Ladies? Hair today, gone tomorrow?


Enjoys Recycling
Aug 8, 2012
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so lucky said:
I have a suspicion that womens' (girls') preoccupation with their looks is tied to their need of approval by the guys. Why do they need approval by men? Because of the pervasive theme that girls aren't as worthy as boys, in the real world. Oh sure, girls make better grades in school, and have better conversational skills, but all this doesn't get them higher pay, or more control of the world businesses, or more power. They historically have had to ride in on the coattails of a man. This is all slowly changing, thank goodness, but not fast enough. And till it changes totally, many women will be preoccupied with looking like pre-pubescent Barbies so they may attract that man.

Of course, not all of us are existing at that level, and we just go along with the norm rather than try to buck the system. Who wants to be the only woman in the bridge club with pit hair?

Before the internet, the only frame of reference you had for stuff like this was your mom, and a few other women in the church or in the family. And of course "Movie Stars" Now, however, you can find out personal stuff about anyone willing to post it on a forum or facebook. May be a good thing, may be a bad thing.

This is where my computer generally wipes off my whole post, so I'll get off my soapbox now, to beat the odds of that happening again.;)


Sustainability Master
Nov 2, 2011
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On the foot of Mt Rainier zone 8b
The shaving half our bodies thing is just really weird if you actually stop and think about it. It was just companies trying to sell more razors and they got women hook, line, and sinker. Now American society expects it. I will say that fresh shaved legs are very nice in summer.

There was a sci-fi short story I read once about some mad scientist releasing a retro virus that turned the fur gene back on in humans. It was about the issues society had trying to cope with everyone having fur. In it movie stars shaved clean for a while but it got to be to much even for them. Clothing fell out of favor in hot weather.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV

When I first started to think about this, I must admit that once again I started turning a sour eye towards men. I know it's not fair because we women are victims of our own minds, but it dawned on me that men only have to shave a small area on their faces to appear clean and neat. Women have to shave everything else!

I added it to the long list of the trials that women are subject to in life and I thought, "Gee, I could have taken shaving off the list long ago...that one is self-imposed."

Women: Menstruation, painful deflowering of hymen, childbirth, nursing woes, stretch marks, rearing of children, all the household duties on top of all the mothering and wifely chores, dropped bladder and uterus from all the childbirth, C-sections, episiotomies, hysterectomies, menopause, hot flashes, thinning hair on the head while simultaneously growing a beard and mustache, varicose veins, hemmorhoids from ten ton babies being born, empty nest syndrome....can you all think of anything else to add to this list?


Men: Male pattern baldness, enlarged prostate, impotence, lawn work and home maintenance(if we're lucky).

Doesn't hardly seem fair, does it? :D

Sorry, guys...just had to have a little fun at your expense!


Power Conserver
Dec 25, 2011
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Beekissed said:

When I first started to think about this, I must admit that once again I started turning a sour eye towards men. I know it's not fair because we women are victims of our own minds, but it dawned on me that men only have to shave a small area on their faces to appear clean and neat. Women have to shave everything else!

I added it to the long list of the trials that women are subject to in life and I thought, "Gee, I could have taken shaving off the list long ago...that one is self-imposed."

Women: Menstruation, painful deflowering of hymen, childbirth, nursing woes, stretch marks, rearing of children, all the household duties on top of all the mothering and wifely chores, dropped bladder and uterus from all the childbirth, C-sections, episiotomies, hysterectomies, menopause, hot flashes, thinning hair on the head while simultaneously growing a beard and mustache, varicose veins, hemmorhoids from ten ton babies being born, empty nest syndrome....can you all think of anything else to add to this list?


Men: Male pattern baldness, enlarged prostate, impotence, lawn work and home maintenance(if we're lucky).

Doesn't hardly seem fair, does it? :D

Sorry, guys...just had to have a little fun at your expense!
:somad bra's :rant why oh why do we have to wear them?????


Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 23, 2009
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Beekissed said:
Women: Menstruation, painful deflowering of hymen, childbirth, nursing woes, stretch marks, rearing of children, all the household duties on top of all the mothering and wifely chores, dropped bladder and uterus from all the childbirth, C-sections, episiotomies, hysterectomies, menopause, hot flashes, thinning hair on the head while simultaneously growing a beard and mustache, varicose veins, hemmorhoids from ten ton babies being born, empty nest syndrome....can you all think of anything else to add to this list?


Men: Male pattern baldness, enlarged prostate, impotence, lawn work and home maintenance(if we're lucky).
Hmm, in my personal experience...

Men also get stretch marks (with weight or muscle gain), rear children, have household and fathering chores in addition to their "day" jobs, and suffer empty nest syndrome--none of these are exclusive to womanhood. If they are in anyone's personal situation, I'd suggest that's rather self-inflicted rather than due to male/female roles in our modern world.

The sexual issues listed don't apply to every woman, and not every woman can (or chooses to) bear children.

Men generally live shorter lives, suffer more stress and stress-related health issues, and can't multi-task to save their souls.

I'd pick being a woman any day :)


Lovin' The Homestead
Feb 9, 2011
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moolie said:
Beekissed said:
Women: Menstruation, painful deflowering of hymen, childbirth, nursing woes, stretch marks, rearing of children, all the household duties on top of all the mothering and wifely chores, dropped bladder and uterus from all the childbirth, C-sections, episiotomies, hysterectomies, menopause, hot flashes, thinning hair on the head while simultaneously growing a beard and mustache, varicose veins, hemmorhoids from ten ton babies being born, empty nest syndrome....can you all think of anything else to add to this list?


Men: Male pattern baldness, enlarged prostate, impotence, lawn work and home maintenance(if we're lucky).
Hmm, in my personal experience...

Men also get stretch marks (with weight or muscle gain), rear children, have household and fathering chores in addition to their "day" jobs, and suffer empty nest syndrome--none of these are exclusive to womanhood. If they are in anyone's personal situation, I'd suggest that's rather self-inflicted rather than due to male/female roles in our modern world.

The sexual issues listed don't apply to every woman, and not every woman can (or chooses to) bear children.

Men generally live shorter lives, suffer more stress and stress-related health issues, and can't multi-task to save their souls.

I'd pick being a woman any day :)
Me too, mostly cause I'm a chicken and don't know if I'd die to protect him. Where I know full in my heart he'd not think twice before giving his life to protect/defend me.

Okay, he's probably getting lucky tonight lol.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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Deb you know that is a time waste management problem.

you waste your time! :gig

give it up girl :lol:

you can't change spots on a leopard...but if you ever get him to multi task you write a HOW TO book and publish. You will make millions on teaching other women :p

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