keljonma's Front Porch - Settling in and adjusting


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
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Garden Zone 8A Texas
Temps in the 90s and 89% humidity this week. I don't mind the temps, but the humidity is a killer. :/

Thanks for the ideas FF.

The landlord thinks a garden is a "marvelous" (his word) idea. But he is against any build up of soil anywhere on the property. I can't say I blame him, now that we have been there a bit. We haven't had rain in over a week and the area that gets enough sun for any garden is still quite wet. Actually, the whole property needs soil built up, so if one area gets built up, puddling would be a huge problem. If we are still there in spring, I am thinking we will stick with container gardening.

The wet ground gives me great concern for any poultry on the property. The property is 2 1/2 lots, which according to the landlord is just under 2 acres. A great deal of the property is wooded. There is a second cement pad on the property, where the landlord had his boat parked at one time. I asked if we could put a small shed there for the flock. However, so far, I have not gotten any positive response about this idea yet.

We have one neighbor to the south of us, and 2 across the street to the east of us. We are on a rural dead end street. So there is a lot of good about this location.

Since the old property is reverting to horse farm, our friends Paul and Sophia are taking down the hen house from inside the barn this week.

Still no internet at home, so I am off to get stuff done.

Have a great day!


Revolution in Progress
Aug 3, 2008
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Southern California
Keeping my fingers crossed that you can bring your flock home, I know how much they mean to you.

How is your DD doing?


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
Garden Zone 8A Texas
Dace said:
Keeping my fingers crossed that you can bring your flock home, I know how much they mean to you.

How is your DD doing?
The docs are still running tests, and have no conclusive theory yet as to what is causing dd's seizures.

DGD goes to endocrinologist for check up soon, as she has been giving herself the daily hormone injections since June. The treatments last for 6 months. Then one month off, and another 6 months on.

DGS#1 is doing well and will be starting 3rd grade level this year.

DD said DGS#2 is not getting very tall but is putting on weight. He just had his first birthday in June. Progressing nicely as far as sign language, talking, walking. Still the "class clown" when the older kids are homeschooling. So the doctor doesn't seem as worried now.

Did I mention I found ants in the refrigerator's freezer section yesterday? I think I cried for an hour. How the heck do ants get into a freezer? Thankfully, we only had some blueberries in there. In all my life I have never seen anything like it. The oven died and landlord doesn't think he can replace it. He said I could if I wanted to. .... Needless to say, DH and I are looking for another home.

I hope everyone is having a grand day.

Prayers please.


Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 3, 2008
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east central Ohio
Sorry the landlord is not turning out to be very helpful and fair to you. Praying you find a real place to call home very soon. :hugs


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
NOT Southern, Ca. :)
Kel were the ants alive in your freezer? That's crazy. I have actually frozen dog kibble before to kill ants.

I hope all of the family is doing better.

Sorry about the oven.



Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
Garden Zone 8A Texas
Gina, The ants had to be alive to get into the freezer, but were frozen solid to the floor of the freezer. :sick

We had some rain and thunderstorms for the past few days, so the yard is a mini-pond. Titan hates sitting under the shade trees in the yard because he gets so wet. So he is mostly on the porch when he is outside.

We had some water issues the other day, so the landlord sent his fix-it guy to check out the situation. Turned out all the faucets and the showerhead had rust blocking the exits. So we had no water pressure coming out of them at all. Mr. Fix-it removed the screens and said they didn't need replaced.

While he was at the place, dh told Mr. Fix-it that the stovetop was always really hot. I got burned while cleaning it the other day, and we hadn't used the stove for more than a day. He called landlord and told him the stove is a fire hazard and needs replaced. The landlord says he will look for new stove. I am hoping he will get a real stove and not just a new stove top. At least that way I have the chance of getting a replacement oven.

DH found Mr. Fix-it in a lie; he told dh he works at the hospital - on the maternity ward in housekeeping. This is an obvious lie, as dh knows everyone in the dept now, and this guy isn't on the work schedule. We just can't figure out why he would lie to us about this.

This is obviously my season of suffering. Good thing I have God to lean into....or I'd be completely insane by now. :D Thanks to everyone for the prayers for my sanity - I do feel much better. Maybe I am here to get this place cleaned up and fixed so the next tenant doesn't die here..... I just don't know. :hu

In brighter news...

I got some pics of a double rainbow the other night, as it was storming and the sun was out. But I haven't gotten internet yet at home, so can't download it yet. But it was a beauty!

I got a bushel of apples from the trees at church. I am making applesauce with them.

At Christian Cafe 180 people (40 of them were carry out meals) were fed. We had roast pork, homemade applesauce, tossed salad, boiled red skin potatoes, corn, green beans, cauliflower & broccoli & carrot mix veg, and ratatouille, fruit salad, fresh fruit, cottage cheese, desserts and beverages. DH was working, and I was busy at the place trying to unpack boxes (still!), so we just went for dinner.


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
Garden Zone 8A Texas
Thanks, Dace! It is very appreciated! :frow

Good news today - I will have internet at home starting Monday night! Cool Beans! :celebrate :weee :ya :clap :bun

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