keljonma's Front Porch - Settling in and adjusting


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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keljonma said:
Did laundry and canned some peaches yesterday. I have some peaches left to make a cobbler today. I am also making bread today.

Last nights Back In The Box class was pretty good. All except two people showed up, so there was a great deal more discussion. Session 2 is called Keeping Score Where It Really Counts. The John Ortberg quote from this session (#2) is: We are by nature, scorekeepers. We crave feedback. We want to know how were doing. Keeping score is really about defining reality. Its the way we determine what counts and what doesnt count. To talk about how we keep score is really to talk about how we define success.

Two key questions are: 1. If we are ladder climbers, what happens to our scoring system when we realize that Jesus not only didnt grasp for equality with God but actually climbed down the ladder to be a sacrifice and servant for all? 2. When we compete, compare, and ladder climb in order to achieve the best that can be won for the benefit of our outer you, what are the consequences to our inner you?

John Ortbergs Summary: Be grateful for the outer you. Come to peace with your body. Rejoice in its strengths. Accept it in its limitations. Be grateful for it. Wash it every once in a while. Let it work hard. Be happy when it gets promoted. But remember, its wasting away. The inner you, on the other hand, is capable of a glory that right now you cannot even imagine.

I really try to live a good life, I dont always succeed. When I fail miserably, I know He always forgives and loves me. I do need to spend more time in study. I slacked off my studying during the summer, so I am glad to be back at it.. The trick in life, of course, is to keep focused on God, by trying to follow Jesus example of living; over and over again. He doesnt expect us to be perfect; Thank God! ;)

In yesterdays paper, there was a home for rent near the farm. We keep looking at that area, because it was pert near the perfect distance from dh's work and church; not too close to city and rural enough for privacy.

The ad described the place as a 2 bedroom 1 bath modular/mobile home. The rent is reasonable and the security deposit is half of one months rent. That is it. I called and found out it has propane heat, water and stove, and appliances, except a refrigerator. (What other appliances besides a stove and refrigerator would one need?) The owner kept chatting away, so I really didnt get a chance to ask any questions. The home is on a portion of her farm. It is fairly immaculate as the previous tenant had a woman come to clean it weekly. The woman moving out will be out within the next two weeks. Then it will need cleaned before someone can move in. There is a large pond and all the neighbors fish and swim on the pond. When she took a breath, I asked about her dog policy. Well, she was off and running again. She has a Doberman that has the run of the place and she got him because of theft in the area. He has the run of the place and is always on guard. She has never had any theft problems since getting the Doberman. She is concerned that he will not get along with another big dog on the property. All her other tenants had small dogs like a Shih Tzu , and if we had one of those it would not be a problem. But her dog may not like a Great Pyr. Also, was our dog destructive in any way? She couldnt abide that at all, as this was her mothers house and always kept nice. She took another breath, and I said our dog was mostly an in the house dog these days. Well, her dog has the run of the entire farm and she was concerned that when the dogs saw each other outside that there would be trouble. And she couldnt let another dog boss her dog around. Because he has to guard the entire farm so there are no thefts. Gosh, I wish I could type as fast as she talked! :lol: She talked about 25 minutes, I asked two questions and made one statement. So, we are not going any farther with this place.
:gig Sounds like she talks more than Aly!!!!!!!! :lol:


Revolution in Progress
Aug 3, 2008
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Southern California
keljonma said:
Did laundry and canned some peaches yesterday. I have some peaches left to make a cobbler today. I am also making bread today.

Last nights Back In The Box class was pretty good. All except two people showed up, so there was a great deal more discussion. Session 2 is called Keeping Score Where It Really Counts. The John Ortberg quote from this session (#2) is: We are by nature, scorekeepers. We crave feedback. We want to know how were doing. Keeping score is really about defining reality. Its the way we determine what counts and what doesnt count. To talk about how we keep score is really to talk about how we define success.

Two key questions are: 1. If we are ladder climbers, what happens to our scoring system when we realize that Jesus not only didnt grasp for equality with God but actually climbed down the ladder to be a sacrifice and servant for all? 2. When we compete, compare, and ladder climb in order to achieve the best that can be won for the benefit of our outer you, what are the consequences to our inner you?

John Ortbergs Summary: Be grateful for the outer you. Come to peace with your body. Rejoice in its strengths. Accept it in its limitations. Be grateful for it. Wash it every once in a while. Let it work hard. Be happy when it gets promoted. But remember, its wasting away. The inner you, on the other hand, is capable of a glory that right now you cannot even imagine.

I really try to live a good life, I dont always succeed. When I fail miserably, I know He always forgives and loves me. I do need to spend more time in study. I slacked off my studying during the summer, so I am glad to be back at it.. The trick in life, of course, is to keep focused on God, by trying to follow Jesus example of living; over and over again. He doesnt expect us to be perfect; Thank God! ;)

In yesterdays paper, there was a home for rent near the farm. We keep looking at that area, because it was pert near the perfect distance from dh's work and church; not too close to city and rural enough for privacy.

