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Almost Self-Reliant
Wednesday, 11 Feb 09
So today was freaky, weather wise. High winds...rain. Just a nasty day. Going out to do any animal chores was...well...a real chore!
Poor Kiki still wants to follow me around outside...hopping on 3 legs. With the rain and wind...he was so pitifull...of course I had to carry him everywhere!
THe winds are pulling the tar paper vent covers from the vents of the coop. So, flapping in the wind....black...I think you might know where this one is going...half the chickens outside...terrified to run inside because the "big black monster" might get them....the other half inside...screaming out for help for thier comrads.
Out into the storm I go, rip off the tar paper..."slaying the big black monster" and gathering the chickens all inside.
" Hero mom" hangs a few heads of cabbage, and tucks them in for the day. I finally put Kiki and Chubs in the garage, with food and water. Just untill morning, after these crazy storms pass. The winds are the worst thing to deal with here. Of course, our home faces the west....the storms came in from the SW, and with the driving winds...the rain was coming in under the front door. Then, just as I thought I was "ok" for the night.....water starts coming in the basement. Jeesh! Drag out the shop vac...start getting it all under controll...POOF, the power goes out. OK, I get it...this is NOT my day. Point taken. Light the lamps....get the woodstove going in anticipation of moveing 3 incubators down next to the woodstove...the power comes back on. Start sucking up more water....it FINALLY stops coming in. Ahhhh, I made it. Of course DH is at work. Sit back...start to relax...WHAM!!!! What the heck???? Something crashed outside. So, I get up...and fearing the worse.....step out front. Nothing too bad, the front porch swing is hanging off the edge of the porch. OK, I can handle this....maybe. Get the boots, coat..and get out there only to almost be blown off the porch myself. Darned swing....see it in the next county for all I care! Im not messing with it....DH can fix it in the morning. So....im in for the evening...cats safe....chickens safe....dogs FREAKING out because of the storm. I grab my coffee...sit back, and enjoy the ride. Waite...what was that going by the window?? Was that a mean old witch on a bicycle!??
Toto!?? Where are you???
So today was freaky, weather wise. High winds...rain. Just a nasty day. Going out to do any animal chores was...well...a real chore!
THe winds are pulling the tar paper vent covers from the vents of the coop. So, flapping in the wind....black...I think you might know where this one is going...half the chickens outside...terrified to run inside because the "big black monster" might get them....the other half inside...screaming out for help for thier comrads.