Ladies? Hair today, gone tomorrow?


Sustainability Master
Nov 2, 2011
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On the foot of Mt Rainier zone 8b
If I shave my legs depends on how I feel. I've gone two months before without. When the hair gets long enough that in socks it gets kinked it bothers me and I shave. You can't really tell on me if I've shaved because I have fine blonde hair. Hubby doesn't care. Well he likes about five day stubble.

I do shave my pits every other day to help prevent oder.

I don't remove hair down under. The most I do is use clippers to shorten it, but keep it above the skin. I get ingrown hairs if I'm not careful.

I can't get my eyebrows done, or pluck stray hairs on my face without risking infection. My skin heals over and the hairs can't get out when they regrow. I tried sugaring my legs once. Won't do that again. Aside from the pain, I looked diseased when I had so many of the regrowing hairs ingrown.

I don't usually wear makeup except for special occasions. Doing my hair up is a losing battle even with enough hairspray to make my own personal ozone hole. It's to fine and limp and reverts as quick as it can.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I do get my hair cut, but that's because it's so fine that I have a tangled mess on my hands-even if it's in a pony tail-when I take my helmet off.

The only reason I ever shaved down under at all is because of a bathing suit. W/the way they're made, I don't want hair sticking out up there. Now, I don't bother. Instead I wear a pair of nylon shorts over the suit. Problem solved. And, if I could find a bathing suit that didn't come up so high on the legs, I'd buy it in a flash! (Unless it was too expensive.)


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
I am so surprised that so many of you ladies don't shave regularly. But then...I really shouldn't be surprised...we are all on a SS forum. It tends to attract a certain independent, self-assured mindset.

You give me something to go on with the knowledge that many women let it all hang out and it's comfortable, their husbands don't mind, they haven't been socially cast out, etc. :D

Any of you have husbands who prefer that you don't shave?


Power Conserver
Feb 1, 2011
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NE Georgia
Wow.. I feel so much more "normal" after seeing yalls responses :gig :gig I'm not the only one who is more of a "wash and wear" kinda gal, which is really refreshing!!!

It really is cool to see so many other folks who are into the simple things. IRL I'm not friends with many women, but am certainly always the "odd one out" when it comes to clothes and makeup and such. I don't wear makeup but maybe once a year or so. My bathroom isn't cluttered with all sorts of bath things, hair products or makeup. Truthfully, all I have is baking soda, acv, and coconut oil. That covered hair wash, skin conditioner, teeth and deodorant. It just feel good to have simplified.

Bee.. my DH does complain if I shave my legs razor smooth, because its prickly for a few days and he feels like he's sleeping next to a cactus :lol:


Enjoys Recycling
Aug 8, 2012
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I don't shave except special occasions and I have to wear a skirt and it is summer. I hate shaving. I don't wear make up, I hate the way it feels. I cut my own hair because no one knows how to cut naturally curly hair, most hairdressers are taught how to cut straight hair and every time I go to a salon I get these crazy curls that stick out in all directions instead of falling naturally.

The way I look at it is, we were giving hair for a reason, sure we can try to control it, keep it in check but then that defeats the purpose of why the hair is there in the first place. Why fight nature? She will always win.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
I haven't been to a real hairdresser since back in the early 90s..only once...and left crying that time. How is it that people trained to cut and style hair always want to make it look the way THEY want you to look? Ick.

For all these years my mother has cut my hair and does a wonderful job of it. Now it just gets the bare edges trimmed/shaped every 3-4 months because it grows quick. I don't use a hair dryer anymore, I barely shape the curls along the edges~if that and only if I'm going somewhere~and hardly ever use hairspray anymore.

Turns out, this is what my hair has been wanting all these looks better right now than it ever did when I was young. Oh, the irony of it all! Sexy, healthy hair and it's sitting atop this old, flabby body! :lol:


Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 23, 2009
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Sounds like I'm lucky I have poker-straight hair then!

Actually, I've had some total disaster hair cuts over the years as well, but I'm now at the point where I just say, "take an inch off and give me exactly what I've got now because it works" and the guy just does it. I cut my own bangs in between and only go in about twice a year because $45 a haircut is ridiculous if I think about it too hard, plus I always give a $5 tip to be shared out between the hair washer and hairdresser because I know they don't get paid that much. But for $100/year my hair is manageable and generally looks pretty good :)

ORChick, it might have been me that has mentioned the makeup thing in the past--I'm only 41 but I have absolutely no wrinkles on my face, no crows' feet around my eyes, nothing around my mouth, I still look like photos of myself at 18 except for the greying hair (which my hair stylist refers to as my "natural highlights" :lol: and always wants to "supplement" with more blond streaks which I always refuse). Most people I know who wear the full-on daily makeup complete with foundation/powder/all the colours seem to have way more eye wrinkles and mouth crinkles.

But really I chalk it up to my extremely oily complexion which I only wash daily with water/washcloth and weekly with coconut oil, and the fact that lack of wrinkles seems hereditary in my family--my Oma didn't really look her age till nearly 70 and my Mom still looks like she's in her 40s (if you ignore the grey hair) even though she's in her mid-60s. All just soap-and-water type gals, no special treatments or makeup (other than my Mom wearing lipstick when she goes somewhere nice).


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
And sometimes heavy make-up tends to accentuate the wrinkles instead of hiding them. I have very few lines on my face either but I'm betting it's because the fat is filling out the creases. :D If I lost weight I'd probably look like a raisin....


Almost Self-Reliant
Mar 6, 2009
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I noticed while still in my teens that both my mother, and my best friend's mother - who both came of age in the forties, and wore (at least) powder and lipstick whenever they left home - both had NO color to their lips whatsoever when the lipstick was off. It looked very strange, and I assumed that wearing lipstick somehow caused any natural color to fade. Don't know if I was right, but it turned me off the idea. And also, I came of age in California in the '60s; too many pretty hippies around for me to get the idea that beauty came out of a bottle :lol:

I had long hair most of my life. Went to a hairdresser, on average, every 10 years - and was disappointed almost every time. I liked (and like) long hair on me. The irony is that over the last year or so I have developed a scalp condition that is causing my hair to fall out at a faster rate (I hate taking pills, but am taking a pill twice a day in an effort to keep my hair :hit), and have also had my hair cut to shoulder length, as it makes it easier to "fluff" it up to hide the thin spots. I loved being able to wash my hair, put it in a braid, and go on my way. But now I have to "do stuff" before I can go out in public. It is annoying, to say the least. Luckily I have found a hairdresser who is sympathetic, and have no qualms about going to her every few months - beyond the frugal qualm of spending the money for something I used to be able to have DH do once a year :rolleyes:


Almost Self-Reliant
Mar 6, 2009
Reaction score
Oh, and to answer your question Bee - I wouldn't say that DH prefers that I not shave, he truly does not care one or the other. He used to make (mild) fun of American women in general with their obsession for smooth skin, but has lived over here now for so long that I don't think he really notices anymore. If he makes any comment at all it is usually when we go to Europe after several years away - still in a mildly amused way about the finicky Americans.

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