice grips on it, and starts twisting and pulling again. He actually had to take a step back to get leverage. Finally, out it comes, and my toe starts bleeding like a hose. He quickly grabs a piece of gauze, and holds it on there.....ugh, finally it stops bleeding...and he puts a small band aid over the toe. I of course grab my "real" shoe...and loosen the lace. He says " I don't think you will get that shoe on, you will want to wear the boot for a few more days" Ummmm, NO!! I brought my shoe, and I am wearing it out. It took me a few minutes...but I got the shoe on!! :weeen It is really sore...and I will have to elevate it for a while to let the swelling go back down, but, I AM IN 2 SHOES!!!! WOOHOO!!!!!!!!! Ok, time for a nap. I am exhausted!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
Well, I ended up having to take my shoe off, the swelling was getting too bad. Now I can't get it back on. :hit Guess I will have to go hop flop for another few days. Dang.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
TanksHill said:
Hey at least the rod, I mean pin is out. :hugs I probably would have passed out.

I thought I was going to pass out. I broke out in a full body sweat...YUK! I am just glad its over.


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
Missouri USA
That's my tough trouper!!

The danged thing is out now and there will be no more catching it on this and banging it on that. :weee :ya

Soak that old swollen foot in some cold Epsom Salts water and you will be dancin' in the barnyard by Saturday night! :D :bun :bun :bun

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