keljonma's Front Porch - Settling in and adjusting


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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OK, no pressure, but...

Oh c'mon! Just take the house in Scio! :p :lol:


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
Garden Zone 8A Texas
8/10/09 MONDAY
Day started out 89, hot and humid, and sunny. We even turned the a/c on in the Saturn - the first time this year.

Today we had to go to the coin laundry - for 1 large load of wash/dry it cost $6.50. I miss hanging the clothes out, but by the time we were done with wash and dry, a tremendous thunderstorm started. By the time it was done 5 hours later, everything was cooled off and the temp dropped to 80. There is a nice breeze too.

We had to go to the grocers to get some food for dinner and I was prepping it (microwave) when I asked my dh where the silverware was. It turns out he packed it today and we took it to storage this afternoon before going to the coin laundry. So while I cooked dinner, he took another load to storage with explicit instructions to bring back the silverware!

We had Lean Cuisine for dinner - Butternut Squash Ravioli with carrots, red peppers and snap peas. I cant remember the last time I bought any frozen meals. It wasnt bad. It cost us $4 for dinner for the two of us, as the Lean Cuisine was on sale at the grocers.

8/11/09 TUESDAY
Thunder but not raining and no rain is in the forecast. Intermittent sun and clouds. 81 and very little breeze.

We had scrambled egg sandwiches again for breakfast. We only have 3 of our backyard jewels left, which we will probably eat tomorrow.

Took another load into storage, dropped off recycles and books and movies due at the library while in town. I know it sounds like we have a lot we have already moved to storage, but neither the Saturn nor the K-car really hold much in a load. :D

We used a Subway gift card for lunch today. Tuesday is buy a footlong and a medium drink and get a second footlong for 99 cents day. So we got veggie footlongs and split the drink. We each ate half a sandwich for lunch. DH took his other half for dinner, as he is working second shift tonight. Ill eat the rest of mine later.

I have called 12 places in the past 2 days about housing. 4 have not returned my call yet, including the house near QA. 5 were repeat calls - my second or third time calling and no return call yet. The rest were not for us - no pets, rent too high, or in an unsafe part of the city. So the search continues. Blah!

A couple people from church called us about available housing - but none of them were in our price range. Most of the people seem to think we nuts for keeping THE DOG. I am reminded of the Peanuts movie where Snoopy sees the sign on the apartment building - NO PETS ALLOWED! My sis in law in NY called and offered us her basement rec room as long as we find a new home for Titan. She still owes us money but says she cant pay us anything now because her son is leaving for (out of state) college and she didnt realize how expensive it was going to be to send him off. DH is half owner of his other sisters hotel in Argentina. I jokingly said he should email her that he wants to sell his half on eBay. :/

One of the cashiers at the grocery had a small camping pull-along trailer for sale. We thought if nothing else, we could use it to move our belongings. However, as soon as I started asking questions about it she changed her mind. I think her hubby did not want to sell, but I am just guessing.

Okay, enough whining!

The Habitat House build will be starting soon in Orwell. Groundbreaking is Saturday. Our friend Pat is the president of the local HFH, and is hoping we will be around to help with the build this year. We really enjoy the HFH house builds.

Panera Bread donated a huge load of bread to the Manna Pantry yesterday. Manna Pantry is the local food pantry (housed at the Lutheran church and donations come from all over the community). The bread is brought to our church, and a group of the ladies bag it up and then it goes to Manna. I usually try to help with this project, but I had to beg off this time.

DH will work second shift every day this week, which will be much better than the constant swing shift he is normally scheduled.

Besides moving and house hunting, I am really being lazy - no dehydrating, no canning, no baking (no stove/oven), no freezing (no refrigerator/freezer). I am the microwave queen these days! :lol:


Revolution in Progress
Aug 3, 2008
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Southern California
It is hard to believe that it can be so hard to find a place isn't it. You have to wonder why people don't call back? People are odd though.

Why not more to Argentina?? :D


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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keljonma said:
I have called 12 places in the past 2 days about housing. 4 have not returned my call yet, including the house near QA.
When I called him about the house, he called us back around 5 pm in the evening.

