JUSTUSNAK...Summer coming to an end!?


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
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SE Indiana
*sigh* Winter seems to never want to let us go. This week she really reminded us of who is in charge. Monday..5 inches of snow, Tuesday an inch of ice on top..Wednesday, another 7 inches of snow. I have been down with pneumonia for a few weeks now, so getting winter YUK was not in my plans! All the ice and snow has caved in the netting over the turkey pens. So, the turkeys are locked inside untill this weekend. Let me tell you,they are NOT HAPPY! My Tom is about 25/30 pounds with a 6 ft wingspan. I, am 5 ft tall in boots! :) Going in the Turkey hut is a little intimidateing now that they have been locked in for a few days. The big old tom sits up high on his roost...and just glares down on me like a vulture. I know what he is thinking... " open the door, and no one will get hurt"( no one meaning me!) I cant let them out untill at least this weekend when DH and I can get out there and repair the netting.
Trudging through a foot of snow with a cat, or sometimes 2, on my shoulder has proven to be quite tireing. Today when I went into the turkey hut, Kiki decided he wanted to come in and "check things out" HIS Mistake. My hens are laying, and do NOT like intruder kitties! Poor Kiki. You would have thought a pit bull terrier was after him! He went flying out that door, into the snow, and was up in the front porch in no time. Hu...now I know he CAN walk through the snow...( or fly over it when scared) No more free rides for that one. Well, unless he begs like always. :idunno
I got one of my garden seed orders in the mail today :weee Just makes me want to get out there even more! Unfortunately the mean old weather man said possibility of ANOTHER winter storm next week. NO FAIR! :tongue
Nothing really "frugal" going on here. Laying low..healing..and waiting on that first spring day. Makeing plans for the new garden, and the "summer kitchen"


Don't Quote Me
Jul 20, 2008
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East Tenn.
Sorry you've been feeling badly.

Your Tom sounds quite formidable. I'm sure he will forgive you.

I'm ready for spring, too. I just got my cabbage seeds in yesterday.

We hardly ever get much snow. However, significant snow is in the forcast for Tuesday. That'll be alot of fun.

Thursday, I want April here.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
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SE Indiana
Thanks Punkin, Usually Adam, my tom is a good guy, I guess being locked up for several days can make anyone a little testy. I PROMISED him today..I was going to get out there Saturday, and get his pen fixed, so he can stretch those beautiful wings and stop giving me..." the look" :hide


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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wow pneumonia.....take care of yourself....that sure isn't anything to fool with!!! bet you are soooo tired! rest, rest and more rest if you can.

yea nothing much one can do but survive in winter and keep the fingers crossed for an early thaw and early early spring!!!!!!!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
What a terrible morning I had. :( Sunday, I wnet out to feed the kitties...and Kiki was no where to be found. He is always there waiting for his shoulder ride to the coop. So, I go about doing my chores....calling every once in a while for Kiki....nothing. Hmmm, thats not like him. I put food out for him...and figured he will be there this morning. So, I get up....get my coffee..and head outside to feed kitties...and to grab up my Kiki, like always....when there on the porch..is kiki...laying there, cold and stiff...and bawling! :hit Of course..I start crying....thinking he had been hit by a car. I gently put hi in the carrier, and come inside to call the vet. I can get him in...if I can get thre in 25 minutes. Its a 15 to 20 min drive. UGH! Grab coffee...coat, cat..and get to the truck. We re off. Poor Kiki is being such a trooper. No screaming even over the bumpy icy roads. So, I get him to the vet, thinking the worse...I can smell...something. Not right. Im thinking, he was hit...and had bowel issues, at which point I would have to have him put down. There is no way I can afford a few hundred dollars on a stray kitty! So, the vet comes in...im sitting on the floor with him..and she starts looking him over. He barely even protested when she was paplateing his leg. NO, he was NOT hit by a car.....He WAS SHOT!!! O M G ! My poor kiki was shot!???? Im pretty sure I know who...its the same person who's 4 donkeys were in my yard last week, who even tho I was sick as a dog...I lured them back to thier property..and locked them up...to keep them safe for him. This man has told me on several occasions about all the cats and dogs he has shot....and thrown in a pile behind the barn. ( yes I called it in, and they said he is "protecting his property") Nothing can be done. So...after $100.00 vet bill....Kiki is resting comfortably in my garage...on a warm blanket...on pain meds and antibiotics. Poor poor Kiki. He doesnt deserve this. Next time there are 4 Donkeys in my yard...they go into the barn..and I will find them a new home!
Please say a little prayer for my Kiki.