The ad described the place as a 2 bedroom 1 bath modular/mobile home. The rent is reasonable and the security deposit is half of one months rent. That is it. I called and found out it has propane heat, water and stove, and appliances, except a refrigerator. (What other appliances besides a stove and refrigerator would one need?) The owner kept chatting away, so I really didnt get a chance to ask any questions. The home is on a portion of her farm. It is fairly immaculate as the previous tenant had a woman come to clean it weekly. The woman moving out will be out within the next two weeks. Then it will need cleaned before someone can move in. There is a large pond and all the neighbors fish and swim on the pond. When she took a breath, I asked about her dog policy. Well, she was off and running again. She has a Doberman that has the run of the place and she got him because of theft in the area. He has the run of the place and is always on guard. She has never had any theft problems since getting the Doberman. She is concerned that he will not get along with another big dog on the property. All her other tenants had small dogs like a Shih Tzu , and if we had one of those it would not be a problem. But her dog may not like a Great Pyr. Also, was our dog destructive in any way? She couldnt abide that at all, as this was her mothers house and always kept nice. She took another breath, and I said our dog was mostly an in the house dog these days. Well, her dog has the run of the entire farm and she was concerned that when the dogs saw each other outside that there would be trouble. And she couldnt let another dog boss her dog around. Because he has to guard the entire farm so there are no thefts. Gosh, I wish I could type as fast as she talked! :lol: She talked about 25 minutes, I asked two questions and made one statement. So, we are not going any farther with this place.
Holy Cow! :gig


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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Do any of you remember the girl on the Cosby Show (Vanessa's friend) that talked so fast....that's immediately who I thought of! :lol:


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
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Garden Zone 8A Texas
She didn't sound like Aly. :lol:

Punkin, is your MIL in NE Ohio? :lol:

LHA, I don't remember much of the Cosby show... so that character isn't familiar with me.


Don't Quote Me
Jul 20, 2008
Reaction score
East Tenn.
keljonma said:
She didn't sound like Aly. :lol:

Punkin, is your MIL in NE Ohio? :lol:

LHA, I don't remember much of the Cosby show... so that character isn't familiar with me.
Naw, she's here in TN. She can just talk that far and back. :gig


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
Garden Zone 8A Texas
The peach cobbler blew up in the oven. Up over the sides of the deep baking dish I had it in. And though I had the thermostat set at 300, which took the internal oven temp to 350, it took almost an hour to bake instead of 40 minutes. :he

Im getting ready to put bread into the oven. :hide Who knows how it will turn out!

Another thing about bread, it doesnt keep well here. Normally, I would make 2 one-pound loaves a week. And about the time we get to the last two slices, the last of the bread would be about a week old. But, bread is getting moldy here by day 3 or 4. So I am only making 1 loaf at a time or freezing one loaf, if I make two. I found that the artesian bread (5 minutes a day bread) molds faster than the regular bread. This kitchen and I still havent worked out who is boss yet, obviously! :barnie


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
Garden Zone 8A Texas
I made a different bread recipe yesterday. I was going through some of my cookbooks, and found this recipe which I used to make all the time when dd and ds were growing up. This recipe comes from a Quaker Oats booklet.

Hint of Honey Loaves
2 pkgs active dry yeast
1/2 c warm water
2 1/4 c milk, scalded
1/4 c butter, softened
1/3 c honey
2 1/2 tsp salt
6 - 6 1/2 c all-purpose flour
2 c quick or old-fashioned oats, uncooked

Dissolve yeast in water. Set aside. In large bowl, put butter, honey, and salt. Pour milk over ingredients in large bowl. Cool to lukewarm. Add dissolved yeast and oats, mixing well. Stir in enough additional flour to make a soft dough. Turn out onto lightly floured surface; knead 8 to 10 minutes or until smooth and elastic. Shape to form ball. Place in large greased bowl, turning once to coat surface of dough. Cover; let rise in warm place about 1 hour or until doubled in size.

Punch dough down. Cover and let rest 10 minutes. Divide dough in half; roll out each half to for a 15 x 9 rectangle. Roll up starting with narrow end; press together ends and seam to seal.

Place in two greased 9 x 5-inch loaf pans. (Brush lightly with melted butter, if desired.) Cover; let rise about 45 minutes, or until nearly doubled in size.

Bake in a pre-heated moderate oven (375) about 45 minutes. Remove from pans and let cool on wire racks. Makes 2 loaves

50 this morning when we got up. Very breezy. At 8 am were at 53, and we are supposed reach a high today of 71. Overcast and grey today, but no rain. We have a 60% chance of rain tomorrow.

Doing housework, Bible study and reading library books. It really doesnt take all that long to clean 300 sq feet. :D Then back on the internet for reading the online newspaper, job/house/freebie/good deal searching.

One of my sisters collects tea cups. I have been looking for a beautiful old one for her collection. I try to put one in her Christmas basket every year, but last year I didnt find one. Maybe this year. :)

Pat let me borrow a copy of the book we will be studying in Sunday class starting this week-end. Our class decided that we would share the book, because the lessons are all on the dvds shown in class. But honestly, I didnt want to have to come up with an additional $20. Pat didnt have the study guide with her, so I will pay for that on Sunday. I think she said the study guide is only $4. :clap As I mentioned before, the book we are studying this time is You Matter More Than You Think: What A Woman Needs To Know About The Difference She Makes, by Dr. Leslie Parrott. I just started it last night, and it is very easy to read. The author has some great thought provoking questions.

DH is working today and then off for the week-end. It was announced that his boss, who graduated in May with a nursing degree, will be going into the nursing department as soon as her replacement can be found. She must feel that someone in the department is going to get promoted to her supervisory position, because she just hired someone and there wasnt a job opening. DH says that there are two people who have been there the longest and are pretty competent, so he feels that one of them will probably get the job. He isnt interested in the position - was it LBJ who saidand if nominated, I will not run.? That is how dh feels about this supervisors position. :lol:


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
keljonma said:
One of my sisters collects tea cups. I have been looking for a beautiful old one for her collection. I try to put one in her Christmas basket every year, but last year I didnt find one. Maybe this year. :)
I might be able to help you with that. I have an old tea cup, made in Germany. We were going to take it to the flea market and set it on our table for $1 or $2, but let me dig it out, wash it, and you can have it. :D