I am sure he will call. ;)

If he doesn't, I know where he lives! :duc


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
Garden Zone 8A Texas
Dace said:
It is hard to believe that it can be so hard to find a place isn't it. You have to wonder why people don't call back? People are odd though.
You are right, it seems really hard this time to find a place. When we moved here, everything was easy and fell into place - we could feel God making it happen. So all I can think is that we haven't called the right one yet. It does make me wonder why they don't call back; or why if they don't want pets, they just don't say so in the ad. The no call backs are most frustrating for me because I hate not being able to cross them off my list! :lol:

Dace said:
Why not move to Argentina?? :D
Well, besides no desire to live in Argentina... :gig This sis in law is more interested in 'Being the Joneses' (as opposed to 'Keeping Up With' them). While growing up she hated spending time on the family farm and hated the animals. We are more interested in living in a more self-sufficient simple way and wishing the family farm still existed.

She thought we were crazy when we quit our fast-paced corporate-ladder-climbing careers for a slower life. As for trying to grow, forage, preserve our food.... was this 1940? And she never understood why we "tied ourselves down with a dog and then chickens". Why couldn't we just buy eggs at the store? (Surely we would then have time to vacation and take trips all over the world, and eat at the best restaurants again ....etc, etc.....)

We aren't even sure when dh became half owner of a hotel in Argentina. (But it does sound kind of interesting, doesn't it? :lol:) She called here about 12 months ago and she was rambling about what work she had done on the place. And in an "oh by the way" kind of statement, she mentioned that she put him down as half owner. :hu In Laws - what can I say!? :lol:


Don't Quote Me
Jul 20, 2008
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East Tenn.

I'm sure you will find something soon. God is just trying to find the perfect place for you and Titan.

I know you hate being in limbo. Things will work out, and before you know it, you will be telling us all about this wonderful, perfect place you found. :)


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
Garden Zone 8A Texas
Quail_Antwerp said:
keljonma said:
I have called 12 places in the past 2 days about housing. 4 have not returned my call yet, including the house near QA.
When I called him about the house, he called us back around 5 pm in the evening.

I am sure he will call. ;)

If he doesn't, I know where he lives! :duc


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
Garden Zone 8A Texas
punkin said:

I'm sure you will find something soon. God is just trying to find the perfect place for you and Titan.

I know you hate being in limbo. Things will work out, and before you know it, you will be telling us all about this wonderful, perfect place you found. :)
Thanks, punkin; it is just hard because we have already emotionally cut ties here and are ready to start the new chapter of this life's adventure.....

We have to be out of this place by Thursday.... new owners anxious to take possession and all that jazz.....


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
keljonma said:
punkin said:

I'm sure you will find something soon. God is just trying to find the perfect place for you and Titan.

I know you hate being in limbo. Things will work out, and before you know it, you will be telling us all about this wonderful, perfect place you found. :)
Thanks, punkin; it is just hard because we have already emotionally cut ties here and are ready to start the new chapter of this life's adventure.....

We have to be out of this place by Thursday.... new owners anxious to take possession and all that jazz.....
Well, you just say the word! I'll hunt him down! :gig


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
Garden Zone 8A Texas
Took more stuff to storage - canned goods, the bread machine, the KitchenAid, some stuff from the garage.

For dinner I had a scrumptious mock grilled cheese sandwich on 9 grain and sunflower seed bread - not an easy thing to accomplish with a toaster and a microwave as the only cooking tools. We have a grill, but no charcoal. The bread is the last of my homemade and I am savoring each bite! :lol:

I talked with Jack, the landlord of the house by QA and Becca. Since dh is working second shift this week, I told him the earliest we could get down there to do paperwork and money would be Saturday, dhs only day off this week.

He isnt sure the house is zoned for honey bees or chickens, but a garden is okay. We talked about the house, utilities. I told him we are still waiting to hear from some places up here that we inquired about. He said he has other people looking at the place. We did see a couple looking when we were there last week.

So it depends on how the answers come back from the places up here, which is dependent on God. So we haven't figured out the logistics yet..... But I guess it is a possibility that QA and Becca may be getting new "neighbors" soon.

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