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
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Garden Zone 8A Texas
That is just awful about Kiki, justusnak! :hugs I do not understand cruelty for cruelty's sake.

Have you advised the authorities about this man's animals being on your property? I would before it happens again. Just to be on the safe side...

Good luck!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
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SE Indiana
Well...just a short update in Kiki, He is living in the chicken coop. Warmer than outside, and dry...and fresh bedding to snuggle into. He is still not putting weight on his leg. This worries me. I have been trying to get in touch with a local rescue, to see if I can get assistance on his neuter, shots, and general care. My niece really wants kiki..and I know she would take great care of him. Now the delima...should I let her have him, and make him a house kitty...or just let him roam, and take his chances? Did he learn to stay away from that place where he was shot? Or will he wander back over there again, and not be so lucky as to make it home.? I love this little kitty...I cant have him in MY house....I just dont know what to do.
On the upside of things....a very dear friend of mine raises Baby Doll Sheep. She has a little ewe that was injured last fall by her goats. The goat broke this little ewes jaw..and now she is afraid to get in there to eat. So, my friend has her seperated with a buddy for now. She wants me to take her..and a young ram. I am so excited to get them. Of course, I need to get a proper fence in, and a good shelter first. I have been wanting Baby Doll Sheep for a while now..and I think this might just be my opportunity to get them.
The weather man said...are you ready?? 50's!! WOOHOO!! Maybe all this snow and ice will melt off. Then I can get started on building pens for the new animals I will be getting this spring. COME ON SPRING!


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
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NOT Southern, Ca. :)
Wow, you live an exciting unpredictable life. It was great reading about your adventures. I am sorry to hear about what happened to Kiki. He definitely did not deserve it. Congrats on the sheep. You will have to post some pics when you have time. I hope you are feeling better. Take care. :)


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
Finally...some good weather. Woke this morning to 45 degrees!!!!! Cant believe it. I Know this is just a teaser....but I am ok with it. Going to take this nice day and get a few things taken care of outside. Dh and I are planning where to put the sheep pen. I of course want them close to the house. They are baby doll sheep, and very vulnerable to predators. The old barn is too far from the house, and no electric...so I cant put them out there. They will of course need shade...hmmmmmmmmm, the delima. All the snow is melting off finally. Oh what a muddy mess we will have...as I am sure everyone will after the melt off.
Tomorrow the IN laws are coming for dinner. It is always a pleasure to have them here....well..my father in law anyways. LOL MIL is a little wierd, and always wants to show me her surgery scars. :rolleyes: They live in OH, so its about a 1 1/2 hr drive for them. Both are diabetic....so plannig a meal for them is quite a challenge. I am going to put a chicken in the oven...one we raised...mashed taters and gravy,(no salt of course blah!) and some home grown corn. I was able to find a great recipe for sugar free chocolate chip cookies. If useing dark chocolate chips, its better for a diabetic. Something about the dark chocolate decreases the sugar levels. :idunno My FIL found this info on the internet...I tried it..he checked his levels before, and after eating these cookies...and guess what? Sugar levels were lower afterwards. Im not sure how that works...but it does..so I will be bakeing cookies this evening for the inlaws.
Kiki is doing well..still wont use that leg. Its not swollen..he is just not wanting to use it. I feel so bad for the little guy. He still wants to follow me to the coops when I do my chores. So, on the shoulder he goes. Another reason for him to be spoiled I guess. :D Well, the banks are open in a little bit, so off to town I go!


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score
WOW that just stinks about your cat. I know your problem. let him loose again and possibly be shot....ugh. Poor kitty. Shooting dogs after livestock is one thing, cats don't "do" anything you know. that is just cruel for no reason.

$100--wow that was a cheap vet bill for that. I know I would have gotten nailed for more than that here. You did good on that bill even though you still don't want it..HA HA

our weather is sunny and nicer also. waiting for that true spring though!

alot of work but worth it! I never had sheep, just the goats. I almost ventured into sheep but decided I had too much work as it was..LOL

have a great day!!!!!!!!!!!

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