Ladies? Hair today, gone tomorrow?

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Moolie, it costs you $45 for a cut! :ep I guess I'm lucky. I won't go to the fancy places around here because they charge $20+ for a haircut (not really sure how much). I can go to a little place here and get my hair cut for about $12.00. And, she cuts it the way I want it. I had normally kept it long because I wasn't sure how I wanted it cut, but have finally found the way that looks best on me, just past shoulder length, layered, w/the part on the side.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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well for me...
underarms are regular...ive actually found if i dont, i gat nasty heat rashes and now after loosing so much weight im also prone to infections in areas where moisture gets trappe, ive found shaving the unerarmshelps keep those areas drier for me and much easier to see a split/sore spot earlier rahter than later...

legs...those are a "as the mood strikes" kind of deal I LOVE the feel of my legs after theyve been dehaired but i hate the grow back, so i generally only shave if im A: going to be wearing shorts/resses (RARE) B: want to feel "pretty" (again pretty rare)
in the winter there left au natural for the most part, im lucky im fairly fair being a rehead.

"downunder" again special occasions kind of thing and then i never clear cut, just clean up the property lines an coral the "strays" LMAO.

hair color...
i will admit i do OCCASIOANLLY color...
im a natural redhead but my hair tens to dull very easily (ever natty redhead ive known says the same, they seem to get "seasonal blahs" where their hair just looks ashy and dull no matter what they do...
but i dont use chemical dyes, i use henna once every 4 months or so, i like to "keep it in the family" color wise and ive found henna to be more of a "glaze" than a stain just adding a little more richness and some shine and body.

makeup is another "special occasion" situation too...if im going out somwhere and feeling kinda girly, then ill play wth make up...but for every day...nawh...the dogs certainly dont care if im wearing any LOL.

im a very "as the mood" stikes kind of gal, im not realyfor or against it...(though i will say ive seen some men and women trying to go for the worl recor in underarm hair lenght an THATS not pretty, unerarm heair is fine so is leg and pubic...but im a BIG advocate of "keep it tidy" if your underarm hair is so long it sticks out fom your regular t-shirt...might be time to just trim it own a few inches...same goes for ladies and bathing!.

for me its very much like landscaping...sometims its nice to let nature take hold...but there still needs to be some measure of control LOL


Sustainability Master
Nov 2, 2011
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On the foot of Mt Rainier zone 8b
Mom does my hair, always has, but she's a very good beautician. I can manage to trim the ends and bangs. She made sure I had a nice pair of hair scissors (her old pair). Sometimes I get highlights put in because I like dimension to my hair. With our high iron water it gets dull looking. I don't really do anything with my hair, but a regular trim keeps it looking nice.

so lucky

Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 30, 2011
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SE Missouri
I don't go to a hairdresser either, because I am cheap, and because I can't really find one who will pay attention to what she is doing. i think it is very rude for a hairdresser to spend the time on the phone or flirting with her male interest while I am paying her to not ruin my hair. You can't do things at once. You can either chat on the phone, or cut hair. Impossible to concentrate fully on both at the same time. Since I am the one paying her at the moment, I think MY concerns should take precedent. I guess I'm just selfish that way.:/ (I used to be a hairdresser, so I am particularly aware of the issue.)


Sustainability Master
Nov 2, 2011
Reaction score
On the foot of Mt Rainier zone 8b
OMG, Mom has called me on the phone just to complain about some of the people renting stalls where she works. Thankfully the worst one left to go work elsewhere. She was so loud and obnoxious it was chasing off everyone else's clients as well.

Mom had one of her regulars bring in her visiting daughter for a color correction. Mom said her hair was orange. She'd been to 5 other people after the first one ruined the color. It was supposed to be blonde. She thought she was going to have to color it brown to fix it. Mom said the problem was they don't teach how to fix that now in school and everyone uses Redken colors which all have red in every shade so you can't correct a red problem. Mom had some other colors she'd got to try on my iron stained hair as well as cleansers she'd got to use on me and not damage hair. She said she was mixing black in everything to get that red out. It took 5 hours since everything takes time to set. The daughter left very, very happy with a nice light blonde hair. Mom said it was the largest tip she'd ever gotten.

Mom hates that I don't really do anything with my hair. "You always had your hair all done up as a kid" "You used to wear makeup all the time when you were in school"

I'm glad she didn't see me when I tried going without shampoo for a month and just used a vinegar rinse. We'll I'm glad hardly anyone saw me. Hubby was out on the aircraft carrier on cruise. It did not work at all for me. Looked like I'd rubbed shortening in my hair. It just got worse and worse as the time went on. I also got the worst break out of acne I've ever had. I used dilute Dr Bronners and rinsed with ACV for years. I love the feel of my hair after rinsing with ACV. It's such a good detangler.

I tried baking soda and vinegar on my hair once. Only once. Baking soda burns my skin horribly. I could hardly move for several days. I thought that since I was in the shower and it would all just wash off of me that I'd be fine. I at least didn't get blisters that time. I making my own laundry soap and everywhere the clothes touched it was horrid. The weird thing is I can eat baking soda. Just contact on my thinner skin burns.


Lovin' The Homestead
Apr 20, 2010
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Back when I had money I paid $70 each time to have my hair cut and colored. But I tell you, it was the BEST stylist I have found EVER. Worth every penny. For 3 months after one of his haircuts I could wash it and walk out the door and my hair would simply dry correctly and lay the way it was supposed to, no styling necessary. I haven't found that skill anywhere else.

Now, my budget for haircuts is $4 at the beauty college. Not bad cuts there, I was surprised they're better than the $12 ones at MasterCuts. But I always have to style it. I can cut my own hair but it gets hair everywhere, and for that $4 someone else cleans it. :) I color my own. I'm 37 and almost completely grey, and did not like the way that looked. The colors that looked good with the grey hair were different than the colors that looked good with my skin. So $7 for hair dye every 2-3 months is fine. It also means I get to experiment - I've been blonde, red, brown, black, and back to brown. It's fun.

I shave my armpits about every other day. If I don't, I get a sort of rash. Not sure if it is from the friction, or what, but I don't get it if I'm clean-shaven, so I shave. My legs I get less often, it depends on what I'm wearing and where I'm going. Maybe once a week in the summer. But my hair is thick and almost black, so it's easy to see stubble, even through stockings. In the winter is less often because I wear long pants then.

My private area I keep well trimmed. You know all of you who were talking about women's underarm hair sticking out of short sleeved tops? Yeah - I keep my "down there" hair trimmed, definately. I don't like it tangling in the leg elastic of my panties! (There's no blushing smiley? Really???)

I've experimented with various hair removal techniques, but keep going back to shaving. It's fast, it's reliable, I can do it in the shower as a part of my regular routine. I tweeze my brows, but the rest is shaved or trimmed with a disposable razor.

Hubby says he doesn't care one way or the other. Of course, he's in grad school, so he sees various degrees of "au naturel" every day. I see it less often, but often enough that it doesn't always register as "different" anymore. Hope that doesn't change after he graduates and gets his job, I rather like it that hubby can tell when I spend time on myself, and compliments me, but doesn't have a personal preference. Makes life easier.

I'm enjoying reading what everyone else does!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Good thing about a thread like this on this forum is it shows that no one way is right for everybody-and no one's fighting about it. Believe me, I've been on forums where those who don't shave regularly, or use baking soda and vinegar and posted it, would be getting blasted!


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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pinkfox said:
for me its very much like landscaping...sometims its nice to let nature take hold...but there still needs to be some measure of control LOL

I really like this statement. I have to do some weed control around the house and barns today and this just made me crack up.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
Denim Deb said:
Good thing about a thread like this on this forum is it shows that no one way is right for everybody-and no one's fighting about it. Believe me, I've been on forums where those who don't shave regularly, or use baking soda and vinegar and posted it, would be getting blasted!
You're kidding! Why in the world would that be a subject that would arouse that kind of response? Everyone usually does what suits their body or their life anyway and doesn't require anyone's approval rating on that in the long run.

The reason I asked this question was to see where I am in the masses. Am I still a freak of nature, as per usual, or are there other ladies out there pondering over why we do something all our it purely for self satisfaction or because we've been brainwashed as to what is socially acceptable.

It sounds like those other forums have bought into the brainwashing that one cannot be clean unless they use the usual beauty products or regimen that the media of movies and TV promotes. Imagine if one were born and lived where those kind of things had no influence on the societal norms and then having to move here, where women are largely in bondage to an ideal or a notion. That notion is fine if you just want to do it, but to do it because others might find you weird or unnatural is another kettle of fish.

I read that Adele doesn't use shampoo and what they were making of that...what horrors! How filthy! Oh, boy.... :rolleyes: She always looks quite lovely to me.

so lucky

Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 30, 2011
Reaction score
SE Missouri
I have a suspicion that womens' (girls') preoccupation with their looks is tied to their need of approval by the guys. Why do they need approval by men? Because of the pervasive theme that girls aren't as worthy as boys, in the real world. Oh sure, girls make better grades in school, and have better conversational skills, but all this doesn't get them higher pay, or more control of the world businesses, or more power. They historically have had to ride in on the coattails of a man. This is all slowly changing, thank goodness, but not fast enough. And till it changes totally, many women will be preoccupied with looking like pre-pubescent Barbies so they may attract that man.

Of course, not all of us are existing at that level, and we just go along with the norm rather than try to buck the system. Who wants to be the only woman in the bridge club with pit hair?

Before the internet, the only frame of reference you had for stuff like this was your mom, and a few other women in the church or in the family. And of course "Movie Stars" Now, however, you can find out personal stuff about anyone willing to post it on a forum or facebook. May be a good thing, may be a bad thing.

This is where my computer generally wipes off my whole post, so I'll get off my soapbox now, to beat the odds of that happening again.;)

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